Daniela Elena Costea


Professor, tumour pathology



My main research interests are in the field of tumour biology, particularly of head and neck carcinogenesis, focusing on the role of normal neighbouring cells (fibroblasts) on the invasive and self renewal properties of cancer cells. I am however, fascinated by the cell-to-cell interactions, such that I am currently involved in research projects looking at cell-to-cell interactions in normal human oral tissues as well, and between human cells and periodontal bacterial cells.

Oral pathology and tumour biology

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Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin

Dr.Odont Thesis:

“Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions in Normal and Neoplastic Human Oral Mucosa - Studies on in Vitro Organotypic Models” ISBN 82-8006-022-70, UoB, Norway, 2005

Publications in peer reviewed international journals:

1. Costea DE, Loro LL, Dimba EA, Vintermyr OK, Johannessen AC (2003): Crucial effects of fibroblasts and keratinocyte growth factor on morphogenesis of reconstituted human oral epithelium. J Invest Dermatol. 121(6):1479-86.

2. Dimba EA, Gjertsen BT, Bredholt T, Fossan KO, Costea DE, Francis GW, Johannessen AC,Vintermyr OK (2004): Khat (Catha edulis)-induced apoptosis is inhibited by antagonists of
caspase-1 and -8 in human leukaemia cells. Br J Cancer. 91(9):1726-34.

3. Costea DE, Dimba AO, Loro LL, Vintermyr OK, Johannessen AC (2005): The phenotype of in vitro reconstituted normal human oral epithelium is essentially determined by culture medium. J
Oral Pathol Med. 34(4):247-52.

4. Costea DE, Johannessen AC, Vintermyr OK (2005): Fibroblast control on epithelial differentiation is gradually lost during in vitro tumor progression. Differentiation. 73(4):134-41.

5. Costea DE, Kulasekara K, Neppelberg E, Johannessen AC, Vintermyr OK (2006): Species-specific fibroblasts required for triggering invasiveness of partially transformed oral keratinocytes. Am J Pathol. 168(6):1889-97.

6. Costea DE, Tsinkalovsky O, Vintermyr OK, Johannessen AC, Mackenzie IC (2006): Cancer stem cells - new and potentially important targets for the therapy of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Oral Dis. 12(5):443-54. Review.

7. Neppelberg E, Costea DE, Vintermyr OK, Johannessen AC (2007): Dual effects of sodium lauryl sulphate on human oral epithelial structure. Exp Dermatol. 16(7):574-9.

8. Partridge M, Costea DE, Huang X (2007): The changing face of p53 in head and neck cancer. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 36(12):1123-38. Review.

9. Costea DE (2007): Meeting students’ and supervisors’ expectations - findings from a pilot study done at Centre for International Health, University of Bergen; Bergen Open Research Archive (BORA).

10. Lukandu OM, Costea DE, Dimba EA, Neppelberg E, Bredholt T, Gjertsen BT, Vintermyr OK, Johannessen AC (2008): Khat induces G1-phase arrest and increased expression of stress-sensitive
p53 and p16 proteins in normal human oral keratinocytes and fibroblasts. Eur J Oral Sci. 116(1):23-30.

11. Lukandu OM, Costea DE, Neppelberg E, Johannessen AC, Vintermyr OK (2008): Khat (Catha edulis) induces reactive oxygen species and apoptosis in normal human oral keratinocytes and
fibroblasts. Toxicol Sci. 103(2):311-24.

12. Costea DE, Gammon L, Kitajima K, Harper L and Mackenzie IC (2008): Epithelial stem cells and malignancy. J Anat. 213(1):45-51.Review.

13. Gaballah K, Costea DE, Hills A, Gollin SM, Harrison P, Partridge M (2008): Tissue engineering of oral dysplasia, J Pathol, 215(3):280-9.

14. Dabija-Wolter G, Cimpan MR, Costea DE, Johannessen AC, Sornes S, Neppelberg E, Al-Haroni M, Skaug N, Bakken V (2009): Fusobacterium nucleatum enters normal human oral fibroblasts in vitro, J Periodontol., 80(7):1174-83.

15. Lukandu OM, Bredholdt T, Neppelberg E, Gjertsen BT, Johannessen AC , Vintermyr OK , Costea DE (2009):Early Loss of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential in Khat-Induced Cell Death of
Primary Normal Human Oral Cells, Toxicology, 263(2-3):108-16.

16. Kulasekara KK, Lukandu OM, Neppelberg E, Vintermyr OK , Johannessen AC, Costea DE (2009) Increased basement membrane protein expression during cancer progression and under stromal
influence in experimental three-dimensional models of human oral mucosa, Arch Oral Biol. e-pub ahead of print.

17. Lukandu OM, Neppelberg E, Vintermyr OK , Johannessen AC , Costea DE (2009): Khat alters the phenotype of in vitro reconstructed human oral mucosa, accepted to J Dent Res.

18. Costea DE, Lukandu OM, Bui L, Ibrahim MJ, Lygre R, Neppelberg E, Ibrahim SO, Vintermyr OK, Johannessen AC (2009): Adverse effects of Sudanese Toombak versus Swedish snuff on primary human oral cells, accepted to J Oral Pathol Med.


Main research project  

·      The role of normal neighbouring cells on invasive and self renewal properties of oral cancer cells


Collaborative research projects - directly related to the main project

·      Characterization of normal, dysplastic and tumour associated fibroblasts and their interactions with early transformed keratinocytes (with prof. M Partridge, Oncology, King’s College, UK, and prof. T Salo and postdoc P Nyberg, University of Oulu, Finland)

·      Sensitivity of oral and breast cancer stem cells to apoptotic cell death induced by therapeutic agents (with prof. IC Mackenzie, Stem Cell Initiative, QMUL,UK, and assoc.prof. K Kitajima, Niigata Dental School, Japan)

·      Identification and isolation of cancer stem cells in oral and colon cancers (collaboration with assoc. prof. F Labeed, University of Surrey, UK, postdoc O Tsinkalovsky and prof. OD Lærum , The Gade Institute,  assoc. prof. PØ Enger, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Norway)


Collaborative research projects – affiliated to the main project

·      Interactions between oral cells and periodontal pathogens (collaboration with prof. V Bakken at Department of Microbiology, University of Bergen, Norway)

·      Cytotoxic effects of Catha Edulis on oral cells (collaboration with prof. BT Gjertsen, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Bergen, Norway)