Ingeborg Winge
Seniorrådgiver, Node-koordinator i Elixir Norge
I am working as a Node coordinator / Project manager of ELIXIR Norway, the national research infrastructure for bioinformatics and the Norwegian Node of ELIXIR Europe ( Part of the ELIXIR Norway leader group.
Part of my tasks are:
- Coordinate activities, collaboration and communication within ELIXIR Norway, with the ELIXIR Hub/headquarter and with other ELIXIR nodes.
- Initiate and coordinate networks with stakeholders locally, nationally and internationally.
- Contribute to initiation and facilitation of networks within infrastructure development between the partner institutions and external collaborators.
- Deeply involved in all funding proposals by ELIXIR Norway.
- Manage and coordinate ELIXIR Norway's portfolio of externally funded projects, e.g. from the Research Council of Norway, NordForsk and EU
- Lead work packages on Management in projects run by ELIXIR Norway (ELIXIR3, BioMedData), responsible for project deliverables and associated reporting
- Responsible for a number of investigations and reports, including comments on emerging national policies and strategies
- Part of various thematic working groups across Europe with other ELIXIR staff.
Previous coordinator of CCBIO905
- Røgenes, Hanna; Finne, Kenneth; Winge, Ingeborg et al. (2024). Development of 42 marker panel for in-depth study of cancer associated fibroblast niches in breast cancer using imaging mass cytometry. (ekstern lenke)
- Bjørnstad, Ole Vidhammer; Carrasco Fernandez, Manuel; Finne, Kenneth et al. (2024). Global and single-cell proteomics view of the co-evolution between neural progenitors and breast cancer cells in a co-culture model. (ekstern lenke)
- Ingebriktsen, Lise Martine; Humlevik, Rasmus Olai Collett; Svanøe, Amalie Abrahamsen et al. (2024). Elevated expression of Aurora-A/AURKA in breast cancer associates with younger age and aggressive features. (ekstern lenke)
- Winge, Ingeborg (2023). Regler for åpen deling av data - til hjelp eller hinder?. (ekstern lenke)
- Kjølle, Silje; Finne, Kenneth; Birkeland, Even et al. (2023). Hypoxia induced responses are reflected in the stromal proteome of breast cancer. (ekstern lenke)
- Milosevic, Vladan; Edelmann, Reidunn Jetne; Winge, Ingeborg et al. (2023). Vessel size as a marker of survival in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer. (ekstern lenke)