Vitenskapelig artikkel
Tripathi, Rishabh; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Graue, Arne
et al. (2024). Combination of non-ionic and cationic surfactants in generating stable CO<inf>2</inf> foam for enhanced oil recovery and carbon storage. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Sæle, Aleksandra Magdalena; Karakas, Metin
et al. (2022). Unsteady-state CO2 foam generation and propagation: laboratory and field insights. (ekstern lenke)
Sæle, Aleksandra Magdalena; Graue, Arne; Alcorn, Zachary Paul
(2022). Unsteady-state CO2 foam injection for increasing enhanced oil recovery and carbon storage potential. (ekstern lenke)
Karakas, Metin; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Aminzadeh, Fred
et al. (2022). Pressure Measurements for Monitoring CO<inf>2</inf> Foam Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Karakas, Metin; Graue, Arne
(2022). CO2 Foam Pilot in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir: Analysis and Results. (ekstern lenke)
Almenningen, Stian; Graue, Arne; Ersland, Geir
(2021). Experimental Investigation of Critical Parameters Controlling CH4−CO2 Exchange in Sedimentary CH4 Hydrates. (ekstern lenke)
Cobos Mora, Jacquelin Elizabeth; Sandnes, Martine Folgerø; Steinsbø, Marianne
et al. (2021). Evaluation of wettability alteration in heterogeneous limestone at microscopic and macroscopic levels. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Sharma, Mohan
et al. (2020). Core-scale sensitivity study of CO2 foam injection strategies for mobility control, enhanced oil recovery, and CO2 storage. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
(2020). Upscaling co2 foam for eor as ccus from on-to offshore. (ekstern lenke)
Jian, Guoqing; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Zhang, Leilei
et al. (2020). Evaluation of a Nonionic Surfactant Foam for CO2 Mobility Control in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Føyen, Tore Lyngås; Zhang, Leilei
et al. (2020). CO2 foam field pilot design and initial results. (ekstern lenke)
Karakas, Metin; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Graue, Arne
(2020). CO<inf>2</inf> foam field pilot monitoring using transient pressure measurements. (ekstern lenke)
Sharma, Mohan; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva
et al. (2019). Model calibration for forecasting CO2-foam enhanced oil recovery field pilot performance in a carbonate reservoir. (ekstern lenke)
Rognmo, Arthur Uno; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Alcorn, Zachary Paul
et al. (2019). Pore-to-core EOR upscaling for CO2-foam for CCUS. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Sharma, Mohan
et al. (2019). An integrated carbon-dioxide-foam enhanced-oil-recovery pilot program with combined carbon capture, utilization, and storage in an onshore Texas heterogeneous carbonate field. (ekstern lenke)
Fredriksen, Sunniva; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Frøland, Anders
et al. (2019). Surfactant Prefloods During Carbon Dioxide Foam Injection for Integrated Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Oil-Wet Carbonates. (ekstern lenke)
Rognmo, Arthur Uno; Al-Khayyat, Noor Muneer Nadheer; Heldal, Sandra
et al. (2019). Performance of Silica Nanoparticles in CO2-foam for EOR and CCUS at Tough Reservoir Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Lars Ingolf; Batum, Melissa; Dixon, Tim
et al. (2019). Enabling Large-Scale Carbon Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) Using Offshore Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Infrastructure Developments - A Review . (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Gauteplass, Jarand; Pancharoen, Monrawee
et al. (2016). Experimental study of foam generation, sweep efficiency, and flow in a fracture network. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Pancharoen, Monrawee; Gauteplass, Jarand
et al. (2016). Influence of wettability Study of Foam Generation, Sweep Efficiency and Flow in a Fracture Network. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Graue, Arne; Seright, Randall S.
(2016). Low-salinity chase waterfloods improve performance of Cr(III)-acetate hydrolyzed polyacrylamide gel in fractured cores. (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Øyvind; Fernø, Martin; Alcorn, Zachary Paul
et al. (2016). Visualization of carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery by diffusion in fractured chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Steinsbø, Marianne; Graue, Arne
et al. (2016). New insight into wormhole formation in polymer gel during water chase floods with positron emission tomography. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Steinsbø, Marianne; Graue, Arne
et al. (2016). Positron-Emission Tomography Offers New Insight Into Wormhole Formation. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Gauteplass, Jarand; Hauge, Lars Petter
et al. (2015). Combined positron emission tomography and computed tomography to visualize and quantify fluid flow in sedimentary rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Ramsdal, Johannes; Fernø, Martin
(2015). Mobilization of immobile water: Connate-water mobility during waterfloods in heterogeneous reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Eide, Øyvind; Steinsbø, Marianne
et al. (2015). Mobility control during CO2 EOR in fractured carbonates using foam: Laboratory evaluation and numerical simulations. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Graue, Arne; Seright, Randall S.
(2015). Low salinity chase waterfloods improve performance of Cr(III)-Acetate HPAM gel in fractured cores. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Hauge, Lars Petter; Rognmo, Arthur Uno
et al. (2015). Flow visualization of CO2 in tight shale formations at reservoir conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Steinsbø, Marianne; Eide, Øyvind
et al. (2015). Parametric study of oil recovery during CO2 injections in fractured chalk: Influence of fracture permeability, diffusion length and water saturation. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Hauge, Lars Petter; Graue, Arne
et al. (2015). Transport mechanisms for CO2-CH4 exchange and safe CO2 storage in hydrate-bearing sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Pedersen, Stina Gabrielle; Nistov, Hilde Tokheim
et al. (2015). Washout of Cr(III)-acetate-HPAM gels from fractures: Effect of gel state during placement. (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Øyvind; Ersland, Geir; Brattekås, Bergit
et al. (2015). CO2 EOR by Diffusive Mixing in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Øyvind; Ferne, Martin A.; Graue, Arne
(2015). Visualization of CO<inf>2</inf> EOR by molecular diffusion in fractured chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Åsmund; Mani, Nima; Svenningsen, Sondre
et al. (2014). Miscible and immiscible foam injection for mobility control and EOR in fractured oil-wet carbonate rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Freeman, C. Matt; Moridis, George J.
et al. (2014). Numerical predictions of experimentally observed methane hydrate dissociation and reformation in sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Haugen, Åsmund; Wickramathilaka, Siluni
et al. (2013). Magnetic resonance imaging of the development of fronts during spontaneous imbibition. (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Åsmund; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
et al. (2012). Experimental study on foam in fractured oil-wet limestone for enhanced oil recovery. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Fernø, Martin; Aspenes, Eirik
et al. (2012). Wettability effects on water mixing during waterflood oil recovery. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Fernø, Martin; Moe, Robert Wilhelm
et al. (2012). Water Mixing During Waterflood Oil Recovery: The Effect of Initial Water Saturation. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Fernø, Martin
(2011). Water mixing during spontaneous imbibition at different boundary and wettability conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Haugen, Åsmund; Graue, Arne
(2011). Wettability effects on the matrix-fracture fluid transfer in fractured carbonate rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Grønsdal, Reidar; Åsheim, Jorunn Kari
et al. (2011). Use of sulfate for water based enhanced oil recovery during spontaneous imbibition in chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Brautaset, Amund; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2010). In-situ phase pressures and fluid saturation dynamics measured in waterfloods at various wettability conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
et al. (2010). Complementary imaging of oil recovery mechanisms in fractured reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Torsvik, Magne; Haugland, Sissel
et al. (2010). Dynamic laboratory wettability alteration. (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Åsmund; Fernø, Martin; Bull, Øyvind
et al. (2010). Wettability Impacts on Oil Displacement in Large Fractured Carbonate Blocks. (ekstern lenke)
Mason, Geoffrey; Fischer, Herbert; Morrow, Norman R.
et al. (2010). Oil production by spontaneous imbibition from sandstone and chalk cylindrical cores with two ends open. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Husebø, Jarle; Graue, Arne
et al. (2010). Measuring Gas Hydrate formation and Exchange with CO2 in Bentheim Sandstone Using MRI Tomography. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Bull, Øyvind; Sukka, Pål Ove
et al. (2009). Capillary pressures obtained by dynamic in situ fluid saturation measurements during core plug centrifugation. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Buanes, Trygve
et al. (2009). Effects of solid surfaces on hydrate kinetics and stability. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Husebø, Jarle; Graue, Arne
et al. (2009). Transport and storage of CO2 in natural gas hydrate reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Husebø, Jarle; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
et al. (2009). Effects of salinity on hydrate stability and implications for storage of CO2 in natural gas hydrate reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Baldwin, Bernard A.; Stevens, Jim; Howard, James J.
et al. (2009). Using magnetic resonance imaging to monitor CH4 hydrate formation and spontaneous conversion of CH4 hydrate to CO2 hydrate in porous media. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Kvamme, Bjørn; Baldwin, Bernard A.
et al. (2008). MRI visualization of spontaneous methane production from hydrates in sandstone core plugs when exposed to CO2. (ekstern lenke)
Stevens, Jim C.; Baldwin, Bernard A.; Graue, Arne
et al. (2008). Measurements of hydrate formation in sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Aspenes, Eirik; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
et al. (2008). Wetting phase bridges establish capillary continuity across open fractures and increase oil recovery in mixed-wet fractured chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Husebø, Jarle; Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne
(2007). In-Situ Hydrate Formation and Reformation Kinetics Measured by Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (ekstern lenke)
Anderson, M.; Abdallah, W; Buckley, J. S.
et al. (2007). Fundamentals of Wettability. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Kuznetsova, Tatiana
et al. (2007). Storage of CO2 in natural gas hydrate reservoirs and the effect of hydrate as an extra sealing in cold aquifers. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Kuznetsova, Tatyana
et al. (2006). Exploitation of natural gas hydrate reservoirs combined with long term storage of CO2. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Kuznetsova, T.
et al. (2006). Energy From Natural Gas Hydrate Combined With Reservoir Storage of CO2. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik
et al. (2004). Kinetics of solid hydrate formation by carbon dioxide: Phase field theory of hydrate nucleation and magnetic resonance imaging. (ekstern lenke)
Aspenes, Eirik; Graue, Arne; Ramsdal, Johannes
(2003). In-Situ Wettability Distribution and Wetting Stability in Outcrop Chalk Aged in Crude Oil. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Moe, Robert Wilhelm
et al. (2002). MRI Tomography of Saturation Development in Fractures during Waterfloods at Various Wettability Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Spinler, Eugene A.; Baldwin, Bernie A.; Graue, Arne
(2002). Experimental Artifacts Caused by Wettability Variation in Chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Bognø, Thomas; Baldwin, Bernie A.
et al. (2001). "Wettability Effects on Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Reservoirs". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Bognø, Thomas
et al. (2001). "Alteration of Wettability and Wettability Heterogeneity". (ekstern lenke)
Spinler, Eugene A.; Baldwin, Bernie A.; Graue, Arne
(2001). "Experimental Artifacts Caused by Wettability Variation in Chalk". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Moe, Robert Wilhelm; Bognø, Thomas
(2000). Impacts from Wettability on Oil Recovery in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Moe, Robert W.; Bognø, Thomas
(2000). Impacts from Wettability on Oil Recovery in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Bognø, Thomas
et al. (2000). Alteration of Wettability and Wettability Heterogeneity. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Viksund, Bjørn G.; Baldwin, B.A.
(1999). Reproducible Wettability Alteration of Low-Permeable Outcrop Chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Eilertsen, T.; Viksund, B.G.; Moe, Robert W.
et al. (1999). Systematic Wettability Alteration by Aging Sandstone and Carbonate Rock in Crude Oil. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Viksund, Bjørn G.; Baldwin, B.A.
et al. (1999). Large Scale Imaging of Impacts of Wettability on Oil Recovery in Fractured Chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Eleri, O. O.; Skauge, A.; Anowi, O.
et al. (1996). In-situ characterization of chalk cores using a nuclear trace imaging technique. (ekstern lenke)
Rosnes, J. T.; Torsvik, Terje; Lien, T.
et al. (1991). Degradation of Glucose and Productions of H%cS by a Consortium of Thermophilie Bacteria under simulated Reservoir conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Kolltveit, Kristoffer; Lien, Jan R.
et al. (1990). Imaging Fluid Saturation Development in Long Core Flood Experiments. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Halsøy, Hilde; Sæle, Aleksandra Magdalena
et al. (2023). CO2 Foam Flow Dynamics at Reservoir Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Sæle, Aleksandra Magdalena; Halsøy, Hilde
et al. (2023). CO2 Foam Mobility Control for Increasing Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage Capacity. (ekstern lenke)
Halsøy, Hilde; Brattekås, Bergit; Graue, Arne
et al. (2023). CO2 Foam Mobility Control for Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage . (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Graue, Arne
(2021). Design and Results of a CO2 Foam Field Pilot, Permian Basin USA. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Graue, Arne
(2021). Results from East Seminole CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilot . (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Graue, Arne
(2021). CO2 Foam Field Pilot Results. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2021). CCUS Enablers for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Oil & Gas Production - Energy Transition in Oil & Gas. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2021). Disruptive New CCUS Technologies Enables Energy Security for the Future. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2021). Research and Educational Opportunities in Reservoir Physics - Energy Technology and CO2 Storage (CCUS). (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2021). Field Pilot of CO2 Storage in CO2 Foam EOR as CCUS. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2021). CCUS Enablers for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Oil & Gas Production . (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Fernø, Martin; Haugen, Malin
et al. (2021). Of Rats and Rocks: using pre-clinical PET imaging facilities in core analysis. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2020). ENERGY for the FUTURE - Disruptive New CCUS Technologies for More Sustainable EOR. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2020). Disruptive New CCUS Technologies for Reduced Carbon Emissions and New Energy Solutions. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). CO2 Foam for Mobility Control in EOR - Upscaling from Lab to Field Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). CO2 Enables Petroleum as Energy Security in More Sustainable Energy for the Future. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). Opportunities for Offshore International Whole Value Chain CCUS. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). ENERGY for the FUTURE - CCUS Enables Petroleum as Energy Security in More Sustainable Energy for the Future. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). CO2 as a Commodity for Methane Production from Hydrate Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). CO2 Foam EOR and CO2 Injection in Hydrates – CCUS Enablers for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Oil & Gas Production: Offshore International Whole Value Chain CCUS Collaboration. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). Northern Lights – Whole Value Chain CO2 Storage on NCS. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). CO2 as a Commodity for Methane Production from Hydrate Reservoirs – CCUS Enabler for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Oil & Gas Production. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). Petroleum Research School of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2019). CO2 for EOR as CCUS. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
(2018). Applications of CO2 as CCUS. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). CCUS Enables Petroleum as Energy Security for More Sustainable Energy in the Future. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). Energy for the Future – CO2 Sequestration in Hydrates with Associated Methane Gas Production. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). Research Collaboration Potentials between Equinor and Petroleum and Process Technology at UiB. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). CO2 Enables Petroleum as Energy Security in More Sustainable Energy for the Future. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). CO2 Field Pilots and Research Collaboration with USA. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). CO2 Foam EOR for Mobility Control. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). Field Experiences from CO2 Injections in Hydrates: North Slope CO2-CH4 Exchange Project. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). ColNor Clean Energy Research and Educational Collaboration. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). Petroleum Research School of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). Petroleum Research School of Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots and other CCUS activities. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). CO2 Foam EOR. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). CO2 Field Pilots and Research Collaboration with USA. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2018). CO2 Foam EOR for Mobility Control – Preparations for Two Field Pilots in Texas. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Almenningen, Stian; Maksim, Lysyy
et al. (2018). Pore-Scale Visualization of Hydrate Formation and Dissociation. (ekstern lenke)
Almenningen, Stian; Fotland, Per; Fernø, Martin
et al. (2018). An Experimental Investigation of Gas Production Rates During Depressurization of Sedimentary Methane Hydrates
. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Sharma, Mohan; Fredriksen, Sunniva
et al. (2018). CO2 Foam Field Pilot Test for EOR and CO2 Storage in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir: Operational Design, Data Collection and Pilot Monitoring Program. (ekstern lenke)
Rognmo, Arthur Uno; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Eide, Øyvind
et al. (2018). Pore-to Core EOR Upscaling for CO2-foam for CCUS. (ekstern lenke)
Fredriksen, Sunniva; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Frøland, Anders
et al. (2018). Surfactant Pre-floods during CO2 Foam for Integrated Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Oil-Wet Carbonates, SPE
. (ekstern lenke)
Rognmo, Arthur Uno; Noor, Al-Khayyat; Sandra, Heldal
et al. (2018). Performance of silica nanoparticles in CO<inf>2</inf>-foam for EOR and CCUS at tough reservoir conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). CO2 Enables Petroleum as Energy Security in More Sustainable Energy for the Future. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). CO2 Foam EOR and CO2 Injection in Hydrates – CCUS Enablers for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Oil & Gas Production. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). Petroleum as Energy Security in the New Energy Mix Applications of CO2 as CCUS Enabler for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Petroleum Production. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Sharma, Mohan; Fredriksen, Sunniva
et al. (2017). CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots as CCUS. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Rognmo, Arthur Uno
et al. (2017). CO2 Foam for Mobility Control for EOR and CO2 Storage in Heterogeneous Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). Two Ongoing Field Pilots in Texas - CO2 Foam EOR for Mobility Control. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). CO2 Foam EOR for Mobility Control – Two Field Pilots in Texas. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). Upscaling CO2 Foam EOR for Mobility Control - from Lab to Field Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). Upscaling CO2 Foam EOR from Lab to Field Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). “Proposed Business Models for Bilateral Collaboration on Monitoring CO2 Foam EOR in
On-Shore Texas Field Pilots and for International Whole Value Chain CCUS Collaboration Offshore. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). CCUS Enablers for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Oil & Gas Production. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). CO2 Foam EOR and CO2 Injection in Hydrates – CCUS Enablers for Efficient, Cost Saving
and More Sustainable Oil & Gas Production: Offshore International Whole Value Chain CCUS
Collaboration. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Sharma, Mohan; Fredriksen, Sunniva
et al. (2017). CO2 Foam Enhanced Oil Recovery Field Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). Petroleum as Energy Security in the New Energy Mix Applications of CO2 as CCUS Enabler for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Petroleum Production - CCS Research Project Opportunities in Norway: CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). CCUS Research Project Opportunities: Carbon Neutral Natural Gas Production and CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). Applications of CO2 as CCUS Enabler for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Petroleum Production. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). Petroleum as Energy Security in the New Energy Mix Applications of CO2 as CCUS Enabler for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Petroleum Production . (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). Applications of CO2 as CCUS Enabler for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Petroleum Production. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). CO2 Foam EOR for Mobility Control – Preparations for Two Field Pilots in Texas. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots in Texas. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). CO2 EOR. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). Petroleum as Energy Security in the New Energy Mix - Applications of CO2 as CCUS Enabler for Efficient, Cost Saving and More Sustainable Petroleum Production. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2016). CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilots for Efficient and More Sustainable Petroleum Production. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Gauteplass, Jarand; Hauge, Lars Petter
et al. (2015). Combined PET-CT for visualization and quantification of fluid flow in porous rock samples. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Haugen, Åsmund; Ersland, Geir
et al. (2015). Influence of Rock Saturation and Wettability on Polymer Gel Placement and Stability in Fractured Rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Hauge, Lars Petter; Gauteplass, Jarand
et al. (2015). Pore-to-Core Imaging of Hydrate Formation using MRI and Silicon Micromodels. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Graue, Arne; Seright, Randall S.
(2015). Low Salinity Chase Waterfloods Improve Performance of Cr(III)-Acetate HPAM Gel in Fractured Cores. (ekstern lenke)
Steinsbø, Marianne; Brattekås, Bergit; BØ, KRISTINE
et al. (2015). Foam as Mobility Control for Integrated CO2-EOR in Fractured Carbonate. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Pedersen, Stina; Nistov, Hilde T
et al. (2014). The Effect of Cr(III) Acetate-HPAM Gel Maturity on Washout from Open Fractures. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Gauteplass, Jarand; Pancharoen, Monrawee
et al. (2014). Experimental Study of Foam Generation, Sweep Efficiency and Flow in a Fracture Network. (ekstern lenke)
Hauge, Lars Petter; Birkedal, Knut Arne; Ersland, Geir
et al. (2014). Methane Production from Natural Gas Hydrates by CO2 Replacement - Review of Lab Experiments and Field Trial. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2013). CO2 for Methane Production from Hydrate Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Hauge, Lars Petter; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2013). Hydrate Formation and Gas Production from Hydrates by CO2 injection. (ekstern lenke)
Gauteplass, Jarand; Follesø, Håvard N.; Graue, Arne
et al. (2013). Visualization of Pore-level Displacement Mechanisms During CO2 Injection and EOR Processes. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Hauge, Lars Petter; Ersland, Geir
et al. (2013). Electrical Resistivity Measurements in Bentheim During CH4 Hydrate Formation and CH4-CO2 Exchange. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Haugen, Åsmund; Ersland, Geir
et al. (2013). Fracture Mobility Control by Polymer Gel- Integrated EOR in Fractured, Oil-Wet Carbonate Rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Gauteplass, Jarand; Nakken Follesø, Håvard
et al. (2012). Pore-Level Visualization during Waterfloods and CO2 injections Using Etched Silicon Wafer Micromodels. (ekstern lenke)
Hauge, Lars Petter; Birkedal, Knut Arne; Ersland, Geir
et al. (2012). MRI of Hydrate Formation and Gas Production from Hydrates by CO2 Injection. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne; Birkedal, Knut Arne
(2012). Impact of Residual Water on CH4-CO2 Exchange Rate in Hydrate-Bearing Sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Haugen, Åsmund; Graue, Arne
et al. (2012). Gel Dehydration by Spontaneous Imbibition of Brine from Aged Polymer Gel. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Hauge, Lars Petter; Ersland, Geir
et al. (2012). Electrical resistivity measurements in sandstone during CH4 hydrate formation and CH4-CO2 exchange. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Haugen, Åsmund; Graue, Arne
(2012). Surfactant Pre-Floods for Integrated EOR in Fractured, Oil-Wet Carbonate Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Ersland, Geir; Hauge, Lars Petter
et al. (2012). Accessing Vast Gas Resources by CO2 Sequestration in Hydrates. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2012). Naturgasshydrater. (ekstern lenke)
Wickramathilaka, Siluni; Howard, James J.; Stevens, Jim C.
et al. (2011). Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Oil Recovery During Spontaneous Imbibition From Cores With Two-Ends Open Boundary Condition. (ekstern lenke)
Wickramathilaka, Siluni; Howard, James J.; Stevens, James C.
et al. (2011). Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Oil Recovery During Spontaneous Imbibition From Cores With Two-Ends Open Boundary Condition. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2011). Gas Production from CH4 Hydrates - Depressurization or CO2 Injection?. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Haugen, Åsmund; Graue, Arne
(2010). Visualizing Oil Displacement in Fractured Carbonate Rocks – Impacts on Oil Recovery at Different Hydrostatic Stress and Wettability Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Ersland, Geir; Husebø, Jarle
et al. (2010). Geomechanical Stability during CH4 Production from Hydrates – Depressurization or CO2 Sequestration with CO2-CH4 Exchange. (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Åsmund; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
et al. (2010). Experimental Study of Foam Flow in Fractured Oil-Wet Limestone for Enhanced Oil Recovery. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Birkedal, Knut Arne; Graue, Arne
(2009). MRI characterization of hydrate growth pattern and production scenarios in sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Seth, Siddhartha; Graue, Arne
(2009). A Comparative Study of Methods Used to Generate Capillary Pressure Curves. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Ersland, Geir; Husebø, Jarle
et al. (2009). Impacts from Salinity on Hydrate Growth Pattern and Induction Time in Porous Sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Husebø, Jarle; Graue, Arne
et al. (2008). Transport and Storage of CO2 in natural gas hydrate reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Johannesen, Else Birkeland; Graue, Arne; Howard, James J.
(2008). Evaluation of Wettability Distributions in Experimentally aged Core. (ekstern lenke)
Johannesen, Else Birkeland; Graue, Arne; Howard, James J.
(2008). Evaluation of Wettability Distribution in Chalk by NMR gradient technique. (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Åsmund; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
(2008). Numerical Simulation and Sensitivity Analysis of In-Situ Fluid Flow in MRI Laboratory Waterfloods of Fractured Carbonate Rocks at Different Wettabilities. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Haugen, Åsmund; Graue, Arne
et al. (2008). The Significance of Wettability and Fracture Properties on Oil Recovery Efficiency in Fractured Carbonates. (ekstern lenke)
Talabi, O; Alsayari, S; Fernø, Martin
et al. (2008). Pore-scale Simulation of NMR Response in Carbonates. (ekstern lenke)
Brautaset, Amund; Graue, Arne
(2008). In Situ Phase Pressures and Fluid Saturation Dynamics Measured in Waterfloods at Various Wettability Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Stevens, J.; Husebø, Jarle; Ersland, Geir
et al. (2008). Experimental hydrate formation and gas production scenarios based on CO2 sequestration. (ekstern lenke)
Husebø, Jarle; Stevens, Jim; Graue, Arne
et al. (2008). Experimental investigation of methane release from hydrate formation in sandstone through both hydrate dissociation and CO2 sequestration. (ekstern lenke)
Brautaset, Amund; Ersland, Geir; Jensen, Sjur Wiggo
et al. (2008). Enhanced Oil Recovery in Chalk by Liquid CO2 Injection. (ekstern lenke)
Husebø, Jarle; Ersland, Geir; Stevens, Jim
et al. (2008). The effect of brine salinity on fill fraction and formation pattern of methane hydrates in sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Husebø, Jarle; Stevens, Jim
et al. (2008). Measurements of Gas Permeability and non-Darcy flow in Gas-Water-Hydrate Systems. (ekstern lenke)
Riskedal, Haldis; Tipura, Lejla; Howard, James J.
et al. (2008). NMR Monitoring of Spontaneous Brine Imbibition In Carbonates. (ekstern lenke)
Brautaset, Amund; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2008). Using MRI to study In Situ Oil Recovery During CO2 Injection in Carbonates. (ekstern lenke)
Johannesen, Else Birkeland; Graue, Arne; Baldwin, B. A.
et al. (2007). Establishing Mixed Wet Conditions in Chalk- Emphasis on Wettability Alteration and Oil Recovery. (ekstern lenke)
Stevens, J.; Baldwin, B. A.; Graue, Arne
et al. (2007). Measurements of Hydrate Formation in Sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Husebø, Jarle; Graue, Arne
et al. (2007). Measurements of Gas Permeability in Gas-Water-Hydrate Systems. (ekstern lenke)
Johannesen, Else Birkeland; Riskedal, Haldis; Tipura, Lejla
et al. (2007). Wettability Characterization by NMR T2 Measurements in Edwards Limestone Rock. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
et al. (2007). Complementary Imaging of Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Husebø, Jarle; Graue, Arne
et al. (2007). Measuring Gas Hydrate - CO2 Exchange in Bentheim Sandstone Using MRI Tomography and IDL-programming. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Treinen, Rich J.; Graue, Arne
(2007). Experimental Measurements of Capillary Pressure with the Centrifuge Technique – Emphasis on Equilibrium Time and Accuracy in Production. (ekstern lenke)
Johannesen, Else Birkeland; Graue, Arne
(2007). Mobilization of Remaining Oil – Emphasis on Capillary Number and Wettability. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Husebø, Jarle; Graue, Arne
et al. (2007). Measurements of Gas-Water-Hydrate Systems. (ekstern lenke)
Johannesen, Else Birkeland; Graue, Arne
(2007). A Systematic Experimental Study of Reducing Residual Oil Saturation by Increasing Differential Pressure at Various Wettabilities. (ekstern lenke)
Husebø, Jarle; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
et al. (2007). The impact of brine salinity on methane hydrate formation pattern in sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Åsmund; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
(2007). Comparison of Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Waterfloods in Fractured Carbonates. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Ersland, Geir; Haugen, Åsmund
et al. (2007). Impacts From Fractures On Oil Recovery Mechanisms In Carbonate Rocks At Oil-Wet And Water-Wet Conditions - Visualizing Fluid Flow Across Fractures With MRI. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2006). Impacts from Fractures on Effective Permeability and Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Johannesen, Else Birkeland; Steinsbø, Marianne; Howard, James
Graue, Arne; Kvamme, Bjørn; Baldwin, Bernie A.
et al. (2006). Experimental MRI-Visualization of Methane Production from Hydrates in Porous Rock during CO2 Storage. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Kvamme, Bjørn; Baldwin, Bernard
et al. (2006). Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Methane - Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Reactions in Sandstone Pores. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne
(2006). Kinetics of hydrate formation in porous media. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Kuznetsova, Tatyana
(2006). Kinetics of hydrate formation in porous media and the impact for exploitation of natural gas hydrate reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Baldwin, Bernie A.
et al. (2006). The role of solid/fluid interactions during exploitation of methane hydrate reservoirs by CO2 injection. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Kvamme, Bjørn; Baldwin, Bernie A.
et al. (2006). Environmentally Friendly CO2 Storage in Hydrate Reservoirs Benefits from Associated Natural Gas Production. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik
et al. (2004). Hydrate formation and reformation kinetics by carbon dioxide: Phase field theory of hydrate nucleation and magnetic resonance imaging. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Granasy, L; Graue, Arne
(2004). Towards a full dynamic model of CO2 hydrate formation in aqueous solution. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Granasy, Laszlo; Graue, Arne
(2004). Phase Field Theory for prediction of hydrate initiation and growth. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik
et al. (2004). Hydrate formation and reformation kinetics by carbon dioxide: Phase field theory of hydrate nucleation and magnetic resonance imaging. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik
et al. (2003). Towards Understanding The Kinetics Of Hydrate Formation: Phase Field Theory Of Hydrate Nucleation And Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Kvamme, Bjørn
et al. (2003). Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hydrate Formation and Hydrate Dissociation in Porous Media. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Kvamme, B.
et al. (2003). Formation and Dissociation of Gas Hydrates in Reservoir Rock. Magnetic Resonance Imaging monitoring. (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, B.; Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik
et al. (2003). Phase field theory of hydrate nucleation and magnetic resonance imaging. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Baldwin, Bernie A.; Aspenes, Eirik
et al. (2003). Complementary Imaging Techniques Applying NTI and MRI Determined Wettability Effects on Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Kvamme, B.
et al. (2003). Monitoring The Formation And Dissociation Of Gas Hydrate In Reservoir Rock Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Nesse, Kjartan
(2002). Impact of Fracture Permeability on Oil Recovery in Moderately Water-Wet Fractured Chalk Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Bognø, Thomas; Spinler, Eugene A.
et al. (2002). A Method for Measuring In-Situ Capillary Pressures at Different Wettabilities Using Live Crude Oil at Reservoir Conditions, Part 1: Feasibility Study. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Baldwin, Bernie A.
et al. (2002). Fluid Flow in Fractures Visualized by MRI During Waterfloods at Various Wettability Conditions: Emphasis on Fracture Width and Flow Rate. (ekstern lenke)
Aspenes, Eirik; Graue, Arne; Ramsdal, Johannes
(2002). In-Situ Wettability Distribution and Wetting Stability in Outcrop Chalk Aged in Crude Oil. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2002). Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Chalk Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2002). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Impacts of Wettability on Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2002). Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Chalk Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2002). Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Chalk Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2002). Impacts of Wettability on Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2002). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Impacts of Wettability on Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2002). Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Bognø, Thomas
et al. (2002). Alteration of Wettability and Wettability Heterogeneity. (ekstern lenke)
Bognø, Thomas; Aspenes, Eirik; Graue, Arne
et al. (2001). "Comparison of Capillary Pressure Measurements at Various Wettabilities using the Direct Measurement of Saturation Method and Conventional Centrifuge Techniques". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Moe, Robert Wilhelm
et al. (2001). "MRI Tomografi of Saturation Development in Fractures during Waterfloods at Various Wettability Conditions". (ekstern lenke)
Bognø, Thomas; Graue, Arne
(2001). "Impacts of capillary pressure imbibition curves on the simulation of waterfloods in high capillary moderately-water-wet chalk". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Moe, Robert Wilhelm; Bognø, Thomas
(2001). "Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Moe, Robert Wilhelm
et al. (2001). "Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Reservoirs at Various Wettabilities Visualized by Nuclear Tracer Imaging and NMR Tomography". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Bognø, Thomas; Baldwin, B.A.
et al. (2000). Comparison of Numerical Simulatons and Laboratory Waterfloods with In-Situ Saturation Imaging of Fractured Blocks of Reservoir Rocks at Different Wettabilities. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2000). Interaction between Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Waterfloods in Fractured Chalk at Different Wettabilities. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2000). Interaction between Experiments and Numerical Simulations of Waterfloods in Fractured Chalk at Different Wettabilities. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Bognø, Thomas; Baldwin, B.A.
et al. (2000). Comparison of Numerical Simulatons and Laboratory Waterfloods with In-Situ Saturation Imaging of Fractured Blocks of Reservoir Rocks at Different Wettabilities. (ekstern lenke)
Spinler, E.A.; Baldwin, B.A.; Graue, Arne
(1999). Simultaneous Measurment of Multiple Capillary Pressure Curves from Wettability and Rock Property Variations Within Single Rock Plugs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Bognø, Thomas; Baldwin, B.A.
et al. (1999). Wettability Effects on Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Bognø, Thomas; Moe, Robert W.
et al. (1999). Impacts of Wettability on Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability. (ekstern lenke)
Børresen, K. A.; Graue, Arne
(1996). Numerical simulations and 2D-imaging experiments of flow in tilted cross beds. (ekstern lenke)
Børresen, K. A.; Bertin, H.; Graue, Arne
(1996). Two dimensional imaging of fluid displacements in slabs of deformed rock. (ekstern lenke)
Børresen, K. A.; Graue, Arne
(1996). Comparing simulations to 2D-imaging experiments of fluid flow in a dipping cross bedded reservoir model. (ekstern lenke)
Viksund, B. G.; Hetland, S.; Graue, Arne
et al. (1996). Imaging flow in fractured chalk emphasising recovery mechanisms, capillary continuity and scaling. (ekstern lenke)
Bjørnevoll, N.E.; Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Hanssen, T.H.
et al. (1996). Experimental study of fracture development in porous rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Bjørnevoll, N. E.; Gabrielsen, Roy H.; Hansen, T. H.
et al. (1995). Nye resultater fra eksperimentell dannelse av brudd i porøse klastiske bergarter. (ekstern lenke)
Skauge, A.; Eleri, O. O.; Graue, Arne
et al. (1994). Influence of Connate Water on Oil Recovery by Gravity Drainage. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Viksund, B. G.
(1994). Imaging Immiscible Two Phase Flow in Low Permeability Chalk - Emphasis on Recovery Mechanisms and Scaling. (ekstern lenke)
Bertin, H.; Graue, Arne; Eilertsen, T.
(1994). Two Dimensional Imaging of Viscous and Capillary Effects in a Dipping Stratified Heterogeneous Media. (ekstern lenke)
Bertin, H.; Graue, Arne; Eilertsen, T.
(1994). Two Dimensional Imaging of Viscous and Capillary Effects in a Dipping Stratified Heterogeneous Media. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Tonheim, E.; Baldwin, B.
(1994). Control and Alteration of Wettability in Low-Permeability Chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Stensen, J.Å; Monstad, P.; Graue, Arne
et al. (1990). The Effect of Interfacial Tension on Gas Gravity Drainage. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Kolltveit, Kristoffer; Lien, Jan R.
et al. (1988). Imaging Fluid Saturation Development in Long Core Flood Experiments (SPE 17438). (ekstern lenke)
Skauge, Arne; Aanonsen, Sigurd Ivar; Graue, Arne
(1988). Dynamic Fluid Saturation Profiles in the Analysis of Surfactant Core Displacement (SPE 17347). (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Halsøy, Hilde; Sæle, Aleksandra Magdalena
et al. (2023). CO2 Foam Flow Dynamics at Reservoir Conditions . (ekstern lenke)
Rognmo, Arthur Uno; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Alcorn, Zachary Paul
et al. (2018). Pore-to Core EOR Upscaling for CO2-foam for CCUS. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Sharma, Mohan
et al. (2018). Integrated CO2 Foam EOR Pilot Program with Combined CCUS in an Onshore Texas Heterogeneous Carbonate Field. (ekstern lenke)
Sharma, Mohan; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva
et al. (2017). Numerical Modelling Study for Designing CO2-foam Field Pilot. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Sharma, Mohan
et al. (2017). CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilot - Pilot Design, Geologic
and Reservoir Modeling, and Laboratory Investigations
. (ekstern lenke)
Sæle, Aleksandra Magdalena; Graue, Arne; Alcorn, Zachary Paul
(2022). CO2 Foam for EOR and CO2 Storage. (ekstern lenke)
Valverde Armas, Priscila Estefania; Graue, Arne; Johannesen, Else Birkeland
et al. (2021). Enhancing Oil Recovery to Mitigate Global Warming: A Norwegian-Ecuadorian-Colombian Collaborative Project. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Sharma, Mohan; Fredriksen, Sunniva
et al. (2018). CO2 Field Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Sharma, Mohan; Fredriksen, Sunniva
et al. (2017). CO2 Foam Field Pilot for Mobility Control for EOR in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir; Pilot Design, Geologic and Reservoir Modeling, Numerical Modeling, and Laboratory Investigations. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
(2016). Workflow for Optimal Injection of CO2 to Enhance Oil Recovery in Mature Oil Fields: A Preliminary Study for a Field Pilot Program. (ekstern lenke)
Sharma, Mohan; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
et al. (2016). CO2-Foam EOR Field Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Steinsbø, Marianne; Graue, Arne; Fernø, Martin
Steinsbø, Marianne; Brattekås, Bergit; Fernø, Martin
Hauge, Lars Petter; Gauteplass, Jarand; Eide, Øyvind
et al. (2013). In-situ imaging of CO2 flow, storage and entrapment in subsurface aquifers and hydrocarbon reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Hauge, Lars Petter; Gauteplass, Jarand; Mathiassen, Thomas
et al. (2013). Pore-scale Modeling and In-situ Imaging of CO2 Injection in Brine Saturated Sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Brautaset, Amund; Haugen, Åsmund
Hauge, Lars Petter; Birkedal, Knut Arne; Ersland, Geir
et al. (2012). Effects of Initial Saturation and Salinity on Methane Hydrate Growth in Bentheim Sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Moridis, George J.; Kneafsey, Timothy J.
et al. (2012). Experimental and Numerical Study of Methane Hydrate Dissociation in Bentheim Sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Gauteplass, Jarand; Fernø, Martin; Follesø, H.N.
et al. (2012). Pore-Level Multiphase Flow Investigation in Etched Silicon Wafer Micromodels. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Ersland, Geir; Hauge, Lars Petter
et al. (2011). Electrical Resistivity Measurements of CH4 Hydrate Bearing Sandstone during Formation. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2011). In-situ imaging of CO2 flow, storage and entrapment in subsurface aquifers and hydrocarbon reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Muir, Colleen; Ersland, Geir; Petrov, Oleg
et al. (2010). Imaging Miscible Fluid Displacement in Porous Media Using T2 Mapping SE-SPI. (ekstern lenke)
Brautaset, Amund; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2010). Determining Wettability from In Situ Pressure and Saturation Measurements. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne; Moe, Robert W.
et al. (2010). Impact of Deformation bands on Fluid Flow and oil Recovery. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Føyen, Tore Lyngås; Holt, Torleif
et al. (2020). CO2 Foam Using non-ionic Surfactants - For Increased Storage Capacity and Oil Recovery . (ekstern lenke)
Rognmo, Arthur Uno; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
(2019). CO2-Foams for Enhanced Oil
Recovery and CO2 Storage. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Graue, Arne; Fernø, Martin
(2018). Upscaling CO2 Foam for
Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2
Storage from Laboratory to Field
Scale: An Integrated Approach to Designing a Field Pilot Test . (ekstern lenke)
Steinsbø, Marianne; Graue, Arne; Fernø, Martin
et al. (2016). Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 Injection in Fractured Reservoirs. Emphasis on Wettability and Water Saturation. (ekstern lenke)
Hauge, Lars Petter; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2015). Laboratory Imaging of CO2 Flow and
Storage in Hydrates and Saline Aquifers. (ekstern lenke)
Gauteplass, Jarand; Graue, Arne; Fernø, Martin
(2015). Pore-to-Core Laboratory Upscaling and Visualization of Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Graue, Arne; Seright, Randall Scott
et al. (2014). Conformance Control for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Graue, Arne
(2014). Conformance Control for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Birkeland, Knut Arne; Graue, Arne
(2013). Empirical and Numerical Evaluation of Machanisms in Gas Production from CH4-Hydrates. (ekstern lenke)
Liu, Shunping; Kvamme, Bjørn; Graue, Arne
(2011). Modelling CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers with Reactive Transport Simulator RCB. (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Åsmund; Graue, Arne
(2010). Fluid Flow in Fractured Carbonates: Wettability Effects and Enhanced Oil Recovery. (ekstern lenke)
Brautaset, Amund; Graue, Arne
(2009). In situ fluid dynamics and CO2 injection in porous rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Dale, Elisabeth Iren; Graue, Arne
(2008). Modelling of immiscible WAG with emphasis on the effect of capillary pressure. (ekstern lenke)
Johannesen, Else Birkeland; Graue, Arne
(2008). Wettability Determined by NMR and its Impacts on Oil Recovery in Chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2008). Studies of flow mechanisms and hydrate phase transitions in fractured rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Husebø, Jarle; Graue, Arne
(2008). Monitoring depressurization and CO2-CH4 exchange production scenarios for natural gas hydrates. (ekstern lenke)
Bognø, Thomas; Graue, Arne
(2008). Impacts on oil recovery from capillary pressure and capillary heterogeneities. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
(2008). A Study of Capillary Pressure and Capillary Continuity in Fractured Rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Moe, Robert W.; Moe, Robert Wilhelm; Graue, Arne
(2007). Oil recovery by waterflooding fractured chalk at different wettabilities. (ekstern lenke)
Aspenes, Eirik; Graue, Arne
(2006). Wettability effects on oil recovery mechanisms in fractured chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(1991). Studies of fundamental parameters affecting secondary and tertiary oil recovery, using a nuclear imaging technique on long-core flow-rigs. (ekstern lenke)
Faglig foredrag
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Sharma, Mohan
et al. (2018). Integrated CO2 Foam EOR Pilot Program with Combined CCUS in an Onshore Texas Heterogeneous Carbonate Field. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Sharma, Mohan
et al. (2017). CO2 Foam EOR Field Pilot - Pilot Design, Geologic and Reservoir Modelling, and Laboratory Investigations. (ekstern lenke)
Sharma, Mohan; Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva
et al. (2017). Numerical Modelling Study for Designing CO2-Foam Field Pilot. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). CO2 EOR in Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). CO2 Foam EOR for Mobility Control in Two Field Pilots in Texas. (ekstern lenke)
Alcorn, Zachary Paul; Fredriksen, Sunniva; Sharma, Mohan
et al. (2017). Upscaling CO2 Foam for EOR and CO2 Storage from Lab to Field Scale. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). Upscaling CO2 Foam EOR for Mobility Control from Lab to Field Pilots. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne
(2017). “CO2 Foam EOR and CO2 Injection in Hydrates – CCUS Enablers for Efficient, Cost Saving
and More Sustainable Oil & Gas Production. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Steinsbø, Marianne; Graue, Arne
et al. (2016). New Insight to Wormhole Formation in Polymer Gel during Water Chasefloods using Positron Emission Tomography (PET). (ekstern lenke)
Wergeland, Connie; Graue, Arne; Fernø, Martin
(2017). Field Pilot Preparations - Determining CO2 Foam Quality for Optimal EOR Mobility Control. (ekstern lenke)
Ersland, Geir; Solveig, Carlsen; Graue, Arne
(2017). Experimental Study of CO2-Foam Storage Potential in Porous and Fractured Saline Aquifers. (ekstern lenke)
Christina, Berge; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2017). Experimental Study of Foam Behavior in Fractured and Unfractured Media for CO2 Storage in Saline Aquifers. (ekstern lenke)
Anders, Frøland; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
(2017). CO2 Foam for Mobility Control and EOR in Fractured
Oil-Wet Carbonates Using Wettability Alteration of
Fracture Surfaces
. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Holme Lie, Stig; Graue, Arne
(2013). Diffusion as an Oil Recovery Mechanism During CO2 Injection in Fractured Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Langlo, Stig; Graue, Arne
(2013). CO2 injection into Limestone rock with foam as mobility control. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne; Ahmed, Kamal
(2013). CO2 injeksjon for økt oljeutvinning i kalk. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Baird, Stuart J. E.; Graue, Arne
(2013). CO2 EOR by Diffusion in Fractured Chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin; Ahmed, Ary; Graue, Arne
(2013). En eksperimentell studie av CO2 injeksjon for økt oljeutvinning i oppsprukket kalk. (ekstern lenke)
Ydstebø, Tom; Fernø, Martin; Graue, Arne
(2013). Enhanced Oil Recovery by injection of CO2 and CO2-Foam with different wettability. (ekstern lenke)
Hossainpour, Reza; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2013). Catalysts for Enhanced CO2 – CH4 Exchange in Natural Gas Hydrates. (ekstern lenke)
Mathiassen, Thomas; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2013). En eksperimentell studie av CO2 lagring i sedimentære bergarter ved bruk av ulike avbildningsteknikker. (ekstern lenke)
Hågenvik, Christian; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2013). CO2 Injection in Hydrate Bearing Sediments with Excess Water. (ekstern lenke)
Berge, Hans; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2013). Hydrate formation and CO2 – CH4 exchange in sandstone. (ekstern lenke)
Fjelltveit Skagseth, Torstein; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2012). An Experimental Study of CO2 Injection for Improved Oil Recovery in Fractured Chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Fosse, Eirik; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2012). Et Eksperimentelt Studie av CO2-injeksjon for Oljeutvinning i Kalk. (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Malin; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2012). CO2 Injection in Fractured Chalk for Enhanced Oil Recovery. (ekstern lenke)
Lien, Andreas; Ersland, Geir; Graue, Arne
(2012). Investigating the Effects of Oil Composition, Fractures, Initial Saturation and Wettability on CO2-EOR in Chalk. (ekstern lenke)
Birkedal, Knut Arne; Graue, Arne
(2009). Hydrate Formation and CH4 Production from Natural Gas Hydrates - Emphasis on Boundary Conditions and Production Methods. (ekstern lenke)
Brattekås, Bergit; Graue, Arne
(2009). EOR by Polymer Gel Extrusion through Fractures: An Experimental Study of Water Leakoff as Function of Flow Rate, Wettability and Relative Permeability. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Hansen, Beate
(2009). Evaluating tertiary water based EOR methods on the Veslefrikk field, with emphasis on analyzing sodium silicate injection by numerical simulation. (ekstern lenke)
Odland, Jonas; Graue, Arne
(2009). Hydratdannelse og metanproduksjon fra naturlig gasshydrat- produksjonsmetoder og resistivitetsutvikling. (ekstern lenke)
Ngo, Thy; Graue, Arne
(2009). Hydrate formation, permeability and CH4 production from CH4-hydrates. (ekstern lenke)
Riskedal, Haldis; Graue, Arne
(2008). Wettability and Rock Characterization of Heterogeneous Limestone Utilizing NMR. (ekstern lenke)
Berge, Marianne; Graue, Arne
(2008). Waterbased EOR in Carbonates by adding Sulphate or Surfactants to injection water, and determine the impacts on the oil recovery at various wettabilities using NMR technology. (ekstern lenke)
Tipura, Lejla; Graue, Arne
(2008). Wettability Characterization by NMR T2 Measurements in Edwards Limestone. (ekstern lenke)
Aasheim, Jorunn; Graue, Arne
(2008). EOR in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs by Wettability Reversal. (ekstern lenke)
Johansen, Oskar; Graue, Arne
(2008). Experimental and Numerical Study of the Mixing of Injection Water and In-situ Water During Oil Production using an NTI Technique, and Determining Oil Recovery in a Tertiary Miscible CO2 Flood using MRI. (ekstern lenke)
Jensen, Sjur Wiggo; Graue, Arne
(2008). An Experimental Study of Miscible Displacements in Carbonate Rocks. (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Åsmund; Graue, Arne
(2007). Experimental and Numerical Study of Two Phase Flow in Fractured Limestone. (ekstern lenke)
Bull, Øyvind; Graue, Arne
(2007). An Experimental and Numerical Study of Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Chalk at Neutral Wettability Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Fernø, Martin Anders; Graue, Arne
(2005). An Experimental Investigation of Rock Characteristics and Waterflood Oil Recovery in Outcrop Carbonate Rock at Various Wettability Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Brautaset, Amund; Graue, Arne
(2005). Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Dynamic Relationship between In-Situ Pressure and Fluid Saturations during Displacement Processes at Different Wettability Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Graue, Arne; Bognø, Thomas; Spinler, Eugene A.
et al. (2002). A Method for Measuring In-Situ Capillary Pressures at Different Wettabilities Using Live Crude Oil at Reservoir Conditions, Part 1: Feasibility Study. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Baldwin, Bernie A.
et al. (2002). Fluid Flow in Fractures Visualized by MRI During Waterfloods at Various Wettability Conditions Emphasis on Fracture Width and Flow Rate. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Moe, Robert Wilhelm; Needham, R.
et al. (2002). Mixing of Injection and Connate Water while Waterflooding Strongly-Water-Wet Chalk at Various Initial Water Saturations. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Nesse, Kjartan; Baldwin, Bernie A.
et al. (2002). Impact of Fracture Permeability on Oil Recovery in Moderately-Water-Wet Fractured Chalk Reservoirs. (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Moe, Robert Wilhelm; Bognø, Thomas
et al. (2002). Experiments and Numerical Simulation of Waterfloods in Fractured Chalk at Nearly-Neutral-Wet Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Moe, Robert Wilhelm; Graue, Arne
(2001). "Numerical Simulation of Waterflood of Fractured Chalk Blocks at Moderately-Water-Wet Conditions". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Bognø, Thomas; Aspenes, Eirik
et al. (2001). "Comparison of Capillary Pressure Measurements at Various Wettabilities using the Direct Measurement of Saturation Method and Conventional Centrifuge Techniques". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Moe, Robert Wilhelm
et al. (2001). "Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Reservoirs at Various Wettabilities Visualized by Nuclear Tracer Imaging and NMR Tomography". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Bognø, Thomas
et al. (2001). "Alteration of Wettability and Wettability Heterogeneity". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Bognø, Thomas
et al. (2001). "Wettability Measurements on a Set of Core Plugs". (ekstern lenke)
Graue, Arne; Aspenes, Eirik; Moe, Robert Wilhelm
et al. (2001). "MRI Tomography of Saturation Development in Fractures during Waterfloods at Various Wettability Conditions". (ekstern lenke)
Rosnes, J. T.; Graue, Arne; Lien, T.
(1991). Activity of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria under simulated Reservoir conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Rosnes, J. T.; Graue, Arne; Lien, T.
(1990). Activity of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Under Simulated Reservoir Conditions. (ekstern lenke)
Rosnes, J. T.; Torsvik, Terje; Lien, T.
et al. (1990). Degradation of glucose and production of H2S by a consortium of thermophilic bacteria under simulated reservoir conditions. (ekstern lenke)
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