Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brunet, Joakim; Eichner, Christiane; Male, Rune
(2021). The FTZ-F1 gene encodes two functionally
distinct nuclear receptor isoforms in the
ectoparasitic copepod salmon louse
(Lepeophtheirus salmonis). (ekstern lenke)
Khan, Muhammad Tanveer; Dalvin, Sussie; Nilsen, Frank
et al. (2021). Two apolipoproteins in salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis), apolipoprotein 1 knock down reduces reproductive capacity. (ekstern lenke)
Hardardottir, Hulda; Male, Rune; Nilsen, Frank
et al. (2021). Chitin synthases are critical for reproduction, molting, and digestion in the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). (ekstern lenke)
Hardardottir, Hulda; Male, Rune; Nilsen, Frank
et al. (2019). Chitin synthesis and degradation in Lepeophtheirus salmonis: Molecular characterization and gene expression profile during synthesis of a new exoskeleton. (ekstern lenke)
Schulz, Rüdiger W.; Taranger, Geir Lasse; Bogerd, Jan
et al. (2019). Entry into puberty is reflected in changes in hormone production but not in testicular receptor expression in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). (ekstern lenke)
Hardardottir, Hulda; Male, Rune; Nilsen, Frank
et al. (2019). Effects of chitin synthesis inhibitor treatment on Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda, Caligidae) larvae. (ekstern lenke)
Khan, Muhammad Tanveer; Dalvin, Sussie; Waheed, Qaiser
et al. (2018). Molecular characterization of the lipophorin receptor in the crustacean ectoparasite Lepeophtheirus salmonis. (ekstern lenke)
Lille-Langøy, Roger; Karlsen, Odd Andre; Myklebust, Line Merethe
et al. (2018). Sequence variations in pxr (nr1i2) from Zebrafish (Danio rerio) strains affect nuclear receptor function. (ekstern lenke)
Sandlund, Liv; Kongshaug, Heidi; Horsberg, Tor Einar
et al. (2018). Identification and characterisation of the ecdysone biosynthetic genes neverland, disembodied and shade in the salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda, Caligidae). (ekstern lenke)
Morais, Roberto D.V.S.; Crespo, Diego; Nóbrega, Rafael Henrique
et al. (2017). Antagonistic regulation of spermatogonial differentiation in zebrafish (Danio rerio) by Igf3 and Amh. (ekstern lenke)
Khan, Muhammad Tanveer; Dalvin, Sussie; Nilsen, Frank
et al. (2017). Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein in the ectoparasitic crustacean salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). (ekstern lenke)
Sandlund, Liv; Nilsen, Frank; Male, Rune
et al. (2016). The ecdysone receptor (EcR) is a major regulator of tissue development and growth in the marine salmonid ectoparasite, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Copepoda, Caligidae). (ekstern lenke)
Sandlund, Liv; Nilsen, Frank; Male, Rune
et al. (2015). Molecular characterisation of the salmon louse, Lepeophtheirus salmonis salmonis (Krøyer, 1837), ecdysone receptor with emphasis on functional studies of female reproduction. (ekstern lenke)
Melo, Michelle C.; van Dijk, Petra; Andersson, Eva
et al. (2015). Androgens directly stimulate spermatogonial differentiation in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). (ekstern lenke)
Lille-Langøy, Roger; Goldstone, Jared V.; Rusten, Marte
et al. (2015). Environmental contaminants activate human and polar bear (Ursus maritimus) pregnane X receptors (PXR, NR1I2) differently. (ekstern lenke)
Eide, Marta; Rusten, Marte; Male, Rune
et al. (2014). A characterization of the ZFL cell line and primary hepatocytes as in vitro liver cell models for the zebrafish (Danio rerio). (ekstern lenke)
Andersson, Eva; Schulz, Rüdiger W.; Male, Rune
et al. (2013). Pituitary gonadotropin and ovarian gonadotropin receptor transcript levels: Seasonal and photoperiod-induced changes in the reproductive physiology of female Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). (ekstern lenke)
Haugen, Trine; Almeida, Fernanda F.L.; Andersson, Eva
et al. (2012). Sex differentiation in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.): morphological and gene expression studies. (ekstern lenke)
Skaar, Katrine Sandnes; Nobrega, RH; Magaraki, A
et al. (2011). Proteolytically Activated, Recombinant Anti-Mullerian Hormone Inhibits Androgen Secretion, Proliferation, and Differentiation of Spermatogonia in Adult Zebrafish Testis Organ Cultures. (ekstern lenke)
Angotzi, Anna Rita; Mungpakdee, Sutada; Stefansson, Sigurd Olav
et al. (2011). Involvement of Prop1 homeobox gene in the early development of fish pituitary gland. (ekstern lenke)
Andersson, Eva; Nijenhuis, Wouter; Male, Rune
et al. (2009). Pharmacological characterization, localization and quantification of expression of gonadotropin receptors in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) ovaries. (ekstern lenke)
Schulz, Rüdiger W.; Bogerd, Jan; Male, Rune
et al. (2007). Estrogen-induced alterations in amh and dmrt1 expression signal for disruption in male sexual development in the zebrafish. (ekstern lenke)
Goksøyr, Anders; Male, Rune
(2006). Endocrine disrupters and the aquatic environment: studies on mechanims of toxicity and influence on nuclear receptor signalling pathways in fish. (ekstern lenke)
Oftedal, Bergithe Eikeland; Ladstein, Sigve; Telle, Wenche
et al. (2005). Ligand-dependent protein interactions of the estrogen receptors using the yeast two-hybrid system. (ekstern lenke)
Bemanian, Vahid; Male, Rune; Goksøyr, Anders
(2004). The Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated disruption of vitellogenin synthesis in the fish liver: Cross-talk between AHR- and ERalpha-signaling pathways. (ekstern lenke)
Rekand, Tiina; Male, Rune; Myking, Andreas
et al. (2003). Detection of viral sequences in archival spinal cords from fatal cases of poliomyelitis in 1951-1952. (ekstern lenke)
Yadetie, Fekadu; Male, Rune
(2002). Effects of 4-nonylphenol on gene expression of pituitary hormones in juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
. (ekstern lenke)
Arukwe, Augustine; Yadetie, Fekadu; Male, Rune
et al. (2001). In vivo modulation of nonylphenol-induced zonagenesis and vitellogenesis by the antiestrogen, 3,3'4,4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB-77) in juvenile fish.. (ekstern lenke)
Oppen-Berntsen, Dag Oscar; Arukwe, Augustine; Yadetie, Fekadu
et al. (1999). Salmon Eggshell Protein Expression: A Marker for Environmental Estrogens.. (ekstern lenke)
Yadetie, Fekadu; Arukwe, Augustine; Goksøyr, Anders
et al. (1999). Induction of hepatic estrogen receptor in juvenile Atlantic salmon in vivo by the environmental estrogen, 4-nonylphenol.. (ekstern lenke)
Lorens, J.B.; Aasland, Rein; Brunstad, H.
et al. (1996). Two variants of the pituitary specific transcription factor Pit-1 in Atlantic salmon. (ekstern lenke)
Male, Rune; Lorens, JB; Smalås, AO
et al. (1995). Molecular cloning and characterization of anionic and cationic variants of trypsin from atlantic salmon. (ekstern lenke)
Male, Rune; Lorens, James B.; Smalås, Arne O.
et al. (1995). Molecular cloning and characterization of anionic and cationic variants of trypsin from Atlantic salmon. (ekstern lenke)
Smalaas, A.O.; Heimstad, E.S.; Hordvik, A.
et al. (1994). Cold adaption of enzymes : structural comparison between salmon and bovine trypsins. (ekstern lenke)
Gjellesvik, D.R.; Lorens, J.B.; Male, Rune
(1994). Pancreatic carbolxylester lipase from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) cDNA sequence and computer-assisted modelling of tertiary structure. (ekstern lenke)
Male, Rune; Lorens, James; Nerland, Audun H.
et al. (1993). Biotechnology in Aquaculture, with Special Reference to Transgenic Salmon. (ekstern lenke)
Lorens, James; Nerland, Audun H.; Aasland, Rein
et al. (1993). Expression of growth hormone genes in Atlantic salmon. (ekstern lenke)
Torrissen, Krisma R.; Male, Rune; Nævdal, Gunnar
(1993). Trypsin isozymes in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Studies on heredity, egg quality and effect on growth of three different populations. (ekstern lenke)
Torrissen, K. R.; Male, Rune; Nævdal, Gunnar
(1993). Trypsin isozymes in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.: Studies of heredity, egg quality and effect on growth of three different populations. (ekstern lenke)
Rungruangsak-Torrissen, Krisna; Male, Rune; Nævdal, Gunnar
(1993). Trypsin isozymes in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.: studies of heredity, egg quality and effect on growth of three different populations. (ekstern lenke)
Male, Rune; Nerland, Audun H.; Lorens, James
et al. (1992). The complete nucleotide sequence of the Atlantic salmon growth hormone I gene. (ekstern lenke)
Djurhuus, Rune; Svardal, Asbjørn M.; Ueland, Per Magne
et al. (1988). Growth support and toxicity of homocysteine and its effects on methionine metabolism in non-transformed and chemically transformed C3H/10T1/2 cells. (ekstern lenke)
Male, Rune; Haukanes, Bjørn Ivar; Helland, Dag Emil
et al. (1987). Substrate specificity of 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylase from calf thymus. (ekstern lenke)
Helland, Dag Emil; Male, Rune; Haukanes, Bjørn Ivar
et al. (1987). Properties and mechanism of action of eukaryotic 3-methyladenine-DNA glycosylases. (ekstern lenke)
Helland, Dag Emil; Male, Rune; Kleppe, Ruth Karin
et al. (1984). Properties of Enzymes that Recognize Modified Structures in DNA. (ekstern lenke)
Faglig foredrag
Male, Rune; Bhattachan, Punit; Dalvin, Sussie
et al. (2016). The function of nanos in germ cell development and survival is conserved in Lepeophtheirus salmonis. (ekstern lenke)
Sandlund, Liv; Male, Rune; Kongshaug, Heidi
et al. (2016). Ecdysone biosynthesis in Lepeophtheirus salmonis. (ekstern lenke)
Hardardottir, Hulda; Dalvin, Sussie; Nilsen, Frank
et al. (2016). Cuticle formation and transcription level of chitin metabolism gene expressed during the molting process in Lepeoptheirus salmonis.. (ekstern lenke)
Liv, Sandlund; Hamre, Lars Are; Heidi, Kongshaug
et al. (2013). Characterization of the Ecdysone Receptor (EcR) from the Salmon Louse, Lepeophtheirus Salmonis. (ekstern lenke)
Sandlund, Liv; Male, Rune; Dalvin, Sussie
et al. (2013). Characterization of the ecdysone receptor (EcR) in the salmon louse, Lepeophthirus salmonis. (ekstern lenke)
Male, Rune; Skaar, Katrine Sandnes; Nobrega, Raphael H
et al. (2012). ZEBRAFISH ANTI-MÜLLERIAN HORMONE (AMH). (ekstern lenke)
Nøstbakken, Ole Jakob; Hesjevoll, Bjarte; Bemanian, Vahid
et al. (2007). Dioxin-induced protein-protein interactions between the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and the aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). (ekstern lenke)
Ladstein, Sigve; Hildrestrand, Gunn A.; Halvorsen, Harald K.
et al. (2005). Molecular cloning and characterization of estrogen receptors in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). (ekstern lenke)
Ladstein, Sigve; Hildrestrand, Gunn A.; Halvorsen, Harald K.
et al. (2004). Molecular cloning and preliminary characterization of estrogen receptor beta in Atlantic salmon. (ekstern lenke)
Oftedal, Bergithe E.; Ladstein, Sigve; Bemanian, Vahid
et al. (2004). Exploring protein interaction in Atlantic salmon using the yeast two-hybrid system; Estrogen receptor is totally dependant on ligand binding for dimerization. (ekstern lenke)
Bjerga, Gro Elin Kjæreng; Bemanian, Vahid; Male, Rune
et al. (2004). Cloning and expression of PP4-like protein phosphatase from blue mussel, M. edulis, for use in toxin dete. (ekstern lenke)
Ladstein, Sigve; Hildrestrand, Gunn A.; Halvorsen, Harald K.
et al. (2004). Molecular cloning and preliminary characterization of estrogen receptor beta in Atlantic salmon. (ekstern lenke)
Oftedal, Bergithe E.; Ladstein, Sigve; Telle, Wenche
et al. (2004). Exploring protein interactions in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using the yeast two-hybrid system. (ekstern lenke)
Sandlund, Liv; Dalvin, Sussie; Nilsen, Frank
et al. (2016). Functional Investigations of the Ecdysone Receptor and production of ecdysone in the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). (ekstern lenke)
Kvamme, Bjørn Olav; Nilsen, Frank; Male, Rune
(2005). Trypsins from the salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis Crustacea, Copepoda). (ekstern lenke)
Bemanian, Vahid; Male, Rune; Goksøyr, Anders
(2004). The Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Signaling Pathway in Atlantic salmon: with emphasis on cross-talk between the aryl hydrocarbon receptor and estrogen receptor a signaling pathway. (ekstern lenke)
Male, Rune
(1987). Repair of DNA in eucaryotic cells catalyzed by 3-methylade- nine-DNA glycosylase and polyamines. (ekstern lenke)
Oftedal, Bergithe Eikeland; Male, Rune; Goksøyr, Anders
(2005). Exploring protein-protein interactions between ligand activated transcription factors using the yeast two-hybrid system. (ekstern lenke)
Bakke, Siri; Helland, Dag Emil; Male, Rune
(2005). A genetic approach to study heterodimerization of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase by site-directed mutagenesis using the yeast-two-hybrid system: a special emphasis on the role of the Rnase H domain. (ekstern lenke)
Markussen, Silje Sørum; Helland, Dag Emil; Male, Rune
(2005). Establishing a Yeast Three-Hybrid System to study Ternary Complex formation between Nucleocapsid and the Hetrodimer reverse Transcriptase of HIV-1. (ekstern lenke)
Haanshuus, Christel Gill; Helland, Dag Emil; Male, Rune
(2005). A study of Heterodimerization of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase Using Deletion Mutations in the RNase H domain. (ekstern lenke)
Emblem, Åse E.; Male, Rune; Andersson, Eva Mareile
(2005). Expression analysis of two homeobox genes; Lhx3 and a possible Prop1 homolog, in the pituitary of Salmo salar. (ekstern lenke)
Bjerga, Gro Elin Kjæreng; Goksøyr, Anders; Kleivdal, Hans
et al. (2004). Kloning og sekvensanalyse av protein Ser/Thr fosfatase 4 fra blåskjell, Mytilus edulis. (ekstern lenke)
Løvoll, Marrie Therese; Male, Rune; Aasland, Rein
(2004). Atlantic samon (Salmo salar) estrogen receptor beta: Isolation and characterization of putative splice variants. (ekstern lenke)
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