Vitenskapelig artikkel
Horota, Rafael Kenji; Senger, Kim; Smyrak-Sikora, Aleksandra Anna
et al. (2024). VRSvalbard – a photosphere-based atlas of a high Arctic geo-landscape. (ekstern lenke)
Vander Kloet, Marie Annette
(2024). Off the side of the desk: equity work in Canadian teaching and learning centres. (ekstern lenke)
Darcie, Isabela; Vander Kloet, Marie A.; Gray Jr, Robert Morris
(2024). Finding your feet in the dark: how making teaching and learning visible enables change in course and assessment design. (ekstern lenke)
Senger, Kim; Shephard, Grace; Ammerlaan, Fenna
et al. (2024). Arctic Tectonics and Volcanism: a multi-scale, multi-disciplinary educational approach. (ekstern lenke)
Darcie, Isabela; Gray Jr, Robert Morris; Vander Kloet, Marie Annette
(2024). Sustaining critical minds: How classroom learning cultures shape student thinking dispositions and practices. (ekstern lenke)
Vander Kloet, Marie A.; Wagner, Anne E.
(2023). Accountability, ethics and knowledge production: racialised academic staff navigating competing expectations in the social production of research with marginalised communities. (ekstern lenke)
van der Kloet, Marie Annette; Campisi, Caitlin
(2023). Becoming legitimate academic subjects: Doing meaningful work in research administration. (ekstern lenke)
McGinn, Michelle; Acker, Sandra; Kloet, Marie Annette van der
et al. (2019). Dear SSHRC, what do you want? An epistolary narrative of expertise, identity and time in grant writing. (ekstern lenke)
Vander Kloet, Marie A.; Frake-Mistak, Mandy; McGinn, Michelle K.
et al. (2017). Conditions for Contingent Instructors Engaged in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. (ekstern lenke)
Kloet, Marie Annette van der
(2015). Accessibility in Teaching Assistant Training: A Critical Review of Programming from Ontario’s Teaching and Learning Centres. (ekstern lenke)
Aspenlieder, Erin; Kloet, Marie Annette van der
(2014). Listen up! Be responsible! What a graduate student hears about university teaching, graduate education and employment. (ekstern lenke)
Kloet, Marie Annette van der; Aspenlieder, Erin
(2013). Educational development for responsible graduate students in the neoliberal university. (ekstern lenke)
Vander Kloet, Marie A.; Chugh, Brige P.
(2012). An interdisciplinary analysis of microteaching evaluation forms: How peer feedback forms shape what constitutes ‘good teaching’. (ekstern lenke)
Kloet, Marie Annette van der
(2009). A trip to the co-op: The production, consumption and salvation of Canadian wilderness. (ekstern lenke)
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