Arne Stray





Complex Analysis, especially:

  • Approximation on subsets of the complex plane
  • Interpolation Theory in the unit disk
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag

Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin

  • Sets of determination and kernels of certain associated operators. To appear in Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.
  • Restrictions of the disc algebra described locally. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 136(2008), no.8, 2933–2936.
  • Simultaneous approximation in function spaces. Approximation, complex analysis, and potential theory (Montreal, QC, 2000), 239–261, NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., 37, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2001.
  • Simultaneous approximation in the Dirichlet space. Math. Scand. 89(2001), no.2, 268–282.
  • Simultaneous approximation in the Dirichlet space. Advances in multivariate approximation (Witten-Bommerholz, 1998), 307–319, Math. Res., 107, Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 1999.
  • (with F. Pérez-González and R. Trujillo-González) Joint approximation in BMOA and VMOA. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 237(1999), no.1, 128–138.
  • (with A. Bonilla, F. Pérez-González, and R. Trujillo-González) Approximation in weighted Hardy spaces. J. Anal. Math. 73(1997), 65–89.
  • (with D.E. Marshall) Interpolating Blaschke products. Pacific J. Math. 173(1996), no.2, 491–499.
  • (with A. Nicolau) Nevanlinna's coefficients and Douglas algebras. Pacific J. Math. 172(1996), no.2, 541–552.
  • Mergelyan type theorems for some function spaces. Publ. Mat. 39(1995), no.1, 61–69.
  • Interpolating sequences and the Nevanlinna Pick problem. Publ. Mat. 35(1991), no.2, 507–516.
  • (with F. Pérez-González) Farrell and Mergelyan sets for $H^p$ spaces $(0<p<1)$. Michigan Math. J. 36(1989), no.3, 379–386.
  • (with P.M. Gauthier and W. Hengartner) A problem of Rubel concerning approximation on unbounded sets by entire functions. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 19(1989), no.1, 127–135.
  • Minimal interpolation by Blaschke products. II. Bull. London Math. Soc. 20(1988), no.4, 329–332.
  • Minimal interpolation by Blaschke products. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 32(1985), no.3, 488–496.
  • Decomposition of approximable functions. Ann. of Math. (2) 120(1984), no.2, 225–235.
  • (with L.A. Rubel) Joint approximation in the unit disc. J. Approx. Theory 37(1983), no.1, 44–50.
  • (with D.E. Marshall and С. Sundberg) Nondiscriminating sets for $H^{\infty}$. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 86(1982), no.2, 267–272.
  • A formula by V.M. Adamjan, D.Z. Arov and M.G. Krein. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 83(1981), no.2, 337–340.
  • Vitushkin's method and some problems in approximation theory. Aspects of contemporary complex analysis (Proc. NATO Adv. Study Inst., Univ. Durham, Durham, 1979), pp. 351–365, Academic Press, London-New York, 1980.
  • Two applications of the Schur-Nevanlinna algorithm. Pacific J. Math. 91(1980), no.1, 223–232.
  • A scheme for approximating bounded analytic functions on certain subsets of the unit disc. Pacific J. Math. 74(1978), no.1, 251–255.
  • On uniform and asymptotic approximation. Math. Ann. 234(1978), no.1, 61–68.
  • (with K.O. Øyma) On interpolating functions with minimal norm. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 68(1978), no.1, 75–78.
  • Approximation by analytic functions which are uniformly continuous on a subset of their domain of definition. Amer. J. Math. 99(1977), no.4, 787–800.
  • Spaces of analytic functions. Seminar on Functional Analysis and Function Theory, held in Kristiansand, June 9–14, 1975. Edited by Otto B. Bekken, Bernt K. Øksendal, and Arne Stray. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 512. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1976. viii+204 pp. ISBN: 0-540-07682-4
  • Approximation and interpolation for some spaces of analytic functions in the unit disc. Pacific J. Math. 54(1974), no.2, 237–251.
  • Characterization of Mergelyan sets. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 44(1974), 347–352.
  • Pointwise bounded approximation by functions satisfying a side condition. Pacific J. Math. 51(1974), 301–305.
  • Mergelyan and Farrel sets. Seminar on Uniform Algebras (Univ. Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 1973), pp. 16–23. Dept. Math. Univ. Aberdeen, Aberdeen, 1973.
  • Interpolation sets for uniform algebras. Pacific J. Math. 43(1972), 525–529.
  • Interpolation by analytic functions. Pacific J. Math. 42(1972), 527–533.
  • (with A.M. Davie) Interpolation sets for analytic functions. Pacific J. Math. 42(1972), 33–37.
  • Approximation and interpolation. Pacific J. Math. 40(1972), 463–475.
  • An approximation theorem for subalgebras of $H_{\infty}$. Pacific J. Math. 35(1970), 511–515.