Kjell Vaage





Social insurance economics

Applied labour economics

Applied econometrics

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Populærvitenskapelig artikkel

Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin


  • Skipping the Doctor: Evidence From a Case with Extended Self-Certification of Paid Sick Leave. Journal of Population Economics 36, 935–971, 2023. (With B. Ferman and G. Torsvik) 
  • Interactions in Public Policies: Spousal Responses and Program Spillovers of Welfare Reforms. The Economic Journal, 132(642), 834–864, 2022. (With J. Johnsen and A. Willén)
  • A Comparison of Intergenerational Mobility Curves in Germany, Norway, Sweden and the U.S. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 119(1), 72–101, 2017. (With Espen Bratberg, Jonathan Davis, Bhash Mazumder, Martin Nybom, and Daniel Schnitzlein)  
  • Assessing the Intergenerational Correlation in Disability Pension Recipiency. Oxford Economic Papers, 67(2), 205-226, 2015. (With Espen Bratberg and Øivind A Nilsen.)
  • Intergenerational Earnings Mobility and Divorce. Journal of Population Economics, 27(4), 1107-1126, 2014. (With Espen Bratberg and Karsten M. E. Rieck.)
  • Intergenerational Earnings Mobility Revisited: Estimates Based on Lifetime Earnings. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(1), 1-23, 2012.(With Øivind A. Nilsen, Arild Aakvik, and Karl Å. Jacobsen.)
  • Measuring heterogeneity in the returns to education using an education reform. European Economic Review, 54 (4), 483-500, 2010. (With Arild Aakvik and Kjell G. Salvanes.)
  • Has job stability decreased? Population data from a small open economy. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 112 (1), 163-183, 2010. (With Espen Bratberg and Kjell G. Salvanes.)
  • Job losses and child outcomes. Labour Economics, 15, 591-603, 2008. (With Espen Bratberg and Øivind A Nilsen.)
  • Public transfers and marital dissolution. Journal of Population Economics 21(2), 419-437, 2008. (With Sigve Tjøtta.)
  • Trends in intergenerational mobility across offspring's earnings distribution in Norway. Industrial Relations 46(1), 112-129, 2007. (With Espen Bratberg and Øivind Anti Nilsen.)
  • Late careers and career exits in Norway. In H.-P. Blossfeld, S. Buchholz and D. Hofäcker (Eds) Globalization, Uncertainty and Late Careers in Society. London: Routledge 2006, 235-254. (With Arild Aakvik and Svenn-Åge Dahl.)
  • Educational attainment and family budget constraints. German Economic Review, 6 (3), 377-394, 2005. (With Arild Aakvik and Kjell Gunnar Salvanes.)
  • Intergenerational earnings mobility in Norway: Levels and trends. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 107 (3), 419-435, 2005. (With Espen Bratberg and Øivind Anti Nilsen.)
  • Union disruption in Norway. International Journal of Sociology. 33, 40-63, 2003.(With Sigve Tjøtta.)
  • Gender differences in early retirement behaviour. European Sociological Review, 19 (2), 2003, 179-198. (With Svenn-Åge Dahl and Oivind Anti Nilsen.)
  • Work or retirement? Exit routes for Norwegian elderly. Applied Economics, 32 (14), 2000, 1865-1876. (With Svenn-Åge Dahl and Øivind Anti Nilsen).
  • Spell durations with long unemployment insurance periods. Labour Economics, 7 (2), 2000, 153-180. (With Espen Bratberg.)
  • Heating technology and energy use: A discrete/continuous approach to Norwegian household energy demand. Energy Economics, 22 (6), 2000, 649-661.
  • Detection of outliers and level shifts in time series: An evaluation of two alternative procedures. Journal of Forecasting, 19 (1), 2000, 23-37.


  • Health and unemployment during negative labour demand shock. Working paper 10/23, Department of Economics, University of Bergen. (With Espen Bratberg, Tor Helge Holmås and Egil Kjerstad)


  • Er sjukefråværet (for) høgt i Noreg? (Is the Level of Sickness Absence (too) High in Norway?) Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 50(1), 2013, 62-63.
  • Er 100 prosent løsningen? Erfaringer fra Norge. (Is 100 Per Cent the Solution? Experiences from Norway) In Mellan arbete och sjukdom, Socialförsäkringsrapport 2011:3, Försäkringskassan, Sverige. 
  • Avtakande jobbstabilitet i Noreg? (Decreasing Job Stability in Norway?) In Heum, Nesheim, Nordhaug and Salvanes (eds) Arbeidsliv i omstilling. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2006, 19-34. (With Espen Bratberg and Kjell G. Salvanes.)
  • Kva er kostnadane ved omstilling? (What are the Costs of Restructuring?) In Heum, Nesheim, Nordhaug and Salvanes (eds) Arbeidsliv i omstilling. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget 2006, 125-145. (With Jarle Møen and Kjell G. Salvanes.)
  • Hvem går av med tidligpensjon? (Who are the early retirees?) Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet, 21(1), 2004, 1-8. (With Arild Aakvik and Svenn-Åge Dahl.)
  • Sosial utjevning og veksten i uføretrygden. (Social equalisation and the growth of the disability pension.) Tidsskrift for Velferdsforskning, 4, 2001, 169-182. (With Espen Bratberg and Alf Erling Risa.)
  • Eit inkluderande arbeidsliv - tilstrekkeleg for å redusera talet på nye uførepensjonistar? Økonomisk Forum, 55 (1), 2001, 6-9.
  • Sammenhengen mellom pengemengdevekts og inflasjon i Norge 1960-1996. (The relationship between money supply growth and inflation in Norway 1960-1996.") Norsk Økonomisk Tidsskrift, 112 (2), 1998, 185-211. (With Espen Kvilekval and Erling Vårdal).
  • Samanlikning av eldre og nyare metodar for analysar av elektrisitetsetterspurnad: Teoretiske aspekt og empiriske resultat. (Comparing older and newer methods of analysing the electricity demand: Theoretical aspects and empirical results.) Norsk Økonomisk Tidsskrift 112 (1), 1998, 35-60.
  • Endringar i oljeprisnivået - permanente eller forbigåande? (Changes in the oil price level - permanent or trancient?) Sosialøkonomen 48(3), 1994, 10-12. (With Knut Anton Mork.)



Dr. polit. 1995 (University of Bergen)
Professor in Economics since 2006 (University of Bergen)