Liv Inger Strand




Development and measurement properties of assessment tools used to examine pain and activity limitation in patients with musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. The Norwegian pain questionnaire was developed as a Norwegian version of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) after collecting Norwegian pain descriptors. A Short-Form version of the MPQ was later translated and adjusted to the Norwegian language. The Back Performance Scale (BPS) was developed as a physical performance measure of patients with back pain, and shown to be reliable, valid and responsive to change.



  • Pain assessment
  • ICF
  • Measurement properties
  • Assessment of physical performance
  • Intervention studies of musculoskeletal conditions
  • Development and translation of assessment tools
  • SPSS, statistical analysis


Posters, and oral presentations, 1996-2009

Strand LI, Lygren H, Anderson B, Magnussen LH. Responsiveness to change of physical performance measures used to assess outcome in low back pain. Nordic Physiotherapy Congress 2009.

Lygren H, Anderson B, Magnussen LH, Skouen JS, Strand LI. Do patients’ self reported activity limitations due to back problems correspond to ICF Core Sets for Low Back Pain? Boston International Forum X. Primary Care Research on Low Back Pain, June 14-17, 2009.

Tori Smedal, Antonie G Beiske, Jan H Aarseth, Solveig B Glad, Bente Gjelsvik, Liv I Strand, Kjell-Morten Myhr. Fatigue in multiple sclerosis is associated with self-perceived health, but less with physical performance. 25th Congress of the European Committee for the Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis 09.09-12.09.2009

Husebo BS, Strand LI, Moe-Nilssen R, Husebo SB, Aarsland D, PhD, Ljunggren AE. Who suffers most? Dementia and pain in nursing home patients. 12 th World Congress on Pain, Glasgow, Scotland, UK 17-22 August 2008.                                            

Strand LI, Anderson B, Lygren H, Skouen JS, Magnussen LH. Responsiveness to change of physical performance measures used to assess outcome in low back pain.  12 th World Congress on Pain, Glasgow, Scotland, UK 17-22 August 2008.

Smedal T, Myhr KM, Gjelsvik B, Beiske A, Glad SB, Skår AB R, Huser KA, Aarseth JH, Strand LI. Klimaets innvirkning på effekt av treningsopphold med fokus på fysioterapi ved Multippel Sklerose (MS). Poster på HUS og AHUS med informasjon om studien, Rehabiliteringsuken 2007 i uke 36 (HUS 4 og 5. sept og AHUS 7.sept). Også presentert i Norsk Nevrologisk Sykepleieforenings fagblad "Nerveimpulsen", nr 1, 2008 og på posterpresentasjon av pågående prosjekter ved Institutt for Samfunnsmedisinske fag, UiB i mai 2008.

Smedal T, Myhr KM, Gjelsvik B, Beiske A, Glad SB, Skår AB R, Huser KA, Aarseth JH, Strand LI. Gait and balance improved in patients with multiple sclerosis after inpatient physiotherapy. Abstract og poster til World Congress on Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis;  ACTRIMS, ECTRIMS, LACTRIMS i Montreal 17-20 september 2008. Publisert i  Multiple Sclerosis 2008; 14 (1 suppl): S: ECTRIMS Monteal Sept. 2008.

Smedal T, Myhr KM, Gjelsvik B, Beiske A, Glad SB, Skår AB R, Huser KA, Aarseth JH, Strand LI. Gangfunksjon og balanse bedret seg etter treningsopphold med fysioterapi for pasienter med multippel sklerose. Abstract og poster til Nevrodagene 24-28 november 2008.

Sorsdahl AB, Moe-Nilssen R, Strand LI. Can measures of quality of movements in children with cerebral palsy be assessed reliably from video clips? The 19th Annual Meeting of the EACD, Groningen, the Netherlands, June 14-16, 2007.

Magnussen L, Strand LI, Eriksen H. Physical and mental functioning in disability pensioners with back pain. Primary Care Research on Low Back Pain. Amsterdam International Forum VIII, Juni 8-10, 2006.

Myklebust M, Strand LI, Magnussen L. Back Performance Scale scores in people without back pain: Normative data. Primary Care Research on Low Back Pain. Amsterdam International Forum VIII, Juni 8-10, 2006.

Strand LI, Myklebust AM, Magnussen L. Discriminatory power of the Back Performance Scale. Primary Care Research on Low Back Pain. Amsterdam International Forum VIII, Juni 8-10, 2006.

Ljunggren AE, Strand LI. The Norwegian Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (NSF-MPQ). Descriptors, internal consistency and concurrent validity. EFIC Pain in Europe V, Istanbul 2006.

Magnussen L, Strand LI, Eriksen HR. Functioning of individuals receiving disability pension due to back pain. Abstracts, no 544. 11th World Congress on Pain, 2005. International Association for the Study of Pain, Sydney, Australia.

Strand LI, Ljunggren AE. The Norwegian Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (NSF-MPQ): Measurement properties. Abstracts, no 1706. 11th World Congress on Pain, 2005. International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), Sydney, Australia.

Strand LI, Aud Mirjam Myklebust, Liv Magnussen. Discriminate ability of the Back Performance Scale (BPS). Oral presentation. Pain, Mind and Movement. A Satelite Symposium of the 11th World Congress on Pain, 2005. International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), Cairns, Australia.


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Publications, scientific articles


49)  Strand LI, Anderson B, Lygren H, Skouen JS, Ostelo R. Magnussen LH. Responsiveness of 10 physical tests used for patients with back pain. Phys Ther; March 2011.


48) Smedal T, Beiske AG, Glad SB, Myhr KM, Aarseth JH, Svensson E, Gjelsvik B, Strand LI. Fatigue in multiple sclerosis: associations with health-related quality of life and physical performance. Eur J Neurol. [Epub ahead of print]




47) Wikstrøm-Grotell C, Hvidsten J, Laugsand I, Seljevoll J, Strand LI. Rapport fra Eksternt evalueringsutvalg for fysioterapeututdanningen, Oslo 22. desember 2010.


46) Smedal T, Myhr KM, Aarseth JH, Gjelsvik B, Beiske AG, Glad SB, Strand LI. The influence of warm versus cold climate on the effect of physiotherapy in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurol Scand  2010. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0404.2010.01407.x


45) Husebo BS, Strand LI, Moe-Nilssen R, Husebo SB, Ljunggren AE. Pain in older persons with severe dementia. Psychometric properties of the Mobilization-Observation-Behaviour-Intensity-Dementia (MOBID-2) Pain Scale in a clinical setting. Scand J Caring Sci 2010; 24(2):380-391.


44) Dragesund T, Ljunggren AE, Kvale A, Strand LI. Body Awareness Rating Questionnaire – Development of a self-adminisered questionnaire for patients with long-lasting musculoskeletal and psychosomatic disorders. Advances in Physiotherapy 2010;12: 87-94.


43) Lotan M, Moe-Nilssen R, Ljunggren AE, Strand LI. Measurement properties of the Non-Communicating Adult Pain Checklist (NCAPC): A pain scale for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, scored in a clinical setting. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2010; 31:367-75


42) Sorsdahl AB, Moe-Nilssen R, Kaale HK, Rieber J, Strand LI. Change in basic motor abilities, quality of movement and everyday activities following intensive, goal-directed, activity-focused physiotherapy in a group setting for children with cerebral palsy. BMC Pediatrics. BMC Pediatr 2010; 10:26.


41) Høyer E, Normann B, Sørsdal, Strand LI. Rehabilitation including treadmill therapy for patients with incomplete locked-in syndrome after stroke;  a case series study of motor recovery. Brain Injury 2010;24(1):34-45.


40) Strand K, Strand LI, Flaatten H. The interrater reliability of SAPS II and SAPS 3. Intensive Care Medicine 2010. Intensive Care Med 2010;36:850-853.


39) Magnussen LH, Lygren H, Anderson B, Breivik K, Strand LI. Validation of the Norwegian Version of Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire (FFbH-R). Spine 2010;35:E646-E653.



38) Tamber AL, Kjersti T Wilhelmsen KT, Strand LI. Measurement properties of the Dizziness Handicap Inventory by cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2009, 7:101 doi:10.1186/1477-7525-7-101


37) Smedal T, Strand LI, Aarseth JH, Gjelsvik B, Myhr KM. Evaluering av behandling med fysioterapi i varmt klima for pasienter med multippel sklerose- en randomisert kontrollert crossover-studie.  Rapport utarbeidet i 2009 til Oslo universitetssykehus HF, Rikshospitalet, Revmatologisk avdeling, Seksjon for Behandlingsreiser til utlandet.


36) Magnussen LH, Strand LI, Skouen JS, Eriksen HR. Long-term follow-up of disability pensioners having musculoskeletal disorders. BMC Public Health 2009, 9:407


35) Smedal T, Johansen HH, Myhr KM, Strand LI. Psychometric properties of a Norwegian version of Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29). Acta Neurol Scand 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0404.2009.01298.x


34) Ask T, Strand LI, Skouen JS. The effect of two exercise regimes; motor control vs. endurance-strength training for patients with whiplash-associated disorders. A randomized controlled pilot study. Clin Rehabil Aug. 2009; 23: 812-23.


33) Husebo BS,  Strand LI, Moe-Nilssen R, Stein B. Husebo SB, Ljunggren AE. Pain behaviour and pain intensity in older persons with severe dementia: reliability of the MOBID Pain Scale by video uptake. Scand J Caring Sci; 2009; 23; 180–189.


32) Fjørtoft T, Einspieler C, Adde L, Strand LI. Inter-observer reliability of the “Assessment of Motor Repertoire - 3 to 5 Months” based on video recordings of infants. Early Human Development 2009;85:297-302.


31) Bentsen SB, Wahl AK, Hanestad BR, Strand LI. Pain and disability in chronic low back pain patients treated using instrumented fusion. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2009;17(4),358.


30) Lotan M, Ljunggren AE, Moe-Nilssen R, Strand LI. Reliability of the Non-Communicating Adult Pain Checklist (NCAPC), assessed by different groups of health workers. Research in Developmental Disabilities 2009;30:735-45.


29) Lotan M, Ljunggren AE, Johnsen TB, Defrin R, Pick CG, Strand LI. A modified version of the Non-Communicating Children Pain Checklist-Revised (NCCPC-R), adapted to adults with intellectual and  developmental disabilities. Sensitivity to pain and internal consistency. Journal of Pain 2009;10:398-407.


28) Magnussen L, Strand LI, Eriksen HR. Physical and mental functioning in disability pensioners with back pain. Journal of  Musculoskeletal Pain 2009;17(1):37-47.



27) Vestrheim IE, Råheim M, Strand LI. Barn med Cerebral parese: intensiv trening og funksjonsutvikling – en forløpstudie. Fysioterapeuten 2008;75(8):22-8.  


26) Bale M, Strand LI. Does functional strength training of the leg in sub-acute stroke improve physical performance? A pilot randomised controlled trial. Clin Rehabil 2008;22: 911-21.


25) Wilhelmsen K, Strand LI, Nordahl SHG, Eide GE, Ljunggren AE. Psychometric properties of the Vertigo symptom scale - short form. BMC Ear, Nose and Throat 2008;8:2.


24) Torstensen R, Morken T, Strand LI. Utvikling og reliabilitetstesting av Ergorisk – et verktøy for å vurdere risiko ved fysisk arbeid.. Fysioterapeuten 2008;75(5);21-28.


23) Husebo BS, Strand LI, Moe-Nilssen R, Husebo SB, Aarsland D, Ljunggren AE. Who Suffers Most? Dementia and pain in nursing home patients: A cross-sectional study, J Am Dir Assoc 2008; 9:427-33.


22) Strand LI, Ljunggren AE, Bogen B, Ask T, Bacher Johnsen T. The Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire as an outcome measure: test-retest reliability and responsiveness to change. Eur J Pain 2008;12:917-25.


21) Sorsdahl AB, Moe-Nilssen R, Strand, LI. Observer Reliability of the Gross Motor Performance Measure and the Quality of Upper Extremity Skill Test, based on Video Recordings. Developmental Medicine & Child Development 2008;50:146-51.


20) Sorsdahl AB, Moe-Nilssen R, Strand, LI. Test-retest reliability of spatial and temporal gait parameters in children with cerebral palsy as measured by an electronic walkway. Gait & Posture 2008:27;43-50.



19) Ljunggren AE, Strand LI, Johnsen TB. Development of the Norwegian Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (NSF-MPQ). Advances in Physiotherapy 2007;9:169-80.


18) Rognsvag T, Strand,LI, Skouen,JS. Pain and functional ability in patients with total disc replacement in the lumbar spine. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2007:127;1188-91.  


17) Husebo BS, Strand LI, Moe-Nilssen R, Husebo SB, Snow AL, Ljunggren AE. Mobilization-Observation-Behavior-Dementia Pain Scale (MOBID): Development and validation of a nurse-administered pain assessment tool for use in dementia. J Pain and Symptom Management 2007;34:67-80.


16) Anderson B, Strand LI, Råheim M. The effect of long-term Body Awareness Training succeeding a multimodal cognitive behaviour program for patients with widespread pain. J Musculoskeletal Pain 2007:15;19-29.


15) Magnussen L, Strand LI, Skouen JS, Eriksen HR. Motivating disability pensioners with back pain to return to work - a randomized controlled trial. J Rehabil Med. 2007;39:81-7.


14) Bentsen SB, Wahl AK, Strand LI, Hanestad BR. Relationships between demographic, clinical and pain variables, and health- related quality of life in patients with chronic low back pain treated with instrumented fusion. Scand J Caring Sci 2007;21134-43.


13) Bentsen SB, Wahl AK, Hanestad BR, Strand LI. Outcomes for patients with low back pain treated using instrumented fusion. Scand J Caring Sci 2007;21:71-78.


12) Myklebust M, Magnussen L, Strand LI. Back Performance Scale scores in people without back pain: Normative data. Advances in Physioterapy 2007;9(1):2-9.



11) Smedal,T, Lygren H, Myhr KM, Moe-Nilssen R, Gjelsvik B, Gjelsvik O, Strand LI. Balance and gait improved in patients with MS after physiotherapy based on the Bobath concept. Physiother Res Int 2006;11(2):104-16.


10) Brunner I, Strand LI. Modifisert Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy hos hjemmeboende pasienter med hemiplegic etter hjerneslag. Utprøving av et behandlingstiltak i kommunehelsetjenesten. Fysioterapeuten 2006;73(6):14-20.



9) Strand LI, Kvale A, Raheim M, Ljunggren AE. Do Norwegian manual therapists provide management for patients with acute low back pain in accordance with clinical guidelines? Man Ther 2005;10:38-42.



8) Magnussen L, Strand LI, Lygren H. Reliability and validity of the Back Performance Scale (BPS): Observing activity limitation in subjects with back pain. Spine 2004;29; 903-7.



7) Strand LI, Moe-Nilssen R. Ljunggren AE. Back Performance Scale for the Assessment of Mobility-Related Activities in People with Back Pain. Phys Ther 2002;82:1213-23.



6) Strand LI, Ljunggren AE, Haldorsen EMH, Espehaug B. The impact of physical function and pain on work status at 1-year follow-up in patients with back pain. Spine 2001;26:800-8.


5) Strand LI, Ljunggren AE. The Pick-up test for assessing performance of a daily activity in patients with back pain. Advances in Physiotherapy 2001;3:17-27.



4) Strand LI, Wie SL. The Sock test for evaluating activity limitation in patients with musculoskeletal pain. Phys Ther 1999;79:136-45.


3) Strand LI, Ljunggren AE. Different approximations of the McGill Pain Questionnaire in the Norwegian language: a discussion of content validity. J Adv Nurs 1997;26:772-9.


2) Strand LI, Wisnes AR. Norsk spørreskjema for smertemåling etter modell av McGill Pain Questionnaire. Appendix 6 i: McCaffery M, Beebe A, red. Smerter. Lærebok for helsepersonell. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal AS, 1996: 254-8.


1) Strand LI, Wisnes AR. The development of a Norwegian pain questionnaire. Pain 1991;46:61-66.




Present research involves

1) examination of responsiveness to clinically relevant change of 10 physical performance tests used in patients with back pain,

2) validation of WHO's ICF core set of patients with back pain, and

3) exploration of possible functional aspects that contribute to scores on the Patient Global Impression of Change after treatment.

These studies are undertaken in colloboration with Bodil Anderson and Jan Sture Skouen (Haukeland University Hospital), Hildegunn Lygrem (Bergen University College), Liv Heide Magnussen (University of Bergen), Raymond Ostelo (VU University Amsterdam).


PhD students, main supervisor:

Meir Lotan. Assessment of pain in adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Oral defence, October 23th 2009

Anne Brit Sørsdahl: Intensive Group Training in a Local Community Setting for Children with Cerebral Palsy. Oral defence, 18th of February 2010.

Tori Smedal: Evaluation of functional change after physiotherapy in Mulitiple Sclerosis.

Ellen Høyer: Effekt av tredemølleterapi for pasienter med hjerneskader.                                                                                                                

Tove Dragesund. Body Awareness Rating Questionnaire (BARQ). Utvikling av metode for måling av kroppsbevissthet.                                                                                                      

Iris Brunner.  Modifisert Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (mCIMT) compared to intensive bimanual training for patients in acute and subacute stage after stroke.




PhD students, co-supervisor:

Liv Magnussen. Returning disability pensioners with back pain to work. Oral defence UiB 2007.

Bettina Husebø. Assessment of pain in patients with dementia. Oral defence UiB 2008.