Henriette Sinding Aasen






Professor Henriette Sinding Aasen, Det juridiske fakultet, UiB er en etablert forsker innen området helse og menneskerettigheter. Området dekker eksempelvis tilgang til helsetjenester for sårbare grupper, pasienters rettigheter og forholdet mellom velferdsstatens reguleringer og sosial tilhørlighet. Henriette har en bred erfaring i å lede og samarbeide i interdisiplinære forskningsprosjekt som eksempelvis VAM, constitution program og NoRGLOBAL.

 Aasen is the head of the Research group on welfare state law at the faculty, a member of the University of Bergen´s strategic group for global challenges (health, migration, social inequality), and a member of the strategic working group of University of Bergen´s interdisciplinary Pandemic Centre. Her research interests are the multiple connections between health- and welfare regulations and human rights, including autonomy, privacy and non-discrimination. Recent publications cover constitutional protection of welfare rights; the right to adequate healthcare for undocumented migrants and the elderly; balancing of rights in conflict; reproductive rights; protection against harmful practices; rape and consent; rights of the elderly during the COVID pandemic. She has led and participated in several interdisciplinary research projects in the areas of health, juridification and social equality, and has served in a number of national law commissions, latest on drug policy reform in Norway


Jus 276-2-A Economic, social and cultural Rights

Jus 250-2-A Velferdsrett

Jus 250-2-C Health and human rights in the welfare state


Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
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Vitenskapelig artikkel
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
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Vitenskapelig monografi
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
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Rettsliggjøring og sosialt medborgerskap

Prioritering av helsetjenester og rettslig regulering

Grunnloven og velferdsstaten

Seksuell og reproduktiv helse - fokus på kvinners rettigheter i Sør-Afrika



Graduated from University of Oslo, Faculty of law (Cand jur), 1989
Doctor of law (Dr. juris), University of Bergen, Faculty of law, 1998

Employment history

Professor, University of Bergen, Faculty of law, 2006-
Postdoc, University of Bergen, Faculty of law, 2003-2005
Associate professor, University of Bergen, Faculty of law, 1998-2006
Research fellow, University of Bergen, Faculty of law, 1991-1998
Research fellow, University of Oslo, Institute of Women´s Law, 1989-90

Main areas of ongoing research and related activities

Research interests include a broad range of issues related to the welfare state, citizenship, human rights and democracy.

Coordinator of the University of Bergen interdisciplinary research program on Democracy and Rule of Law (2008-2012).

Leader of three interdisciplinary research projects, all funded by the Norwegian Research Council: The NORGLOBAL project (Norway-Tanzania) “Health promotion, dignity and human rights: improvement of maternal health” (2010-2013), examining human rights obligations related to maternal health in Tanzania; “Juridification and social citizenship in the Norwegian welfare state: towards a multidimensional analysis (2011-2014), which includes empirical and normative analysis of juridification processes as they play out in the Norwegian welfare state, and their implications for inclusion of vulnerable groups and their social citizenship; and “Constitution, welfare state and citizenship” (2011-2014), exploring the influence of the Norwegian Constitution on the notion of citizenship and the legal and political interplay between the Constitution and the development of the Norwegian welfare state. All projects have international partners.

Member of the interdisciplinary research project 'Should States Ratify Human Rights Conventions?' (2009-2010), headed by prof. Andreas Føllesdal and prof. Geir Ulfstein (Centre for Advanced Study, Oslo), resulting in the upcoming volume Women’s Human Rights: CEDAW in International, Regional and National Law (Hellum and Aasen eds., Cambridge University Press, 2013).