Georg Picot
- SAMPOL216: Labour market policies in comparative perspective
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Kozák, Michal; Picot, Georg ; Starke, Peter (2024). Do minimum wages crowd out union density?. (ekstern lenke)
- Kozák, Michal; Picot, Georg Johannes (2024). The politics of the minimum wage: Explaining introduction and levels. (ekstern lenke)
- Pedersen, Siri Hansen; Picot, Georg Johannes (2023). Regulating low wages: cross-national policy variation and outcomes. (ekstern lenke)
- Funke, Corinna; Picot, Georg Johannes (2021). Platform work in a Coordinated Market Economy. (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg Johannes; Marx, Paul (2019). Three approaches to labor-market vulnerability and political preferences. (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg Johannes; Tassinari, Arianna (2017). All of one kind? Labour market reforms under austerity in Italy and Spain. (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg Johannes; Menéndez, Irene (2017). Political parties and non-standard employment: An analysis of France, Germany, Italy and Spain. (ekstern lenke)
- Fervers, Lukas; Oser, Philipp; Picot, Georg Johannes (2016). Globalization and healthcare policy: A constraint on growing expenditures. (ekstern lenke)
- Hooijer, Gerda; Picot, Georg Johannes (2015). European welfare states and migrant poverty: The institutional determinants of disadvantage . (ekstern lenke)
- Häusermann, Silja; Picot, Georg Johannes; Geering, Dominik (2014). 对政党政治与福利国家关系的再思考——近期文献述评 [Rethinking party politics and the welfare state: Recent advances in the literature; Chinese translation of Häusermann et al. 2013]. (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg Johannes (2014). Party systems and social policy: A historical comparison of Italy and Germany. (ekstern lenke)
- Marx, Paul; Picot, Georg Johannes (2013). The party preferences of atypical workers in Germany. (ekstern lenke)
- Marx, Paul; Picot, Georg Johannes (2011). Die sozialpolitischen Präferenzen der Mittelschicht: Antriebskraft oder Bremse?. (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg Johannes (2009). Party competition and reforms of unemployment benefits in Germany: How a small change in electoral demand can make a big difference. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- Picot, Georg Johannes (2023). Minimum wages: by collective bargaining and by law. (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg (2022). Political and institutional limits to the rise of platform work. (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg Johannes (2021). Cross-national variation in growth models: Three sources of extra demand . (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg Johannes; Tassinari, Arianna (2015). Politica e riforme del mercato del lavoro. Il Jobs Act di Renzi. (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg Johannes; Tassinari, Arianna (2015). Politics in a Transformed Labor Market: Renzi’s Labor Market Reform. (ekstern lenke)
- Marx, Paul; Picot, Georg Johannes (2014). Labour market policies and party preferences of fixed-term workers. (ekstern lenke)
- Picot, Georg Johannes; Schmid, Josef (2001). 'Welfare to Work' bei Blair und Schröder – eine Idee, zwei Realitäten?. (ekstern lenke)