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Peer reviewed Journals


1. Krogstie, J., Sampson, J., and Veres, C. (2011) Ontology Alignment Quality: A Framework and Tool for Validation. International Jour- nal of Information System Modeling and Design, July-September 2011, Vol. 2, No. 3


2. Krogstie, J., Veres, C., Sindre, G. (2007) . Integrating Semantic Web Technology, Web Services, and Work􏰄ow Modelling: Achiev- ing System and Business Interoperability. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems. p. 22 - 41


3. Veres, C. and Mansson, B. (2005) Cognition and Modeling: Foun- dations for Research and Practice. JITTA: Journal of Information Technology Theory & Application. vol. 7, no. 1, p. 93-104.


4. Veres, C. (2001). Two Glimpses of Priming. Invited Commentary on "Towards a general law of numerical/object identity." Current Psychology of Cognition Vol. 20, No. 3-4, p. 261-267.


5. Bloom, P. and Veres, C. (1999). The perceived intentionality of groups. Cognition 71, B1-B9.


6. Forster, K.I., & Veres, C. (1998). The prime lexicality e􏰂ect: Form- priming as a function of prime awareness, lexical status, and discrim- ination di􏰅culty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 24, p. 498-514.


7. Nicol, J., Forster, K.I., & Veres, C. (1997). Subject-verb agreement processes in comprehension. Journal of Memory & Language, 36, p. 569-587.




Book Chapters


1. Lehrer, A. and Veres, C., (in press). Experiments on Processing Lexical Blends


2. Veres, C., Sampson, J., Cox, K., Bleistein, S., and Verner, J. (in press). An Ontology Based Approach for Supporting Business-IT Alignment. In Xhafa, F., Barolli, L., Papajorgji, P. (Eds.). Complex Intelligent Systems and Their Applications, Springer.


3. Krogstie, J., Veres, C., Sindre, G., and Skytoen. (2009) Achieving System and Business Interoperability by Semantic Web Services. In Angappa Gunasekaran (Ed.), Global Implications of Modern En- terprise Information Systems: Technologies and Applications; Ad- vanced Topics in Enterprise Information Systems - Volume III, IGI Press


4. Sampson, J., Veres, C., and Lanzenberger, M. (2007) An Integrated Approach for Organizational Data Interoperability. In Doumeingts, G., Muller, J., Morel, G., and Vallespir, B. (Eds.), Enterprise Inter- operability: New Challenges and Approaches, Springer-Verlag, Lon- don.


5. Veres, C. (2006) Concept Modeling by The Masses: folksonomy structure and interoperability. ER-2006, Springer-Verlag, LNCS


6. Veres, C. (2006) The Language of Folksonomies: What Tags reveal about user classi􏰃cation. Proceedings, NLDB 2006, Springer-Verlag, LNCS.London, 2006.


7. Veres, C. (2005) Aggregation in Ontologies: Practical Implementa- tions in OWL. In Lowe,D. And Gaedke, M (Eds.) Web Engineering, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference, ICWE 2005, LNCS, Springer-Verlag, p. 285-295


8. Veres, C. and Mansson, G., (2004) Psychological Foundations for Concept Modeling. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Diagrams 2004, Springer-Verlag


Peer reviewed conference publications


1. Veres, C. (2011) LexiTags: An Interlingua for the Social Seman- tic Web. Social Data on the Web (SDoW) workshop at the 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Oct. 23 - 27, 2011.


2. Veres, C., Chen, W., Opdahl, A. L., Johansen, K., (2011). Ontology Extraction from Social Semantig Tags. International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics, May 25-27, 2011.


3. Veres, C., Johansen, K., Opdahl, A. L. (2010). Browsing and Visual- izing Semantically Enriched Information Resources. Third Interna- tional Workshop on Ontology Alignment and Visualization, Krakow, Poland, 2010.


4. Møller, T. S., Veres, C., Næss, B. (2010). Position paper on user input in ontology alignment. Third International Workshop on On- tology Alignment and Visualization, Krakow, Poland, 2010.


5. Lehrer, A. Veres, C. (2010) Two Experiments on Processing Lex- ical Blends. International Conference on Lexical Blending. Lyon, France, 10-11 June 2010


6. Veres, C. Sampson, J. Bleistein, S. Cox K. and J. Verner (2009): Using Semantic Technologies to Enhance a Requirements Engineer- ing Approach for Alignment of IT with Business Strategy, Third Workshop on Engineering Complex Distributed Systems, Japan.


7. Sampson, J. Lanzenberger, M. Veres C. (2009): Facilitating Interop- erability in Semantic Web Applications Using Ontologies, In: Pro- ceedings of Intl. Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS), IEEE Computer Society.


8. Sampson, J., Lanzenberger, M., and Veres, C. (2008) Facilitating Interoperability in Semantic Web Applications Using Ontologies. Proceedings, The Second International Conference on Complex, In- telligent, and Software Intensive Systems, CISIS 2008, Barcelona, Spain.


9. Veres, C. (2006) The Semantics of Folksonomies. Proceedings, Amer- ican Conference on Information Systems AMCIS2006, Accapulco, Mexico


10. Veres, C., Sampson, J., and Atkins, C. (2006) From ER to Ontology with Natural Language Text Generation. Proceedings, CAiSE 2006 EMMSAD workshop


11. Sampson, J., Veres, C. and Lanzenberger, M. (2006) An Integrated Approach for Organizational Data Interoperability, Proceedings, In- teroperability for Enterprise Software and Applications Conference, I-ESA06, Bordeaux, France, March 22 - 26, 2006.


12. Veres, C. (2005). Automatically Generating Aggregations for On- tologies from Database Schema: some alternatives to type hierar- chies. In Proceedings of ODBIS2005, VLDB Workshop on Ontologies- based techniques for DataBases and Information Systems, Trodheim.


13. Veres, C. and Sampson, J. (2005). Ontology and Taxonomy: Why 􏰀is-a􏰁 still isn't just 􏰀is-a􏰁?. In Arabnia, H. R. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on e-business, Enterprise In- formation Systems, e-Government and Outsourcing. EEE'05 Las Vegas, Nevada, CSREA Press.


14. Ingvaldsen, J. E., and Veres, C. (2004) Using the WordNet Ontol- ogy for Interpreting Medical Records. Proceedings of EMOI: CAiSE Workshops (3) 2004: 355-358


15. Sampson, J and Veres, C. (2004): Ontology Design using WordNet. In: Proceedings of IAWTIC International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technology and Internet Commerce, Gold Coast, Aus- tralia.


16. Soelvberg, A; Hakkarainen, S; Brasethvik, T; Lin, Y; Sampson, J; Sindre, ; Strasunskas, D; Su, X; Veres, C. (2004). COEUR-SW: Concepts On Enriching, Understanding, and Retreiving the Seman- tics on the Web. INTEROP Open Workshop on Enterprise Model- ing and Ontologies for Interoperability (EMOI 2004); 07.06.2004 -08.06.2004. Proceedings of EMOI'2004, Missikoff, M. et al. (eds.), 333-336.


17. Veres, C. (2004) On the use of WordNet for semantic interoperabil- ity: towards "cognitive computing". Proceedings of EMOI; CAiSE Workshops (3) 2004: 177-188


18. Veres, C. (2004) Re􏰃ning our intuitions with WordNet: a tool for building principled ontologies. In Proceedings of ISoneWORLD, Las Vegas, Nevada.


19. Veres, C., Chung. C. (2004) Mental Models in Collaborative Design. In Proceedings of ISoneWORLD, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada.


20. Veres, C. And Mansson, G., (2004). Cognition and Modeling. In Proceedings of ISoneWORLD, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada.


21. Veres, C. and Hitchman, S. (2002). Using Psychology to Understand Conceptual Modeling. In Wrycza, S. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Xth European Conference on Information Systems, Gdansk, Poland, p. 473 - 481.


22. Veres, C. (2000) In Defence of the Generative Lexicon, In: Pro- ceedings of The Australasian Cognitive Science Society Conference, 1999, World Scienti􏰃c


Technical reports


1. Veres, C., and Ng, S. (2009) An Approach to Information Manage- ment for AIR7000 with Metadata and Ontologies, DSTO Technical Report, DSTO-TR-2289