Beatriz Balino
Seniorrådgiver, Prosjekt EIT KIC Water
Forskningsrådgiver på prosjektet: EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community "Water, Marine and Maritime Sectors and Ecosystems". Medlem av UiB-NTNU arbeidsgruppe. Koordinator av partnere i Bergen regionen.
Hanna, E., A.Lovecraft, H. Christensen, & B. Balino. 2022. “Ice and People: CliC Strategic Plan 2022-2031”, Arctic Summit Science Week, 24 March-1 April, University of Tromsø, Norway. Session Convener.
Balino, B. 2019. Climate Change: the facts. International Business Travel Management World 2019. Session “Preserving the world through sustainable meetings”, 19 November 2019. Invited talk
Balino, B. & W. Schubotz. 2019. The Coordination Office for WCRP Regional Activities. International Conference on Regional Climate – CORDEX 2019, 14-18 October. Invited talk
Balino, B. 2019. An introduction to the Coordination Office for WCRP Regional Activities. Workshop on Climate Prediction in the Atlantic -Arctic sector, 5-7 June 2019, Bergen, Norway. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3248840. Invited talk
Balino, B. 2019. Introduction to Marine Spatial Planning. Innovation Camp SDG#14, 5-6 February, Bergen, Norway. Invited talk
Zygmuntowska, M., S. Mikki, K. Cohen, V.K.Irgan, B. Balino & C. E. Anders. 2018. The Profile Doctors: how to build your publication-CV online. Annual EARMA conference, 16-18 April, Brussels. Invited talk
Balino, B., 2016. Research support organisation at the University of Bergen. Research Administration Seminar, Universitetet i Oslo, 5 Desember. Invited talk (In Norwegian).
Balino, B., 2013. Excellent sciences requires excellent administration. NARMA meeting 26. November, Oslo. Invited talk
Balino, B., 2012. How to apply for funding. ResClim General Assembly, Hurtigrute. 20 March. Invited talk
Balino, B., 2011. Partnership programme in Climate Centre for internationalisation of education (SIU) meeting 8 September. Talk (In Norwegian)
Balino, B. 2011. Reflections from one that “leaked from the pipe”. Workshop: Gender balance in science, Research Council of Norway, Oslo, 26 June. Invited talk (in Norwegian)
Balino, B. 2010. ResClim: status and challenges. First forum for National Research Schools, Research Council of Norway, Nov 17, Oslo.Talk
Balino, B. 2009. The Bjekrnes Centre for Climate Research. First workshop on climate change Argentina-Norway. 28-29 October, Buenos Aires. Talk.
Balino, B. 2009. The Bergen Marine Research Cluster. Presentation to the president of the Helmholtz association, during his Norway visit, 25 August. Talk
Balino, B. 2008. Marine research at UiB. Annual meeting of the Deutsche Konsortium Meeresforschung, 15 May, Hamburg. Talk
Balino, B. 2006. The International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme. SCOR/IOC workshop on ocean changes. 17-22 October, Concepción, Chile. Talk
Balino, B. 2005. The Bergen Climate Model: application capabilities to health issues. Trans-Atlantic Workshop on. "Global infectious diseases, climate, water and health", Nov 1, 2005, Washington University Club - Talk
Balino, B. & S. Østerhus. 2004. Meridional Overturning Exchanges in the Nordic Seas. EUROCEANS2004. Galway, Ireland, 10-13 May 2004. Poster
Balino, B. 2003. Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research: a national center for excellence. Official opening of the Nansen-Zhu International Centre for Climate Research, Beijing, China, 1-3 November 2003. Talk
Balino, B. 2002a. The Bjerknes Collaboration for Climate Research. Third General Meeting of the European Network for Arctic-Alpine Multidisciplinary Environment Research (ENVINET), 13-16 January 2002, Oban, Scotland -Talk
Balino, B. 2002b. Bjerknes Centre: a centre of excellence in climate research. Meeting of the steering committee of the Bergen Marine Food Chain Research Infrastructure, Institute of Fisheries and Marine Biology, University of Bergen, 4 April 2002 - Talk
Balino, B. and E. Jansen. 2001. The Bjerknes Collaboration for Climate Research. KlimaProg Conference: Climate and Ozone, 27-29 November, Bergen -Talk and poster
Balino, B. and P. Haugan. 2001. Role of ice-ocean-atmosphere processes in high-latitude climate change: a Bjeknes/Marie Curie Training Site. KlimaProg Conference: Climate and Ozone, 27-29 November, Bergen -Talk and poster.
Nesje, A., S. Østerhus and B. Balino. 2001. The Bjerknes Collaboration: Scientific highlights. KlimaProg Conference: Climate and Ozone, 27-29 November, Bergen - Talk and poster
Conkright, M., B. Balino, G. Glenn, B. Griffiths, C. L.Hammond, M.P. Labaied, R. Lowry, T. Mitzka, T. Miyake and J. S. Sarupria. 2000. JGOFS Data Management Task Team. JGOFS Open Science Conference, 13-17 April 2000, Bergen, Norway - Poster
Balino, B., 1997. Impact of anthropogenic nutrient inputs upon the primary production of the North Sea, assessed by a coupled physical-biological 2D-model. In: Proceedings of the Long-term Changes in Marine Ecosystems, Arcachon, France 1-3 February 1995. Oceanologia Acta - Poster
Balino, B. and R. Lowry. 1997a. Data Management of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS). Ocean Data Symposium, Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 October 1997 - Poster
Balino, B. and R. Lowry, 1997b. JGOFS/IGBP-DIS related activities. IGBP-DIS/WDC workshop, NCAR, Boulder, CO, USA, 8-11 April 1997 - Talk
Lowry, R. and B. Balino, 1997. JGOFS Data Management System. IGBP-DIS/WDC workshop, NCAR, Boulder, CO, 8-11 April 1997
Balino, B.M. 1995. Masfjordmodellen på antallsbasis. PUSH workshop, 7-8 desember 1995, Norgesfiskerihøgskole, Tromsø, Norway - Talk
Balino, B., 1993. On the eutrophication status in the North Sea and the significance of the contribution from Norway. Dr. seminar held at the Institute of Fisheries and Marine Research, UiB - Talk
Balino, B., 1989. Startfeeding of halibut larvae. Ny Fisk annual meeting. Bergen, Norway - Talk
Balino, B., 1988. Live feed for turbot larvae: options and perspectives. Norsk Hydro annual meeting, 18 September 1988, Solstrand Hotel, Bergen, Norway - Talk
Balino, B., 1982. Aspects of the biology of barnacle larvae in Maldonado Bay. In: International Symposium on Coastal Ecosystems, Rio Grande, Brasil. Atlantica 5(2): 11 -Poster
- Eldevik, Tor; Beckers, Jean-Marie; Hansen, Bogi et al. (2021). EASAC policy report 42: A sea of change: Europe’s future in the Atlantic realm. (ekstern lenke)
- Østerhus, Svein; Balino, Beatriz Maria Boasso (2007). Meridional Overturning Exchange with the Nordic Seas - (MOEN). (ekstern lenke)
- Balino, Beatriz (1994). The use of a coupled physical-biological 2D-model to study the impact of anthropogenic nutrient inputs upon the primary production of the North Sea. (ekstern lenke)
- Østerhus, Svein; Balino, Beatriz (2004). Meridional Overtuning Exchanges with the Nordic Sea. (ekstern lenke)
- Haugan, Peter M.; Balino, Beatriz (2001). Bjerknes Marie Curie Training Site. (ekstern lenke)
- Nesje, Atle; Østerhus, Svein; Balino, Beatriz (2001). Bjerknes' vitenskapelige høydepunkter. (ekstern lenke)
- Balino, Beatriz; Lowry, Roy (1997). JGOFS Data Management System. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Balino, Beatriz (1999). New data and information system Steering Group sets agenda. (ekstern lenke)
- Balino, Beatriz; Lowry, Roy K. (1999). JGOFS data managers and modellers address common concerns. (ekstern lenke)
- Hanson, Roger B.; Balino, Beatriz; Stokke, Judith R. (1998). Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) Meets in Cape Town to Honour Former Chairman. (ekstern lenke)
- Lowry, Roy; Balino, Beatriz (1998). Creating an International Data Management System for JGOFS. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Salvanes, Anne Gro Vea; Balino, Beatriz (1998). Productivity and fitness in a fjord cod population: an ecological and evolutionary approach. (ekstern lenke)
- Aksnes, Dag Lorents; Ulvestad, Kåre B.; Balino, Beatriz et al. (1995). Ecological modelling in coastal waters: Towards predictive physical -chemical-biological simulation models. (ekstern lenke)
- Balino, Beatriz; Aksnes, Dag Lorents (1993). Winter distribution and migration of the sound Seaherring layers, Zooplankton and microncroton in Masfjorden, Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
Peer reviewed scientific articles
- Fasham, M.J., B.M. Balino and M.C. Bowles (eds.). 2001. A new vision of Ocean Biogeochemistry after a decade of the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS). AMBIO special report 10, May 2001, 30 pp
- Salvanes, A.G.V., and B.M. Balino. 1998. Productivity and fitness in a fjord cod population: an ecological and evolutionary approach. Fisheries Research 37 (1-3): 143-161
- Aksnes, D.L., K.B. Ulvestad, B.M. Balino, J. Berntsen, J. Egge, and E. Svendsen. 1995. Ecological modelling in coastal waters: towards predictive physical-chemical-biological simulation models. Ophelia 41: 5-36
- Balino, B.M and D.L. Aksnes. 1993. Winter distribution and migration of the sound scattering layers, zooplankton and micronekton in Masfjorden, western Norway. Marine Ecology Progress Series 102(1-2): 35-70
- Giske, J., D.L. Aksnes, B.M. Balino, S. Kaartvedt, U. Lie, J. Tryti Nordeide, A.G.V. Salvanes, S. Wakili and A. Aadnesen. 1990. Vertical distribution and trophic interactions of zooplankton and mesopelagic fishes in Masfjorden in winter 1989. Sarsia 75(1): 65-81
PhD dissertation
Balino, B.M.1996. Eutrophication of the North Sea: 1980-1990: an evaluation of anthropogenic nutrient inputs using a 2D phytoplankton production model, 284 pp
Reports, articles in newsletter and editorials
- Balino, B. (Ed). WCRP CliC Annual Report 2022. 48 pp.
- Straneo, F., Renwick, J., Naish, T., Lovecraft, A., Smedsrud, L.H., Hanna, E., Christiansen, H., Lique, C., Seroussi, H., Sugiyama, S., Vancoppenolle, M., Zhang, T., Balino, B.M., van der Wel, N., eds. (2021). CliC 2021. Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Strategic Plan 2022-2031. WCRP Publication 8/2001
- Eldevik, T., Beckers, J.M.; Anderson, L.G., Cabral, Deshayes, J., Dias, F., Duplessy, J-C., H., Estrada Miyare, M., Hansen, B., McCarthy, G., Palmer, T., Smedsrud, L.H., Uotila, P., Visbeck, M., Walløe, L., Balino, B.M., Asbjørnsen, H. (2021) A sea of change: Europe´s future in the Atlantic realm. 2021. European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) Policy report 42, 47 pp. ISBN 978-3-8047-4262-8
- Balino, B. (Ed). WCRP CliC Annual Report 2021. 47 pp.
- Balino, B. (Ed). WCRP CliC Annual Report 2020. 50 pp.
- Balino, B. & T. Furevik (eds) 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015. Annual report of the Centre for Climate Dynamics at the Bjerknes Centre
- Balino, B. and T. Furevik (eds) 2011. Centre for Climate Dynamics at the Bjerknes Centre, Brochure. 16 pp
- Balino, B. and T. Furevik (eds) 2010. RESCLIM report of activities 2010-2011. 10 pp
- Balino, B. and E. Jansen (eds). 2005. Annual report of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research: Centre of Excellence activities. 29 pp
- Balino, B. and E. Jansen (eds). 2004. Annual report of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research: Centre of Excellence activities. 24 pp
- Balino, B. and E. Jansen (eds). 2003. Annual report of the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research: Centre of Excellence activities. 20 pp
- Balino, B.M., M.J. Fasham & M.C Bowles (eds.). 2001. Ocean bio-geochemistry: a synthesis of JGOFS research 1988-1998. IGBP Science No. 2, 32 pp.
- Lowry, R.K. and B. Balino (editors) 1999. JGOFS Data Management and Synthesis Workshop. JGOFS Report 29/99. Bergen, Norway, 45 pp.
- Balino, B., 1999. New Data and Information System Steering Group Sets Agenda. Vol.10. No. 1. US JGOFS News
- Balino, B. and R.K. Lowry, 1999. JGOFS data managers and modellers address common concerns. Vol. 9 No. 4, US JGOFS News
- Balino, B., 1998. Developing an information management system for IGBP. Vol. 9 No. 3, US JGOFS News
- Hanson, R., B. Balino and J. Stokke, 1998. JGOFS SSC meets in Cape Town to honor former chairman. Vol. 9 No. 2, US JGOFS News
- Grong, E., and B. Balino. 1994. Beskrivelse av den kjemisk-biologiske-transportmodellen TRACER. Det Norske Meteorologiske Institutt Teknisk rapport Nr. 135, 48 pp
- Balino, B. 1994.The use of a coupled physical-biological 2D model to study the impact of anthropogenic nutrient inputs upon the primary production of the North Sea. Report commissioned by SFT, 43 pp.
- Balino, B. 1993. Nutrient inputs to the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat. River Concentrations and loads from 1980 to 1990. Report commissioned by HOV-Senteret, 75 pp
- Balino, B.M., H.B. Botnen, V. Fleming, A-M. Ruokangas and Ø. F. Tvedten. 1993. Deep benthos in the Nordic Seas. A seminar report BFM 402. IFM report series 17, 85 pp
- Martinsen, E.A., H. Engedhal, G. Ottersen, B. Ådlandsvik, H. Loeng, and B.Balino. 1992. Climatological and hydrographical data for hindcast of ocean currents. MOMOP (MetOcean MOdeling Project) final report. The Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Techical report No. 100, 93 pp
- Balino, B., K. Hamre, and P.G. Kvenseth. 1990. Halibut activities in Tveitevågen and Veløy, 1990. A/S MOWI annual report, 100 pp.
- Balino, B. 1989. Startfeeding of halibut larvae. Ny Fisk report L 6/89, 71 pp
- Hamre, K., B. Balino, and J.I. Nielsen. 1989. Halibut fry 1989G. A/S MOWI annual report, 34 pp
- Balino, B. and K. Hamre. 1988. Extensive rearing of turbot larvae. A/S MOWI annual report, 50 pp.
- EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community "Water, Marine and Maritime Sectors and Ecosystems"
- Secretariat of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). 2022-2023. Scientific Officer
- International Project Office for the Climate & Cryosphere (CliC) Project of WCRP. 2020-2022. Executive Director
- Coordination Office of WCRP Regional Activities. 2019 - 2021. Regional Science Coordinator
- Norwegian Marine University Consortium. 2018 - 2019. National Coordinator
- UiB´s External Funding Task Team (BOA-team) - 2016-2018. Leader
- Svalbard Integrated Earth System Observatory System (SIOS). 2010-2013. Participant WP1: Administration and Communication
- Norwegian Research School in Climate Dynamics (ResClim, 2009-2016. Project Manager
- International Geosphere-Biosphere Project (IGBP) Secretariat. 2006. Deputy Director, Natural Sciences
- EU FP5 research project Patterns of Climate Variability in the North Atlantic - PACLIVA. 2002-2006. UiB coordinator. Project Manager
- EU FP5 research project Meridional Overturning Exchange with Nordic Seas – MOEN. 2002-2005. UiB coordinator. Project Manager
- EU FP5 research project Tracer and circulation in the Nordic Seas Region - TRACTOR . 2001-2004. UiB coordinator. Project Manager
- The Joint Global Ocean Flux Study. International Project Office. 1996-2001. Assistant Executive Officer
- Modelling case study on the transport of pollutants in the North Sea. 1994. Norwegian Authority for Pollution Control (SFT). Principal scientist
- Test runs of a chemical-biological transport model in the North Sea; database maintenance on occurrences of toxic-algae blooms. 1994. Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Center. Research assistance
- Biological modelling of sea ranching of cod. 1987-1990. Department of Marine Biology, UiB, Research Fellow.
- Eutrophication of the North Sea 1980-1990: en evaluation of anthropogenic nutrient inputs with a 2D-phytoplankton production model. 1991-1994. IBM Bergen Environmental Center, Research fellow
- Rearing of marine fish larvae Turbot (Scophtalmus maximus) and Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). 1989-1990. AS Mowi Norwegian Salmon, Research scientist
- Study of sound scattering layers and zooplankton dynamics in Masfjorden. 1987-1989. Department of Marine Biology, UiB, Master thesis.
- Coastal Ecology of Maldonado - ECOMA. 1982-1984. Department of limnology and oceanography, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay. Bachelor thesis
Profil og kompetanse
Academic research adviser and manager with twenty eight years of experience in multidisciplinary scientific programmes and research centres, on marine, climate and global environmental research at the national and international level. Strong team player working effectively with directors, executive committees, research groups and administrative staff. Demonstrated skills in setting up and/or leading secretariats to service extensive scientific communities worldwide. Successful history in fundraising and coaching for grant preparations. Extensive experience in liaising and forging of communication channels among partners worldwide. Expertise in organisation of large scientific meetings and conferences. Skilled secretary to boards, scientific committees and working groups. Communication proficiency to the scientific community, stakeholders and the general public. Broad outreach, editorial and language skills.
Research & Training
- Academic research: marine biology and fjord ecology; theoretical studies of phytoplankton dynamics and ecosystem modelling; sea ranching of cod. Industrial research: Development of novel methodologies in aquaculture.
- Research consultancy: design and provision of case studies targeted to strategic planning to combat coastal marine pollution.
- Lecturer of undergraduate and graduate courses in biological oceanography and marine pollution.
Science Strategy and Policy, Research Management and Fund Raising
Administration of inter- and multidisciplinary international projects and research programmes integrating disciplines in natural and social sciences, medicine and law. Broad experience in elaborating science strategies and implementation plans, hearings and overviews. Initiation and follow-up of activities. Collation of information on national and regional programmes. Forging of communication channels among scientists worldwide.
Adviser to boards, deans and head of departments on research strategic plans, research training and policy issues. Held positions as deputy director, head of office and administration at secretariats staffed with 5-30 people, to service research communities between 200 and 8000 scientists throughout the world. Experienced in financial control of budgets of up to 4 mill €. Experience in fund raising from the Research Council of Norway, European Commission, NordForsk and National Science Foundation. Coordination of input to work programmes and grant calls. Mobilisation and coaching of scientists during grant preparations. Experience in scientific project management and monitoring.
Organisation of seminars, workshops and international conferences of up to 500 participants. Preparation of meeting's agendas and minutes to steering boards, scientific committees, etc.
National and International Engagement
Member of national and international committees, expert and discussion groups with duties in inter-project strategy planning and implementation of activities. Extensive network building up experience and promotion of international collaboration among research institutions and agencies worldwide. Experience as convener, session chair, moderator and rapporteur at international science meetings.
Outreach, Editorial and Language skills
Editor of scientific reports, policy briefs and design of promotional material and articles in newsletters. Presentations at international science meetings and conferences worldwide. Experience in web editorial work. Fluent in English, Norwegian and Spanish
- Dr. scient., Dept .of Marine Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen, Norway (1996)
- Cand. scient., Dept. of Marine Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen, Norway (1990)
- Licenciado en Oceanografía Biológica (BSc in Biological Oceanography). Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay (1982)
2024- Present: Senior Advisor KIC Water
2022-2024: Scientific Officer, Secretariatet of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), c/o Bjerknes Centre
2020-2022: Executive Director, International Project Office of the Climate & Cryosphere (CliC) Project, c/oBjerknes Centre
2019-2021: Senior advisor at the Coordination Office for Regional Activities (CORA) of WCRP, c/o Bjerknes Centre
2018-2019: National Coordinator, Norwegian Marine University Consortium, UiB
2016-2018: Deputy director, Divison of Research Administration, UiB
2012-2015: Head of administration, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, UiB
2009-2011: Science coordinator, Geophysical Institute, UiB
2007-2009 Senior adviser for marine research, Avdeling for Research Management, UIB
2006-2007: Deputy Director, Natural Sciences, Secretariat of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Stockholm
2001-2006: Science coordinator, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, UiB
1996-2001: Assistant Executive Officer, JGOFS International Project Office, UiB
1994-1996 : Research fellow, Department of fisheries and marine biology, UiB
1994: Research consultant (i) Norwegian Authority for Pollution (SFT), (ii) Ocean Surveyance and Monitoring Center (HOV), Bergen
1991-1994: Research fellow, IBM Bergen Environmental Center, Bergen
1989-1990: Research scientist, AS MOWI, Bergen