Martin Stangborli Time
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode (2024). From ideal to reality: governance of AMR in a multi-level setting. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli (2021). How temporal discretion supports interagency coordination: Sweden's intersectoral fight against antimicrobial resistance. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode (2020). Adapting to a Global Health Challenge: Managing Antimicrobial Resistance in the Nordics. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode (2020). Adapting to a Global Health Challenge: Managing Antimicrobial Resistance in the Nordics. (ekstern lenke)
- Torjesen, Dag Olaf; Aarrevaara, Timo; Time, Martin Stangborli et al. (2017). The Users' Role in Primary and Secondary Healthcare in Finland and Norway. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli (2022). COVID-19 som katalysator for endring: europeisering av helse og krisehåndtering. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode (2021). Å tilpasse seg en global helsetrussel: de nordiske landenes håndtering av antibiotikaresistens. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli (2021). Hvordan temporalt skjønn understøtter samordning mellom statlige myndigheter. En studie av Sveriges kamp mot antimikrobiell resistens. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli (2019). Temporal properties in Inter-Organizational Coordination: Sweden’s fight against Antimicrobial Resistance. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli (2019). Power Dynamics in Inter-Organizational Coordination: the EU’s combat of Antimicrobial Resistance. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli (2019). Power Dynamics in Inter-Organizational Coordination: the EU’s fight against Antimicrobial Resistance. (ekstern lenke)
- Elvbakken, Kari Tove; Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli (2019). Reforming Scandinavian Public Health Institutes – outsourcing and reorganisation. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode (2018). Governing ‘Wicked Problems’ in a Globalized World: Revisiting the Coordination Dilemma. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode (2017). How to Manage the Unmanageable? A Comparative Study of the Governance of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode (2017). Cross-Border and Cross-Sectorial Health Governance: A Conceptual Framework. (ekstern lenke)
- Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli (2017). An Integrated Governance Approach to ‘Wicked Problems’: The Case of Antimicrobial Resistance. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode (2017). Challenges of complex policy coordination: A cross-country comparison of systems for combating antimicrobial resistance. (ekstern lenke)
- Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli (2015). Tales of the Unexpected: The historical dynamics of EU’s health policies . (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- Time, Martin Stangborli (2022). Power dynamics in multisector and multilevel coordination: the case of antimicrobial resistance. (ekstern lenke)
- Veggeland, Frode; Time, Martin Stangborli (2016). The Clash Between Market and Welfare State Models: Europeanization of Nordic Health Systems. (ekstern lenke)
Faglig foredrag
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Gänzle, Stefan (2018). Hva rører seg i Europa? Et fugleperspektiv på samfunnsutviklingen i Frankrike, Tyskland og Spania. (ekstern lenke)
- Time, Martin Stangborli; Veggeland, Frode (2017). How to Manage the Unmanageable? A Social Science Approach to the Governance of Antimicrobial Resistance . (ekstern lenke)
- Torjesen, Dag Olaf; Time, Martin Stangborli; Karlsen, Tor I. et al. (2016). User influence in Norwegian hospital governance – does it make a difference or a Catch 22?. (ekstern lenke)