


Lise Rakner er professor i statsvitenskap ved Institutt for Politikk og Forvaltning Universitetet i Bergen. Forskningsinteressene spenner fra studier av demokrati, med fokus på demokratisk sammenbrudd, menneskerettigheter, partisystem og valg. Rakner's forskning er også knyttet til politisk økonomi, med særlig vekt på økonomiske reformer, utvikling av skattesystem og bistand. Hun har utført en rekke analyser og utredninger for organisasjoner som DFID, SIDA; DFID, Verdensbanken og norsk UD. Hun leder forskningsprosjektet "Breaking BAD: Understanding Backlash Against Democracy in Africa" (Frihumsam 2017-2021) og "Autocratization Dynamics" (Inpart/NFR 2022-2025). Hun er ansatt som Forsker II Chr. Michelsen Institutt (CMI), Bergen.




Sampol 105: States and nationbuilding (10 ECTS) (Spring semester)

Sampol 100: Introduction to Comparative Politics (10 ECTS) (Fall semester)

Sampol 219: Politics in the Developing World (10 ECTS) (not on a regular schedule)

Sampol 329: Political Parties in the Developing World (10 ECTS)  (not on a regular schedule)

Sampol 315: Elections and representation (10 ECTS) (not on a regular schedule)

Sampol 314: Elections in New democracies (10 ECTS Master level) (not on a regular schedule)

Sampol 335. Elections and Representation in democracies (10 ECTS Master level) (not on a regular schedule)

Sampol 338: Breaking Bad: Understanding Backlash Against Democracy (10 ECTS Spring 2019)




Boniface Dulani, Lise Rakner, Lindsay Benstead, Vibeke Wang (2021):  Do women face a different standard? The interplay of gender and corruption in the 2014 presidential elections in Malawi. Women's Studies International Forum, Volume 88, 102501

Rakner, Lise, 2021: “Don ́t touch my constitution! The role of pro-democracy movements in
African democratic trajectories”. Global Policy Volume12, Issue S5, July 2021, pp 95-105.

Arriola LR, Choi DD, Davis JM, Phillips ML, Rakner L., 2021: «Paying to party: Candidate resources
and party switching in new democracies». Party Politics. February 2021.

Rakner, Lise and Siri Gloppen, 2020: “LGBT Rights in Africa”. Research Handbook on
Gender, Sexuality and the Law. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Rakner, Lise. 2019. “Democratic Rollback in Africa”. In Oxford Encyclopedia of African Politics. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.887

Muriaas, Ragnhild L., Vibeke Wang, Lindsay Benstead, Boniface Dulani, and Lise Rakner 2019. “Why the Gender of Traditional Authorities Matters: Intersectionality and Women’s Rights Advocacy in Malawi.” Comparative Political Studies, (forthcoming). doi:10.1177/0010414018774369.

Lust, Ellen and Lise Rakner, 2018. “The Other Side of Taxation: Extraction and Social Institutions in the Developing World“, Annual Review of Political Science, 21:1

Ballen, C., Lee, D., Rakner, L., & Cotner, S. 2018. “Politics a “Chilly” Environment for Undergraduate Women in Norway”, PS: Political Science & Politics, 1-6. doi:10.1017/S1049096518000045

Rakner, Lise and Vicky Randall, 2017. “Institutions”, in Burnell, Peter, Vicky Randall and Lise Rakner (eds.), Politics in the Developing World. Oxford University Press, 5th edition.

Rakner, Lise, 2017: “Democracy and Regime Change”, in Burnell, Peter, Vicky Randall and Lise Rakner (eds.), Politics in the Developing World. Oxford University Press, 5th edition.

Rakner, Lise 2017,: “Governance”, in Burnell, Peter, Vicky Randall and Lise Rakner (eds.), Politics in the Developing World. Oxford University Press, 5th edition.

Helle, Svein Erik and Lise Rakner, 2017. “The impact of elections. The case of Uganda”, in Gerschewski, Johannes and Christoph Stefes (eds.). Crisis in Autocratic Regimes, Boulder: Lynne Rienner, pp. 111-134.

Rakner, Lise, 2017. “Tax bargains in unlikely places: The politics of Zambian mining taxes”. The Extractive Industries and Society (4), pp. 525-538.

Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise, Lise Rakner, and Ingvild Skage, 2016. “Political capital of ruling parties after regime change: Contrasting successful insurgencies to peaceful pro-democracy movements. Civil Wars, Vol. 18(2) pp. 175-191.

Gloppen, Siri and L. Rakner 2015. «Norske klimaparadokser», Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift, Vol 31, No. 3, pp  246-256.

Gloppen, L. Rakner og V. Vibe 2014. ”Stortingsklima: Klima som valgkamptema og norske politikeres syn på klimautfordringene”, i, Klima, Medier og Politikk. Oslo: Abstrakt Forlag.

O.L.M. Ferraz, S. Gloppen, O. Mæstad, L. Rakner, 2014. “Judging the price of life: cost considerations in right-to-health litigation” I H.S. Aasen, S. Gloppen, A-M Magnussen, E. Nilssen: Juridification and Social Citizenship in the Welfare State. Edward Elgar Publishing

Helle Svein-Erik and Lise Rakner, 2014. “Grabbing an election: Abuse of state resources in the 2011 elections in Uganda” in Tina Søreide and Aled Williams (eds.): Corruption, Grabbing, and Development. Real World Challenges. London and Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 164-174.

Rakner, Lise and Lars Svåsand, 2013. “Competition and participation, but no democracy: The politics of elections in Africa´s feckless regimes” Statsvetenskapelig Tidskrift, Vol 115, No 4, pp. 365-384.

Rakner, Lise, Mette Bakken, 2013. “Elections”, in Nadini Patel and Lars Svåsand (eds.), Government and Politics in Malawi, 2nd edition. Zomba: Kachere Books.

Rakner, Lise, 2013: ”Foreign Aid and Democratic Consolidation in Zambia” in Resnick, Danielle and Nicolas van de Walle (eds.): Democratic Trajectories in Africa: Unravelling the Impact of Foreign Aid. Oxford University Press.

Rakner, Lise and Lars Svåsand, 2012. “Foreign aid, democracy promotion and democratic progress”, in Jens Blom-Hansen, Christoffer Green-Pedersen and Svend-Erik Skaaning(eds.): Democracy, Elections and Political Parties. Aarhus: Politica, pp. 39-49.

Rakner, Lise, 2011. “Institutionalizing the pro-democracy movements: the case of Zambia's Movement for Multiparty Democracy”, Democratization, Vol. 18 (5) pp. 1106-1124.

Rakner, Lise and Lars Svåsand, 2010. “In search of the impact of international support for political parties in new democracies: Malawi and Zambia compared”, Democratization, Vol. 17(6) pp. 1250-1274.

Rakner, Lise and Nicolas van de Walle, 2009. “Opposition Parties and Incumbent Presidents: The New Dynamics of Electoral Competition in Africa”, in Staffan Lindberg (ed.) Democratization by Elections. A New Mode of Transition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 202-225.

Makara, Sabiti, Lise Rakner and Lars Svåsand, 2009. “Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the Reintroduction of Multiparty-Party System in Uganda, International Political Science Review, Vol. 30 (2), pp. 185-204.

Rakner, Lise and Nicolas van de Walle, 2009. “Opposition Weakness in Africa”, Journal of Democracy, Vol 20 (3), pp. 108-121.

Rakner, Lise, Lars Svåsand and Nixon Khembo, 2007. “Fissions and fusions, foes and friends: Party system restructuring in the 2004 elections in Malawi”, Comparative Political Studies, Vol. 40 (9), pp. 1112-1137.



Burnell, Peter, Vicky Randall and Lise Rakner (eds.), 2017. Politics in the Developing World. Oxford University Press, 5th edition.

Elgesem, D., E. Eide, S. Gloppen, and L. Rakner (red.), 2014. Klima, Medier og Politikk. Oslo: Abstrakt Forlag

Gloppen, Siri and Lise Rakner (eds.), 2007: Globalization and Democratisation: Challenges for Political Parties. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.

Kiiza, Julius, Sabiti Makara and Lise Rakner (eds.), 2008. Electoral Democracy in Uganda: Understanding the Institutional Dynamics, Processes and Outcomes of the 2006 Multiparty Elections. Kampala: Fountain Publishers.

Rakner, Lise, 2003: Political and Economic Liberalisation in Zambia. Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute.


Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin



2021-2024        Autocratization Dynamics: Innovations in Research-Embedded Learning INTPART Internasjonale partnerskap for fremragende utdanning, forskning og innovasjon  (PI)     

2021-2024      Rights Activism under Political Uncertainty (RightAct) (FRIHUMSAM)

2017- 2021      Research Council of Norway (FRIHUMSAM): Breaking BAD: Explaining Backlash Against Democracy (PI).

2016-2020       Vetenskapsrådet (The Swedish Research Council): Social Institutions and Governance: Lessons from Sub-Sahara Africa (Gothenburg University, co PI with Ellen Lust

2015 – 2016    Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study (UC Berkeley) grant 2015-2016: “The Bergen-Berkeley Research Program on Political Parties in the Developing World.” Co-PI with Leo Arriola (UC Berkeley)

2016- 2017      Peder Sather Center for Advanced Study (UC Berkeley) grant 2016-2017: “The Bergen-Berkeley Research Program on Political Parties in the Developing World.” Co-PI with Leo Arriola (UC Berkeley)



  • Democratization
  • Political parties
  • Electoral processes 
  • Human rights, rights litigation
  • Development, development aid
  • Africa (Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Southern Africa)