Benjamin Aubrey Robson
Førsteamanuensis, Fjernmåling og geomatikk
Fjernmåling av isbreer
Object Based Image Analysis (OBIA)
Structure from Motion (SfM)
Fluvial geografi
GEO100 - Introduksjon til geografi: Globale utfordringer og lokale svar
GEO215 - Geografiske informasjonssystem: Teori og praksis
GEO313 - Naturgeografiske laboratorie- og feltmetodar
Select Conference presentations
Robson, B. A., Nuth, C., Dahl, S. O., Hendrickx, M., & Nielsen, P. R. (2015). Glacier Surface Lowering and Stagnation in the Manaslu Region of Nepal. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA
Robson, B.A., Pulwicki, A., Stearns, L., Hölbling, D., Koller M., Nielsen, P.R (2016) A Fully Automated, Multi-sensor Assessment of Terminus Position and Iceberg Density of Helheim Outlet Glacier. GSA Annual Meeting 2016, Denver, CO, USA.
Koller, M., Hölbling, D., Robson. B (2016). Quantifying and visualizing flood erosional processes using multi-temporal LIDAR data. GSA Annual Meeting 2016, Denver, CO, USA.
Select Publications
Robson, B. A., Nuth, C., Dahl, S. O., Hölbling, D., Strozzi, T., & Nielsen, P. R. (2015). Automated classification of debris-covered glaciers combining optical, SAR and topographic data in an object-based environment. Remote Sensing of Environment, 170, 372-387.
Robson, B.A.; Hölbling, D.; Nuth, C.; Strozzi, T.; Dahl, S.O. (2016) Decadal scale changes in glacier area in the Hohe Tauern National Park, Austria determined by Object-Based Image Analysis. Remote Sensing. doi:10.3390/rs8010067
Robson, B. A.; Hölbling, D.; Vatle, S.; Nuth, C.; Andreassen, L.; Dahl, S.O. Towards automatic glacier mapping: A new glacier inventory of Norway using OBIA. (in progress)
Robson, B., Nuth, C., Girod, L., Andreassen, L. M. & Dahl, S. O. 2016. Use of a GoPro camera and acrobatic plane for high resolution glacier mapping of Nigardsbreen using Structure from Motion (SfM). 2nd Virtual Geoscience Conference, Bergen, Norway (21-23rd September 2016)
Hölbling, D., Koller, M., Albrecht, F., Robson, B. A., Eisank, C., & Weinke, E. (2016) Object-based time series analysis for landslide change detection using optical remote sensing imagery: Examples from Austria and Norway. 2nd Virtual Geoscience Conference, Bergen, Norway (21-23rd September 2016)