Siddharth Sareen


Professor, Postdoktor, SpaceLab, CET


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Vitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig monografi
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Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
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Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin

2017. (with Iben Nathan) Nurturing democratic practice through local deliberative institutions: Ho village assemblies in Jharkhand. Journal of Development Studies.

2017. Politics, procurement, bail-out and buy-in: Woes and ways for Rajasthan’s distribution sector. Regulatory Assistance Project Working Paper.

2017. What powers success on the ground? The gradual reform of electricity distribution in Gujarat. Regulatory Assistance Project Working Paper.

2016. Seeing development as security: constructing top-down authority and inequitable access in Jharkhand. South Asian Multidisciplinary Academic Journal 13.

2016. Who governs local access in Jharkhand? Mechanisms of access to government services. Forum for Development Studies 43 (3).

2016. The continuing marginalisation of adivasi livelihoods despite decentralisation: Resource extraction in Jharkhand’s West Singhbhum. In ‘Industrialising India: Land, Policy, Resistance’ (eds Kenneth Bo Nielsen and Patrik Oskarsson), Routledge.

2016. Whose matkam? An ethnographic account of the political economy of mahua flowers. Journal of Adivasi and Indigenous Studies 3 (1): 37-45.

2016. (with Celie Manuel) Uphill tasks within Kumaon Himalayan communities: Multi-dimensional gendered inequalities in everyday life. Asia in Focus 3.

2016. Case studies of natural resource access in Jharkhand, India: Implications for ‘democratic’ decentralisation. Copenhagen Centre for Development Research Policy Brief Series.

2016. Editorial introduction. Asia in Focus 3.

2016. Governing the conflicted commons: Authorising resource access in the Indian tribal belt (doctoral dissertation). University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science.

Forthcoming (Dec 2017). (with Patrik Oskarsson) Special Issue Introduction: Discourse and resource conflict in extractive zones of India. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies.

Forthcoming (Dec 2017). Discourses around logging: Framing extraction of wood from West Singhbhum’s conflicted forests. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies.

Forthcoming (under revision). Energy distribution trajectories in two Western Indian states: comparative politics and sectoral dynamics. Energy Research and Social Science 32 (October 2017).

Forthcoming (under review). Interventions and aspirations: Constructing local governance through resource access and authority. In ‘Instruments of Intervention’ (eds. Anthony D’Costa and Achin Chakraborty).

In progress. (with Sunila Kale) Solar ‘power’: Socio-political dynamics of infrastructural development in two Western Indian states. Energy Research and Social Science 37 (Spring 2018).