Hilde Halland
Kort info
50% postdoktor ved Klinisk Institutt 2 ved UiB. 50% konstituert overlege i Mottaksklinikken ved Haukeland Universitetssjukehus (permisjon fra fast stilling ved Hjerteavdelingen, HUS).
Kompetanse/interesseområder: Hypertensjon, fedme, kjønnsforskjeller, hjertesykdom hos kvinner.
Aktuelle prosjekter: Jobber med FATCOR oppfølgingsstudien, der FATCOR-kohorten undersøkes på nytt med blant annet ekkokardiografi og ergospirometri. For tiden opptatt av å studere hypertensjon, fedme og kvinnehjertet i lys av proteomikk/inflammasjon.
ESC 2024: Posterpresentasjon (Sex-biased proteomic regulation in obesity)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Midtbø, Helga Bergljot; Ulvik, Arve; Cramariuc, Dana et al. (2024). Influence of cardiorespiratory fitness on obesity-associated inflammation in women and men: The FATCOR study. (ekstern lenke)
- Eikås, John Glad; Gerdts, Eva; Halland, Hilde et al. (2023). Arterial Stiffness in Overweight and Obesity: Association with Sex, Age, and Blood Pressure. (ekstern lenke)
- Mancusi, Costantino; Midtbø, Helga Bergljot; De Luca, Nicola et al. (2021). Association of myocardial energetic efficiency with circumferential and longitudinal left ventricular myocardial function in subjects with increased body mass index (The fatcor study). (ekstern lenke)
- Pristaj, Nadia; Saeed, Sahrai; Midtbø, Helga Bergljot et al. (2020). Covariables of myocardial function in women and men with increased body mass index. (ekstern lenke)
- Herfindal, Bertina Nielsen; Gerdts, Eva; Kringeland, Ester Anne et al. (2020). Concomitant hypertension is associated with abnormal left ventricular geometry and lower systolic myocardial function in overweight participants: the FAT associated CardiOvasculaR dysfunction study. (ekstern lenke)
- Halland, Hilde; Matre, Knut; Einarsen, Eigir et al. (2019). Effect of fitness on cardiac structure and function in overweight and obesity (the FATCOR study). (ekstern lenke)
- Halland, Hilde; Lønnebakken, Mai Tone; Pristaj, Nadia et al. (2018). Sex differences in subclinical cardiac disease in overweight and obesity (the FATCOR study). (ekstern lenke)
- Halland, Hilde; Lønnebakken, Mai Tone; Saeed, Sahrai et al. (2017). Does fitness improve the cardiovascular risk profile in obese subjects?. (ekstern lenke)
- Kenny, Isabel Eva; Saeed, Sahrai; Gerdts, Eva et al. (2017). Masked hypertension in obesity: Potential predictors and arterial damage. (ekstern lenke)
- Strandheim, Astrid; Halland, Hilde; Saeed, Sahrai et al. (2015). Obesity-associated metabolic changes influence resting and peak heart rate in women and men. (ekstern lenke)