Ida Helene Steen






The overall theme in my research is to understand the physiology of microorganisms living in deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems by the use of culturing, molecular biology, biochemistry and geochemistry.

Specific questions that I address are:

What is the diversity of energy metabolisms of hydrothermal vent microorganisms?

How do they link the cycling of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in the system?

Do they have enzymes useful in biotechnology?


NRKs"Schrödingers Katt" 12.02.2015:

Del 5 "Livet på 3000 meters dyp kan revolusjonere industrien"


Current PhD and master students (main or co- supervisor)

MSc student Noemi Segura. Ecology and physiology of sulfate-reducing partner bacteria involved in anaerobic oxidation of methane in Arctic vents

MSc student Hallvard Johan Jacobsen. Phenotypic characterization of a new Pseudodesulfovibrio strain isolated from the Ægir vent field

MSc student Emilie Kristine Nygaard. Identification, production and characterization of novel marine enzymes

MSc Ivan Patrick B. Tualla (IMBRSea) Identification, expression, and biochemical characterization of plastic-degrading enzymes from extremophilic bacteria at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridges (AMOR) deep-sea hydrothermal vents

PhD-candidate Brenda Lizbeth Esteban Vazquesz (UiB, CDeepSea). Connectivity and adaptations of Pseudosetia griegi and Pseudosetia sp. (Gastropoda; Rissoidae) to chemosynthesis-based ecosystems along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge

PhD-candidate Nguyen Trong Thuc (UiB, DeepSeaQuence). Diversity of biosynthetic gene clusters and antimicrobial peptides in Arctic deep-sea hydrothermal vent microbiomes

PhD-candidate Petra Hribovsek (UiB, CDeepSea). Ecology and genomic diversity of iron-oxidizing bacteria at Arctic deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Lessons from genome-resolved metagenomics and microscopy

PhD-candidate Victoria Røyseth (UiB). Discovery of novel marine clostripain-like proteases from Arctic hydrothermal vents – activation mechanism, substrate utilization and biotechnological aspects

MSc student Ramsha Iqbal. Heterologous production, purification and substrate usage of a variant of the marine globupain protease


PhD Francesca Vulcano (UiB). Metagenomics-drive predictions in Archaea from hydrocarbon-rich Arctic hydrothermal systems - 2023

MSc Siri Charlotte Haugerud Rognan. Plastic degrading potential of Arctic Deep-Sea hydrothermal microbiomes - 2023

PhD Hasan Arsin (UiB, NorZymeD). Sequence-based enzyme discovery from marine microbial biodiversity: Multiple approaches for the heterologous expression of genes in Escherichia coli – 2021

MSc Sondre Olai Spjeld. Metagenomics-based discovery of novel carbohydrate degrading enzymes from deep-sea hydrothermal in situ enrichments; expression, purification and characterization – 2021

MSc Stian Torset. The distribution of primary producing functional traits and NAD(H) maintenance methods across geochemical energy landscapes - 2021

MSc Ida-Marie Lervåg. Characterization of novel viral proteins - A potential for bioprospecting - 2019

MSc Hannah Babel. Metabolic properties of hyperthermophilic sulfate-reducing archaea of the genus Archaeoglobusin deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems -2019

PhD Anders Schouw (UiB, Biogoldmine). Isolation and genome analysis of Vallitalea guaymasensis L81; energy metabolism, syntrophy and applications - 2018

PhD Jan Vander Roost (UiB, CGB). Iron oxidizing microorganisms at the Jan Mayen hydrothermal vent fields - 2018

PhD Sven Le Moine Bauer (UiB, CGB). Impact of environmental parameters and dispersal on microbial communities in hydrothermal areas of the Nordic Seas -2017

Msc Andreas Gilje Sjøberg. Physiological characterization of a novel strain within Rhodobacteraceae, isolated from a biofilm sample on a barite chimney at the Loki´s Castle Vent Field. - 2016

PhD Juliane Wissuwa (UiB, Biogoldmine). The Arctic mid-Ocean Ridge Vent Fields - A valuable Resource for Marine Bioprospecting? -2016

MSc Sepideh Mostafavi. Metagenome-based analysis of the functional potential of a marine sediment community dominated by ANME-2c. -2015

MSc Sophie Radeke. Diversity, function and interactions of anaerobic methanotrophs in Loki ́s Castle Vent Field. -2015

MSc Victoria Røyseth. Isolering og fysiologisk karakterisering av Marinitoga sp. stamme 2PyrY55-1ᵀ. -2015

PhD William P. Hocking (UiB). Energy conservation mechanisms in the sulfate respiring  archaeon Archaeoglobus fulgidus VC16-assessed by transcriptome analyses and comparative genomics. -2015

PhD Anita-Elin Fedøy (UiB). Structure-function analysis of isocitrate dehydrogenase subfamily II: Adaptations to hot and cold –2014

PhD Steffen L Jørgensen (UiB, CGB). Linking microbial community structure and geochemistry in deep-sea sediments - 2013

PhD Irene Roalkvam (UiB, VISTA). Diversity, stratification and in situ metabolism of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea in Nyegga cold seeps  - 2012

MSc Elisabeth Machteld Biersma. Microbial diversity and function associated with a black smoker from Loki´s Castle vent field. - 2012

MSc Carina Magnussen. Genekspresjon av karbonmonoksid dehydrogenase/acethyl-CoA syntase komplekset og sat-ORF2-aprBA operonet i Arhcaeoglobus fulgidus. - 2010

MSc Irene Roalkvam. Proteomikkstudier av den sulfatreduserende hypertermofile arkéen Archaeoglobus fulgidus- 2008

MSc Solveig Hoem.Diversitet og utbredelse av sulfatreduserende og svoveloksiderende prokaryoter i hydrothermale miljø.  - 2008

PhD Runar Stokke (UiB). Isocitrate dehydrogenase from extremophiles: Molecular adaptations to high temperatures. - 2007

MSc William P. Hocking. Kinetic characterization revealing a possible NADP substrate inhibition mechanism in isocitrate dehydrogenase of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Aeropyrum pernix.- 2007

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Current and previous projects:

2021-2024 Life at the limits: diversity, adaptation strategies and bioprospecting of microbes living in Arctic deep sea habitats (IN-DEPTH), EEA-Norway grant (P.I. Tadeusz Kaczorowski University of Gdansk). P.I. UiB.

2021-2024 DeepSeaQuence:Uncovering the metabolic secrets and capacity of Arctic deep-sea hydrothermal vent microbiomes. NFR. Co-investigator. 

2021-2024 EcoSafe: Environmental risk studies towards sustainable seabed mineral mining on the Mid-Ocean Ridge in Norway. Co-investigator. 

2021-2026 Centre for Deep-Sea Research (Trond Mohn foundation). Theme leader "Bioresources" and member of leader group.

2019-2023 HyPOD: Hydrothermal Production of Organic molecules: carbon transforamtion and Decomposition in ocean crust fluids. Frinatek. P.I. Ass. prof E. Reeves, UiB. Role in project - partner.

2018-2021 HACON: Hot vents in an ice-covered ocean: the role of the Arctic as a connectivity pathway betweeen ocean basins. Frinatek. P.I. Dr. Eva Ramirez-Llodra, NIVA. Role in project, partner - microbiology.

2017-2021 KG Jebsen centre for Deep-Sea Research. (leader group)

2016-2021 VIROVAC: Impact of appendicularia on the ecology of marine viruses. Frimedbio. P.I. Jessica L Ray, Norce. Partner.

2016-2019 Virus-X: Viral Metagenomics for innovation Value. H2020. Partner/WP-leader: 

2015-2018 INMARE: Industrial Applications of Marine Enzymes: Innovative screening and expression platforms to discover and use the functional protein diversity from the sea.  H2020. Partner: More info.

2012-2017NorZymeD: Enzyme development for Norwegian biomass - mining Norwegian biodiversity for seizing Norwegian oppotunities in the bio-based economy. NFR

2012-2015 Better handling of microbial induced corrosion during operation. VISTA 

2011-2016 Mining of a Norwegian biogoldminethrough metagenomics. 

2009-2012 Metagenomics and metaproteomics of deep arctic hydrothermal systems. VISTA

2006-2007 Optimalisering av proteomikkverktøy for stuider av fysiologiske prosesser hos mikoorganismer i biogeokjemiske sykluser i ekstreme miljl. Meltzer 

2001-2002 Thermodynamics and structure of thermostable isocitrate dehydrogenase. Postdoc, Karolinska Institute. NorFa. 

1998-2001 Structural and phylogenetic aspects of isocitrate dehydrogenase. NFR.

Åpne master-prosjekt

Syntrophic conversion of amino acids to methane in hydrothermal vent systems -The main focus of this master project will be to reveal the biochemistry behind syntrophic growth on amino acids of Vallitalea guaymasensis L81 and Methanoplanus limicola by cultivation experiments, proteomics and protein chemistry. Vallitalea guaymasensis L81 is a mesophilic, fermentative microorganisms isolated from the Loki´s Castle vent field.

Sulfate reducing bacteria involved in syntrophic conversion of short chain hydrocabons - The main focus of this master project will be to analyze reconstructed genomes of putative sulfate reducing partners involved in anaerobic conversions of short chain hydrocarbons. Based on metabolic predictions, enrichment cultures will be intitated and growth followed using geochemical and microbiological methods. The main study area will be the Loki´s Castle vent field.