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Nacke, Lola; Vinichenko, Vadim; Cherp, Aleh
et al. (2024). Compensating affected parties necessary for rapid coal phase-out but expensive if extended to major emitters. (ekstern lenke)
Kazlou, Tsimafei; Cherp, Aleh; Jewell, Jessica
(2024). Feasible deployment of carbon capture and storage and the requirements of climate targets. (ekstern lenke)
Hyun, Minwoo; Cherp, Aleh; Jewell, Jessica
et al. (2023). Feasibility trade-offs in decarbonising the power sector with high coal dependence: The case of Korea. (ekstern lenke)
Vinichenko, Vadim; Jewell, Jessica; Jacobsson, Johan
et al. (2023). Historical diffusion of nuclear, wind and solar power in different national contexts: implications for climate mitigation pathways. (ekstern lenke)
Lægreid, Ole Martin; Cherp, Aleh; Jewell, Jessica
(2023). Coal phase-out pledges follow peak coal: evidence from 60 years of growth and decline in coal power capacity worldwide. (ekstern lenke)
Suzuki, Masahiro; Jewell, Jessica; Cherp, Aleh
(2023). Have climate policies accelerated energy transitions? Historical evolution of electricity mix in the G7 and the EU compared to net-zero targets. (ekstern lenke)
Vinichenko, Vadim; Vetier, Marta; Jewell, Jessica
et al. (2023). Phasing out coal for 2 °C target requires worldwide replication of most ambitious national plans despite security and fairness concerns. (ekstern lenke)
Bi, Stephen L.; Bauer, Nico; Jewell, Jessica
(2023). Coal-exit alliance must confront freeriding sectors to propel Paris-aligned momentum. (ekstern lenke)
Ramirez Camargo, Luis; Castro, Gabriel; Gruber, Katharina
et al. (2022). Pathway to a land-neutral expansion of Brazilian renewable fuel production. (ekstern lenke)
Brutschin, Elina; Cherp, Aleh; Jewell, Jessica
(2021). Failing the formative phase: The global diffusion of nuclear power is limited by national markets. (ekstern lenke)
Cherp, Aleh; Vinichenko, Vadim; Tosun, Jale
et al. (2021). National growth dynamics of wind and solar power compared to the growth required for global climate targets. (ekstern lenke)
Pai, Sandeep; Emmerling, Johannes; Drouet, Laurent
et al. (2021). Meeting well-below 2°C target would increase energy sector jobs globally. (ekstern lenke)
Brauers, Hanna; Braunger, Isabell; Jewell, Jessica
(2021). Liquefied natural gas expansion plans in Germany: The risk of gas lock-in under energy transitions. (ekstern lenke)
Vinichenko, Vadim; Cherp, Aleh; Jewell, Jessica
(2021). Historical precedents and feasibility of rapid coal and gas decline required for the 1.5°C target. (ekstern lenke)
Jewell, Jessica; Emmerling, Johannes; Vinichenko, Vadim
et al. (2020). Reply to: Why fossil fuel producer subsidies matter. (ekstern lenke)
Øverland, Indra; Bradshaw, Michael; Kuzemko, Caroline
et al. (2020). Covid-19 and the politics of sustainable energy transitions. (ekstern lenke)
Pai, Sandeep; Zerriffi, Hisham; Jewell, Jessica
et al. (2020). Solar has greater techno-economic resource suitability than wind for replacing coal mining jobs. (ekstern lenke)
Jewell, Jessica; Vetier, Marta; Garcia-Cabrera, Daniel
(2019). The international technological nuclear cooperation landscape: A new dataset and network analysis. (ekstern lenke)
Jewell, Jessica; Vinichenko, Vadim; Nacke, Lola
et al. (2019). Prospects for powering past coal. (ekstern lenke)
Cherp, Aleh; Vinichenko, Vadim; Jewell, Jessica
et al. (2018). Integrating techno-economic, socio-technical and political perspectives on national energy transitions: A meta-theoretical framework. (ekstern lenke)
Jewell, Jessica; McCollum, David; Emmerling, Johannes
et al. (2018). Limited emission reductions from fuel subsidy removal except in energy-exporting regions. (ekstern lenke)
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