Vitenskapelig artikkel
Kou, Qi; Meland, Kenneth; Li, Xinzheng
(2024). Description of a new genus and species of deep-sea mysids (Malacostraca, Peracarida, Mysida) from the Caroline Ridge, Northwest Pacific, with a systematic analysis of the order. (ekstern lenke)
Bernot, James P; Owen, Christopher L; Wolfe, Joanna M
et al. (2023). Major Revisions in Pancrustacean Phylogeny and Evidence of Sensitivity to Taxon Sampling. (ekstern lenke)
Ribeiro, Pedro Miguel de Azevedo; Næss, Tonje; Dahle, Geir
et al. (2022). Going With the Flow – Population Genetics of the Kelp Saccharina latissima (Phaeophyceae, Laminariales). (ekstern lenke)
Gerken, Sarah; Meland, Kenneth; Glenner, Henrik
(2022). First multigene phylogeny of Cumacea (crustacea: Peracarida). (ekstern lenke)
Ballou, Lauren; Iliffe, Thomas M.; Kakuk, Brian
et al. (2021). Monsters in the dark: Systematics and biogeography of the stygobitic genus godzillius (crustacea: Remipedia) from the lucayan archipelago. (ekstern lenke)
Uhlir, Carolin; Schwentner, Martin; Meland, Kenneth
et al. (2021). Adding pieces to the puzzle: Insights into diversity and distribution patterns of Cumacea (Crustacea: Peracarida) from the deep North Atlantic to the Arctic Ocean. (ekstern lenke)
Kou, Qi; Meland, Kenneth; Li, Xinzheng
et al. (2020). "Unicorn from Hades", a new genus of Mysidae (Malacostraca: Mysida) from the Mariana Trench, with a systematic analysis of the deep-sea mysids. (ekstern lenke)
Kou, Qi; Meland, Kenneth; Li, Xinzheng
et al. (2019). Deepest record of Eucopia sculpticauda (Crustacea: Lophogastrida: Eucopiidae) and the order, with new insights into the distribution and genetic diversity of the species. (ekstern lenke)
Olesen, Jørgen; Meland, Kenneth; Glenner, Henrik
et al. (2017). Xibalbanus cozumelensis, a new species of Remipedia (Crustacea) from Cozumel, Mexico, and a molecular phylogeny of Xibalbanus on the Yucatan Peninsula. (ekstern lenke)
Jurado-Rivera, José A.; Pons, Joan; Alvarez, Fernando
et al. (2017). Phylogenetic evidence that both ancient vicariance and dispersal have contributed to the biogeographic patterns of anchialine cave shrimps. (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth; Aas, Pål Øyvind
(2013). A taxonomical review of the Gnathophausia (Crustacea, Lophogastrida), with new records from the northern mid-Atlantic ridge. (ekstern lenke)
Appeltans, Ward; AHYONG, Shane T.; Anderson, Gary
et al. (2012). The magnitude of global marine species diversity. (ekstern lenke)
Porter, Megan L.; Meland, Kenneth; Price, Wayne
(2008). Global diversity of mysids (Crustacea-Mysida) in freshwater. (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth; Willassen, Endre
(2007). The disunity of “Mysidacea” (Crustacea). (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth; Brattegard, Torleiv
(2007). New Mysida (Crustacea) in the genera Amblyops and Pseudomma from the Iceland Basin. (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth; Willassen, Endre
(2004). Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Pseudomma (Peracarida: Mysidacea). (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth
(2004). Species diversity and phylogeny of the deep sea genus Pseudomma (Crustacea:Mysida). (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth
(2002). 'Mysidacea: Families, Subfamilies and Tribes.' Version 1: 2 October 2002. (ekstern lenke)
Johansen, Torild; Daníelsdóttir, Anna Kristin; Meland, Kenneth
et al. (2000). Studies on the genetic relationship between deep-sea and oceanic Sebastes mentella in the Irminger Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Johansen, Torild; Daniélsdóttir, A.K.; Meland, Kenneth
et al. (2000). Studies of the genetic relationship between deep-sea and oceanic Sebastes mentella in the Irminger Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Bjelland, Otte; Bergstad, Odd Aksel; Skjæraasen, Jon Egil
et al. (2000). Trophic ecology of deep-water fishes associated with the continental slope of the eastern Norwegian Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Johansen, Torild; Daníelsdóttir, A.K.; Meland, Kenneth
et al. (2000). Studies of the genetic relationship between deep-sea and oceanic Sebastes mentella in the Irminger Sea. (ekstern lenke)
Brattegard, Torleiv; Meland, Kenneth
(1997). Mysidacea (Crustacea) in the Faroe area. (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth; Brattegard, T.
(1995). Redescription of the North Atlantic Pseudomma species (Crustacea, Mysidacea), with the addition of Pseudomma jasi n.sp. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Gerken, Sarah; Meland, Kenneth; Glenner, Henrik
(2018). First Multigene Phylogeny of the Cumacea (Peracarida). (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth; Willassen, Endre; Richter, Stefan
(2014). Phylogeny of the Lophogastrida. (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth; Porter, Megan L.
(2008). The Polyphyletic “Mysidacea”Will the Peracarida ever be the same again?. (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth; Willassen, Endre
(2005). Molecular and morphological phylogenetic analyses on the orders Lophogastrida and Mysidacea. (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth
(2002). Utbredelse og evolusjon av pungrekene Pseudomma i dyphavet. (ekstern lenke)
Meland, Kenneth
(2001). A combined molecular and morphological approach to the phylogeny and biogeography of the deep sea genus Pseudomma (Crustacea, Mysidacea). (ekstern lenke)
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