Helga Bjørnøy Urke
Mental helse og trivsel blant barn og ungdom
- Sosial ulikheit i psykisk helse
- Skulen som arena for å fremje helse
- Fysisk aktiv læring
- Psykososiale læringsmiljø og fråfall i videregåande opplæring
- Positiv ungdomsutvikling
Global helse og helsefremjande arbeid
- Omsorg, ernæring og utvikling blant born under 5 år i det Globale sør
- Sosial ulikheit i omsorg for og helse blant born under 5 år i det Globale sør
- Global helse
- Folkehelse og folkehelsearbeid
- Helsefremjande arbeid
- Kvantitativ metode
Faglig foredrag
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- Danielsen, Anne G; Kristensen, Sara Madeleine; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes et al. (2024). Positive Youth Development in Norwegian Upper Secondary: The Impact of Sex, Socio-economic Status, and Immigrant Background on the Developmental Trajectories of Academic Initiative, Academic Self-efficacy, and Grade Point Average. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy et al. (2022). Doing Collaborative Health Promotion Research in a Complex Setting: Lessons Learned from the COMPLETE Project in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Holsen, Ingrid; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy (2020). Social Justice for Children and Young People in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Brook, Martika Irene; Bøe, Tormod; Samdal, Oddrun et al. (2024). Examining the Psychometric Properties of the Family Affluence Scale in Norwegian Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Surveys: Implications for Time Trend Analysis. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Kristensen, Sara Madeleine et al. (2023). Caring Climate and Support, Mental Health, and Academic Adjustment: Effects from a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in Upper Secondary Schools in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Kristensen, Sara Madeleine; Danielsen, Anne G; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy et al. (2023). The positive feedback loop between academic self-efficacy, academic initiative, and Grade Point Average: a parallel process latent growth curve model. (ekstern lenke)
- Kristensen, Sara Madeleine; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy et al. (2023). Academic Stress, Academic Self-efficacy, and Psychological Distress: A Moderated Mediation of Within-person Effects. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Kristensen, Sara Madeleine (2023). Preventing Loneliness and Reducing Dropout: Results from the COMPLETE Intervention Study in Upper Secondary Schools in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Kristensen, Sara Madeleine Eriksen; Jørgensen, Magnus; Meland, Eivind et al. (2023). The effect of teacher, parental, and peer support on later grade point average: The mediating roles of self-beliefs. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Kristensen, Sara Madeleine; Bøe, Tormod et al. (2023). Perceptions of a caring school climate and mental well-being: a one-way street? Results from a random intercept cross-lagged panel model. (ekstern lenke)
- Wiium, Nora; Kristensen, Sara Madeleine; Årdal, Elisabeth et al. (2023). Civic engagement and mental health trajectories in Norwegian youth. (ekstern lenke)
- Kristensen, Sara Madeleine; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes et al. (2022). Hello Darkness, My Old Friend: Moderating a Random Intercept Cross-lagged Panel Model of Loneliness and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Holsen, Ingrid; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes (2021). Positive Youth Development and Mental Well-Being in Late Adolescence: The Role of Body Appreciation. Findings From a Prospective Study in Norway. (ekstern lenke)
- Kristensen, Sara Madeleine Eriksen; Danielsen, Anne G; Jeno, Lucas Matias et al. (2021). The Within-Person Effect of Psychological Distress on Social Self-Efficacy: A Random Intercept Cross-Lagged Panel Model . (ekstern lenke)
- Geldhof, G. John; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy et al. (2019). Indicators of positive youth development can be maladaptive: The example case of caring. (ekstern lenke)
- Brandseth, Oda Lekve; Håvarstein, Malin Torstveit; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy et al. (2019). Mental well-being among students in Norwegian upper secondary schools: the role of teacher support and class belonging. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Tobro, Marte et al. (2019). Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Loneliness in Upper Secondary School in Norway: Effects of a Randomized Controlled Trial. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Holsen, Ingrid et al. (2018). COMPLETE - a school-based intervention project to increase completion of upper secondary school in Norway: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial.. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Contreras, Mariela; Matanda, Dennis Juma (2018). The influence of maternal and household resources, and parental psychosocial child stimulation on early childhood development: A cross-sectional study of children 36-59 months in Honduras. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Amugsi, Dickson Abanimi et al. (2018). Resources for nurturing childcare practices in urban and rural settings: Findings from the Colombia 2010 Demographic and Health Survey. (ekstern lenke)
- Agbadi, Pascal; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Mittelmark, Maurice B (2017). Household food security and adequacy of child diet in the food insecure region north in Ghana. (ekstern lenke)
- Pedersen, Sidsel Stormoen; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland et al. (2016). High school physical education: What contributes to the experience of flow?. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Mittelmark, Maurice B (2015). Associations between intimate partner violence, childcare practices and infant health: Findings from Demographic and Health Surveys in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. (ekstern lenke)
- Matanda, Dennis Juma; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy et al. (2014). Reliability of demographic and socioeconomic variables in predicting early initiation of breastfeeding: A replication analysis using the Kenya Demographic and Health Survey data. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Cao, Zhirong R.; Egeland, Grace M. (2014). Validity of a single item food security questionnaire in Arctic Canada. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Valdivia, Martín (2014). Trends in stunting and overweight in Peruvian pre-schoolers form 1991 to 2011: findings from the Demographic and Health Surveys. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Bull, Torill; Mittelmark, Maurice B (2013). Child diet and healthy growth in the context of rural poverty in the Peruvian Andes: What influences primary caregivers' opportunities and choices?. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Bull, Torill; Mittelmark, Maurice B (2011). Socioeconomic status and chronic child malnutrition: wealth and maternal education matter more in the Peruvian Andes than nationally. (ekstern lenke)
Faglig kapittel
- Mittelmark, Maurice B; Daniel, Marguerite Lorraine; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy (2022). Specific resistance resources in the salutogenic model of health. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Daniel, Marguerite Lorraine (2022). Innovative Pedagogies in a Health Promotion Specialisation: Knowledge, Practice and Research. (ekstern lenke)
- Daniel, Marguerite Lorraine; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy (2022). Extending Student-Active Learning into Effective Practice in Global Development-Related Health Promotion.. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Hennessy, Emily A.; Sanmartino, Mariana et al. (2021). Exploring the Potential for the Arts to Promote Health and Social Justice. (ekstern lenke)
- Corbin, J. Hope; Sanmartino, Mariana; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy et al. (2021). Arts, Health Promotion, and Social Justice: Synergy in Motion. (ekstern lenke)
- Ayele, Christa; Corbin, J. Hope; Hennessy, Emily A. et al. (2021). Art and Innovation at International Health Promotion Conferences. (ekstern lenke)
- Mittelmark, Maurice B; Bull, Torill; Daniel, Marguerite et al. (2016). Specific Resistance Resources in the Salutogenic Model of Health. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Tjomsland, Hege Eikeland (2022). Preliminary findings from a co-created PAL diary study. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Kristensen, Sara Madeleine; Bøe, Tormod et al. (2022). The within-person relationship of school climate and mental wellbeing in adolescence. (ekstern lenke)
- Kristensen, Sara Madeleine; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes et al. (2022). The developmental dynamics of academic self-efficacy, initiative, and grade point average: A parallel process latent growth curve model. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Amugsi, Dickson A. et al. (2016). Socio-economic conditions and childcare in Colombia: an urban-rural comparison. (ekstern lenke)
- Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Bull, Torill (2012). Socioeconomic status and Chronic Child Malnutrition: wealth and maternal education matter more in the Peruvian Andes than nationally. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
- Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Mathisen, Frida Kathrine Sofie; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy et al. (2020). Kan systematisk arbeid med det psykososiale miljøet bidra til bedre gjennomføring i videregående opplæring ?. (ekstern lenke)
- Djupedal, Ingebjørg L.; Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Kristensen, Sara Madeleine et al. (2019). Andre delrapport fra COMPLETE-prosjektet - Kortversjon. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Torill Marie Bogsnes; Anvik, Cecilie Høj; Tobro, Marte et al. (2017). Delrapport fra Complete-prosjektet. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
- Matanda, Dennis Juma; Urke, Helga Bjørnøy; Mittelmark, Maurice B (2016). Changes in optimal childcare practices in Kenya: Insights from the 2003, 2008-9 and 2014 demographic and health surveys. (ekstern lenke)
- Amugsi, Dickson Abanimi; Mittelmark, Maurice B; Lartey, Anna et al. (2014). Influence of childcare practices on nutritional status of Ghanaian children: A regression analysis of the Ghana Demographic and Health Surveys. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig monografi
LONGTRENDS: Social inequality in adolescent mental health in a lifecourse perspective.
COMPLETE: Gode psykososiale læringsmiljø bedrer gjennomføring i den videregående skolen. En randomisert kontrollert studie blant norske videregående skoler.
PhD-prosjekt: Sosiale forhold assosiert med barns helse og utvikling i det Globale Sør i samarbeid med forskingsgruppa MC Venues på Hemil-senteret.