Jonas Linde





- Political behavior

- Political opinion 

- Political support

- Quality of Government

- Populism




Sampol 226: Populism and its consequences for liberal democracy (Spring)

Sampol 115: Democracy and democratization (Fall)

Sampol 306: Master seminar in comparative politics (Fall)

Sampol 324: Politisk engasjement: Praktisk, empirisk forskning


Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin

Selected publications

Articles in international peer review journals

(2024, forthcoming), "Beyond the Ballot: The Impact of Voting Margin and Turnour on the Legitimacy of Referendum Outcomes in Europe", Political Studies (with Sveinung Arnesen, Troy Broderstad, and Mikael Johannesson). 

(2024) "Anti-Immigration Attitudes and Political Participation in Europe", Political Studies, Online first. (with Andrej Kokkonen)

(2023) "A Nativist Divide? Anti-Immigration Attitudes and Diffuse Regime Support in Western Europe", European Journal of Political Research 62(3): 977-988. (with Andrej Kokkonen). 

(2023) "Nativist Attitudes and Opportunistic Support for Democracy", West European Politics 46(1): 49-72. (with Andrej Kokkonen)

(2021) "A tough trade-off? The asymmetrical impact of populist radical right inclusion on satisfaction with democracy and government”, European Political Science Review 13 (1): 113-133. (with Eelco Harteveld, Andrej Kokkonen & Stefan Dahlberg)

(2020) "Responsiveness, support, and responsibility: How democratic responsiveness facilitates responsible government", Party Politics 26 (3): 291–304. doi: (with Yvette Peters).

(2020) "How Populism and Polarization Affect Europe's Liberal Democracies", Politics and Governance 8 (3): 1-5. (with Marlene Mauk and Heidi Schulze).

(2020) "Gen(d)eralized trust: An experimental approach to interpersonal trust and gender sensitivity", Comparative Sociology 19 (2): 237–258. doi: (with Cornelius Cappelen and Petrus Olander)

(2019) "Conditional Legitimacy: How Turnout, Majority Size and Outcome Affect Perceptions of Legitimacy in EU Membership Referendums", European Union Politics 20 (2): 176–197. doi: (with Sveinung Arnesen, Troy Saghaug Broderstad and Mikael Poul Johannesson). 

(2018) "Socialization or Experience? Institutional Trust and Political Support among Emigrants in Different Institutional Settings", The Journal of Politics Vol 80, No. 4 (with Stefan Dahlberg).

(2018) "Unraveling Semi-Presidentialism: Democracy and Government Performance in Four Distinct Regime Types", Democratization, Vol. 25, No. 1: 136-157. doi 10.1080/13510347.2017.1334643 (with Thomas Sedelius)

(2017) "Do Polls Influence Opinions? Testing the Spiral of Silence Using a Dynamic Response Feedback Experimental Procedure", Social Science Computer Review, Online first, DOI: (with Sveinung Arnesen, Mikael Johannessen and Stefan Dahlberg). 

(2017) "The Dynamics of the Winner-Loser Gap in Satisfaction with Democracy: Evidence from a Swedish Citizen Panel", International Political Science Review, Vol. 38, No. 5: 525-541. DOI: Stefan Dahlberg)

(2016) "Losing Happily? The Mitigating Effect of Democracy and Quality of Government on the Winner-Loser Gap in Political Support", International Journal of Public Administration Vol. 39, No. 9: 652-664 (with Stefan Dahlberg)

(2016), "Distrust in Utopia? Public Perceptions of Corruption and System Support in Iceland Before and After the Financial Crisis of 2008", Government and Opposition, Vol. 51, No. 4, 553-579. DOI: 10.1017/gov.2014.46 (with Gissur Ó Erlingsson & Richard Öhrvall)

(2015), "Democratic discontent in old and new democracies: Assessing the importance of democratic input and governmental output", Political Studies, Vol. 63, No. S1, 18-37 (Thematic issue on Governance, Trust and Democracy). (with Stefan Dahlberg & Sören Holmberg)

(2014), "Not so Fair After All? Perceptions of Procedural Fairness and Satisfaction with Democracy in the Nordic Welfare States", International Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 37, No. 2. (with Gissur Ó Erlingsson & Richard Öhrvall) 

(2013), "The Eroding Effect of Corruption on System Support in Sweden", Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, Vol. 26, No. 4, 585-603. (with Gissur Ó Erlingsson)

(2013), "The Dictator's New Clothes: E-participation and Quality of Government in Non-Democratic Regimes", International Journal of Public Administration 36, 269-281(with Martin Karlsson)

(2012), "Understanding the rise of e-participation in non-democracies: Domestic and international factors", Government Information Quarterly Vol. 29, No. 2: 142-150. (with Joachim Åström, Martin Karlsson & Ali Pirannejad)

(2012), "Why Feed the Hand that Bites You? Perceptions of Procedural Fairness and System Support in Post-Communist Democracies", European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 51, No. 3, 410-434.

(2012), "Making and Breaking Political Legitimacy in Post-Communist Democracies: The Quality of Government Effect", Politics in Central Europe Vol. 8, No. 1, 35-63.

(2005), "Communist Nostalgia and the Consolidation of Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe", Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics , Vol. 21, No. 3, 354–374. (with Joakim Ekman)

(2004), "Public Support for Democracy in the New EU Member States", Perspectives. The Central European Review of International Affairs, No. 21, 39–54. (with Joakim Ekman)

(2003), "Satisfaction with Democracy: A Note on Frequently Used Indicator in Comparative Politics", European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 42, No. 3, 391–408. (with Joakim Ekman)

(2003), "Beyond the Transitology-Area Studies Debate", Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 40, No. 4, 3–16. (with Steven Saxonberg)


Chapters in edited volumes

(2023) "Hvilken type demokrati vil norske velgere ha?", in Johannes Bergh & Atle H. Haugsgjerd (eds.), Politikk i urolige tider. En studie av stortingsvalget 2021. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

(2021) "Quality of Government and Political Support", in Andreas Bågenholm, Monika Baur, Marcia Grimes, and Bo Rothstein (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Quality of Government. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with Stefan Dahlberg)

(2016) "Democratic Discontent in Times of Crisis?", in Yvette Peters and Michaël Tatham (eds.), Democratic Transformations in Europe 31: Challenges and Prospects. Routlege. (with Stefan Dahlberg)

(2016) "Utlandssvenskars tillfredsställelse med demokratins funktionssätt", in Maria Solevid (ed.), Svenska utlandsröster. Gothenburg: SOM-institutet. (with Stefan Dahlberg).

(2011), "Patterns of Stability and Performance in Post-Communist Hybrid Regimes", in Bakke, Elisabeth & Ingo Peters (eds.), 20 Years Since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Transitions, State-Breakup and Democratic Politics in Central Europe and Germany. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag. (with Joakim Ekman)

(2011), "Den motvilliga europén", i Oscarsson, Henrik & Sören Holmberg, red,Väljarbeteende i Europaval. Göteborg: Valforskningsprogrammet. (med Joakim Ekman)

(2011), "Korruption i Sverige", i Hellberg, Ann-Sofie et al., red, Perspektiv på offentlig verksamhet i utveckling: Tolv kapitel om demokrati, styrning och effektivitet. FOVU:s rapportserie nr. 1. Örebro: Örebro universitet. (med Gissur Ó Erlingsson)

(2010), "Ambivalenta demokrater? En jämförande studie av stöd för demokrati och dess alternativ", i Joakim Ekman och Jonas Linde, red, Politik, protest, populism. Deltagande på nya villkor. Malmö: Liber.

(2010), "Inledning", i Joakim Ekman och Jonas Linde, red, Politik, protest, populism – Deltagande på nya villkor. Malmö: Liber. (med Joakim Ekman)

(2010), "Tendenser och utmaningar", i Joakim Ekman och Jonas Linde, red, Politik, protest, populism – Deltagande på nya villkor. Malmö: Liber (med Joakim Ekman)

(2009), "Fond Memories of Dictatorships? Nostalgia and Support for Democracy in Post-Communist Europe", in Uwe Backeds, Tytus Jaskulowski & Abel Polese, eds,Totalitarismus und Transformation: Defizite der Demokratiekonsolidierung in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Göttingen: Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht. (with Joakim Ekman)

(2009), "Demokrati och Demokratisering i Östeuropa", in Björklund, Fredrika & Johnny Rodin, red, Det nya Östeuropa: Stat och nation i förändring. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (med Joakim Ekman)

(2004), "An Assessment of Support for Democracy in the New EU Member States", i Algimantas Jankauskas et al. (red), Central Europe Beyond Double Enlargement. Vilnius: Lithuanian Political Science Association, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University & Konrad Adenauer Foundation. (with Sten Berglund och Joakim Ekman)


Other academic articles

(2011), "Det svenska korruptionsproblemet", Ekonomisk debatt, Vol. 39, No. 8, 5-18. (with Gissur Ó Erlingsson)

(2009), "Rosorna som vissnade? En intervjustudie av demokratiattityder bland georgiska medborgare", Nordisk Østforum, Vol. 23, No. 1, 5-28. (med Viktor Hultgren och Clara Sandelind)

(2008), "Den ’goda’ demokratin? En kartläggning av demokratins kvalitet i de postkommunistiska EU-medlemsstaterna", Nordisk Østforum, Vol. 22, No. 1, 31-53.

(2007), "Hybridregimer: Förändrade förutsättningar för demokrati och demokratibistånd", Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, Vol. 109, No. 2. (med Joakim Ekman och Thomas Sedelius)

(2003), "Demokrati och nostalgi i Central- och Östeuropa", Nordisk Østforum, Nr 1, 2003, 65–84. (med Joakim Ekman)

(2002), "Svensk östeuropaforskning och det nya Europa", Nordisk Østforum, Nr 1, 2002, 19–32. (med Joakim Ekman)

(2000), "Forskningen om Östeuropa: Områdesforskning, komparativ statsvetenskap och internationell politik", Politologen , Nr. 1, 2000. (med Joakim Ekman)


Monographs and edited volumes

(2023), Demokratiseringsprocesser: Nya perspektiv och utmaningar (tredje upplagan). Lund: Studentlitteratur. (with Joakim Ekman, Thomas Sedelius & Anders Uhlin).

(2014), Demokratiseringsprocesser: Nya perspektiv och utmaningar (andra upplagan). Lund: Studentlitteratur. (with Joakim Ekman & Thomas Sedelius).

(2010), Politik, protest, populism. Deltagande på nya villkor. Malmö: Liber (red. med Joakim Ekman)

(2006), DemokratiseringsprocesserTeoretiska ansatser och empiriska studier. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (med Joakim Ekman)

(2004), Doubting Democrats? A Comparative Analysis of Support for Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe, Örebro: Örebro Studies in Political Science 10. [Doctoral dissertation]



Publications in Cristin:


Democracy in an Age of Populism, funded by the Research Council of Norway (2018-2023)