Vitenskapelig foredrag
Tømte, Cathrine Edelhard; Kettunen, Kerttu Pauliina; Asante, Michael Oduro
et al. (2024). Coming to terms with hybridity in higher education: The impact of digitalisation on teaching practices. (ekstern lenke)
Asante, Michael Oduro
(2024). Who Runs Interest Groups? A Latent Profile Analysis of Interest Group Leaders in Education. (ekstern lenke)
Asante, Michael Oduro
(2024). Who Runs Interest Groups? A Latent Profile Analysis of Interest Group Leaders in Education. (ekstern lenke)
Asante, Michael Oduro; Pinheiro, Romulo; Kettunen, Kerttu Pauliina
et al. (2024). In roles we trust! Assessing the hybrid effects of digitalisation on academic roles. (ekstern lenke)
Asante, Michael Oduro; Laterza, Vito; Pinheiro, Romulo
et al. (2022). Implementing digital transformation in higher education following COVID-19. (ekstern lenke)
Pinheiro, Romulo; Tømte, Cathrine Edelhard; Laterza, Vito
et al. (2021). Digital Transformation in Higher education in Times of Turbulence: a Scandinavian Tale. (ekstern lenke)
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