Ella Walsh
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Walsh, Ella Victoria; Armitage, Simon James; Miller, Christopher et al. (2024). Palaeolandscape evolution during the period of Middle Stone Age occupation of Blombos Cave, South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Walsh, Ella Victoria; Burrough, Sallie; Thomas, David (2024). Late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental record from fluvial sediments in dryland southwestern Africa. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Walsh, Ella Victoria; Hilton, Robert; Tank, Suzanne et al. (2024). Temperature sensitivity of the mineral permafrost feedback at the continental scale. (ekstern lenke)
- Walsh, Ella Victoria; Burrough, Sallie; Thomas, David (2022). A chronological database assessing the late Quaternary palaeoenvironmental record from fluvial sediments in southwestern Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Walsh, Ella Victoria; Caracciolo, Luca; Ravida, Domenico et al. (2022). Holocene fluvial depositional regimes of the Huab River, Skeleton Coast, Namibia. (ekstern lenke)
- Hawcroft, Matt; Walsh, Ella Victoria; Hodges, Kevin et al. (2018). Significantly increased extreme precipitation expected in Europe and North America from extratropical cyclones. (ekstern lenke)