Jorun Karin Egge






BIO309A Marin flora

BIO217 Mikrobiell økologi

Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vitenskapelig foredrag

Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin


1.      Larsen A, Egge JK, Nejstgaard JC, Di Capua I, Thyrhaug R, Bratbak G,  Thingstad TF, (2015) Contrasting response to nutrient manipulation in Arctic mesocosms are reproduced by a minimum microbial food web model. Limnol. Oceanogr. 00, 1–262.      Paulino, A.I. , Heldal, M., Norland, S., Egge, J.K. (2013). Elemental stoichiometry of marine particulate matter measured by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectroscopy. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U. K., doi:10.1017/S0025315413000635, 93: 2003-2014, 3.      Cuevas, L.A., Egge, J.K., Thingstad, T.F., Töpper, B (2011) Organic carbon and mineral nutrient limitation of oxygen consumption, bacterial growth and efficiency in the Norwegian Sea. Polar Biology 34: 871-882.4.       Pedrotti, F. Peters, S. Beauvais, M. Vidal, J. Egge, A. Jacobsen, C. Marrasé (2010).The effects of nutrients and turbulence on  the production of transparent exopolymer particles: a mesocosm study. Mar. Ecol. Progress. Ser.  419   Pages: 57-69   DOI: 10.3354/meps08840  

5.      Iversen, KR, Primicerio R, Larsen A, Egge JK, Peters F, Guadayol Ó, Jacobsen A, Havskum H, Marrasé C (2010) Effects of small-scale turbulence on lower trophic levels under different nutrient conditions. Accepted in J. Plank. Res, 32, 197-208

6.      Tambi H, Fonnes Flaten GA, Egge JK, Bødker G, Jacobsen A, Thingstad TF. (2009). Relationship between phosphate affinities and cell size in varius bacteria and phytoplankton.Aquat Microb Ecol57: 311–320

7.      Thingstad,  TF, Bellerby RGJ, Bratbak G, Børsheim KY, Egge JK, Heldal M, Larsen A, Neill C, Nejstgaard J, Norland S, Sandaa R-A, Skjoldal EF, Tanaka T, Thyrhaug R, Töpper B (2008). Counterintuitive carbon-to-nutrient coupling in an Arctic pelagic ecosystem. doi:10.1038/nature07235, Nature, 455, 387-390

8.      Egge, JK, Thingstad TF, Larsen A,Engel A, Bellerby RGJ, & Riebesell U. Primary production during nutrient –induced blooms at elevated CO2 concentrations. Biogeosciences, 6, 877–885, 2009

9.      Paulino, AI, Egge JK, Larsen A. Effects of increased atmospheric CO2 on small and intermediate sized osmotrophs during a nutrient indused phytoplankton bloom. Submitted to Biogeoscience.  Biogeosciences, 5, 739-748, 2008

10.Schulz, K, Riebesell, U, Bellerby, RGJ, Biswas,  Meyerhöfer,  HM, Müller, MN,  Egge, JK, Nejstgaard, JC, Neill, C, Wohlers, J & Zöllner, E..Build-up and decline of organic matter during PeECE.  Biogeosciences, 5, 707-718, 2008

11.  Beauvais S, Pedrotti ML, Egge J, Iversen K, Marrasé C (2006). Effects of turbulence on TEP dynamics under contrasting nutrient conditions: implications for aggregation and sedimentation processes MEPS 323: 47-57

12.Thingstad TF, Øvreås L, Egge JK, Løvdal T, Heldal M (2005) Use of non-limiting substrates to increase size; a generic strategy to simultaneously optimize uptake and minimize predation in pelagic osmotrophs? Ecology Letters8 :675-682

13.  Helland, S., Nejstgaard J.C, Fyhn, H..J., Egge, J.K. & Båmstedt, U.  (2003) Effects of season, diet and starvation on the free amino acid and protein content of Calanus finmarchicus females. Mar. Biol. 143: 297–306

14.  Svensen C, Nejstgaard JC, Egge JK, Wassmann P (2002) Pulsing versus constant supply of nutrients (N,P, and Si): effect on phytoplankton, mesozooplankton and vertical flux of biogenic matter. Sci. Mar. 66(3):189-203

15.  Larsen A, Castberg T, Sandaa RA, Brussaard CPD, Egge J, Heldal M, Paulino A, Thyrhaug R, van Hannen EJ, Bratbak G (2001). Population dynamics and diversity of phytoplankton, bacteria and viruses in a seawater enclosure. Mar.Ecol. Prog. Ser. 221:47-57

16.    Castberg, T, Larsen, A, Sandaa, RA, Brussard CPD, Egge, JK, Heldal, M, Thyrhaug, R, van Hannen, EJ & Bratbak G (2001). Microbial population dynamics and diversity during a bloom of the marine coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyta) Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 221:39-46

17.  Svensen C, Egge, JK & Stiansen JE (2001). Can silicate and turbulence regulate the vertical flux of biogenic matter? A mesocosm study. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 217: 67-80

18.  Head, R.N., D.W. Crawford, J. Egge, D. Lesley, S. Kristiansen, E. Marañón, D. Pond, D. Purdie & R. Harris (1998). The hydrography and biology of a bloom of the coccolithophorid Emiliana huxleyi in the Northern North Sea. Submitted to Journal of Sea Research 39: 255-266 Williams, P leB,  &  J.K. Egge (1998). The management and Behaviour of the mesocosm. Submitted to Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf  Sea Science. 46: 3-14

19.  Egge, J.K. (1998). Are diatoms bad competitors at low phosphate concentrations? Journal of Marine Systems. 16:191-198

20.  Wassmann, P., J.K. Egge, M. Reigstad & D.L. Aksnes (1997)  Influence of silicate on vertical flux on particulate biogenic matter. Mar. Poll. Bull. 400 (33): 10-20

21.  Egge, J.K. & A. Jacobsen (1997) Influence of silicate on particulate carbon production in phytoplankton. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.: 147: 219-230

22.  Levasseur, M. S. Michaud, , J.K. Egge, G. Cantin, J.C. Nejstgaard R. Sanders, E. Fernández, P.T. Solberg, B. Heimdal & M. Gosslin (1996). Production of DMSP and DMS during a mesocosm study of an Emiliania huxleyi bloom: Influence of bacteria and Calanus finmarticus grazing.  Mar. Biol.  126: 609 - 618

23.  Kristiansen, K., J.K. Egge, T. Farbrot, T.M. Johnsen, E.R. Lømsland, S.M. Myklestad & T.F. Thingstad (1995). Growth and vertical migration of Gyrodinium aureolum during a bloom in Norwegian fjords. In: Skjoldal, H.R., C. Hopkins, K.E. Erikstad & H.P. Leinaas [Eds]: Ecology of Fjords and Coastal Waters. Proceedings of the Mare Nor Symposium on the Ecology of Fjords and Coastal Waters, Tromsø, Norway 5-9 December, 1994. Elsevier, p 275-289

24.  Jacobsen, A. J.K. Egge & B.R. Heimdal (1995). Effects of increased concentration of nitrate and phosphate during a springbloom experiment in mesocosm.  J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol 187: 239-251

25.  Aksnes, D.L., K.B. Ulvestad, B.M. Balino, J. Berntsen, J.K. Egge, & E. Svendsen (1995). Ecological modelling in coastal waters: Towards predictive Physical‑Chemical‑Biological simulation models. Ophelia 41: 5-36

26.  Wal, P. van der, J.D.L. van Bleijswijk & J.K. Egge (1994).  Primary productivity and calcification rate in blooms of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (Hay and Mohler) developing in mesocosms.  ‑  Sarsia 79: 401-408

27.  Heimdal, B.R., J.K. Egge, M.J.V. Veldhuis & P. Westbroek (1994). Introduction to the 1992 Norwegian EHUX experiment.  ‑  Sarsia 79: 285-290

28.  Egge, J.K. & B.R. Heimdal (1994). Blooms of Emiliania huxleyi in mesocosm experiment; effects of nutrient supply in different N:P ratios.  ‑  Sarsia 79: 333-348

29.  Bleijswijk, J. van, R. Kempers, P. van der Wal, P. Westbroek, J. Egge & T. Lukk (1994). Standing stocks of PIC, POC, PON and Emiliania huxleyi coccospheres and liths in seawater enclosures with different phosphate loadings.  ‑  Sarsia 79: 307-318

30.  Aksnes, D.L., J.K. Egge, R. Rosland & B.R. Heimdal (1994). On the representation of Emiliania huxleyi in phytoplankton simulation models.   ‑ Sarsia 79:291-300

31.  Westbroek, P., C.W. Brown, J. van Bleijswijk, C. Brownlee, G.J. Brummer, M. Conte, J. Egge, E. Fernàndez, R. Jordan, M. Knappertsbush, J. Stefels, M. Veldhuis,

32.  P. van der Wal & J. Young (1993). A model system approach to biological climate forcing. The example of Emiliania huxleyi. Global and Planetary Changes 8: 27-46.

33.  Aksnes, D.L. & J.K. Egge (1991) A teoretical model nutrient uptake in phytoplankton. Mar Ecol. Prog. Ser. 70: 65-72 

34.  Bratbak, G., J.K. Egge & M. Heldal (1993). Viral mortality of the marine alga Emiliania huxleyi (Haptophyceae) and termination of algal bloom. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 93: 39-49

35.  Egge, J.K. & D.L. Aksnes (1992). Silicate as regulating nutrient in phytoplankton competition. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 83: 281-289


36.  Kaartvedt, S., D.L. Aksnes & J.K. Egge (1987). Effects of light on the vertical distribution of Pecten maximus larvae. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 40: 195-197