Vitenskapelig artikkel
Brekke, Ranveig Seim; Svanbring, Anny Gravdal; Jellas, Khadija el
et al. (2024). Common single-base insertions in the VNTR of the carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) gene are benign and also likely to arise somatically in the exocrine pancreas. (ekstern lenke)
St-Louis, Johanna L.; el Jellas, Khadija; Velasco , Kelly
et al. (2023). Deficiency of the metabolic enzyme SCHAD in pancreatic β-cells promotes amino acid–sensitive hypoglycemia. (ekstern lenke)
Fjeld, Karianne; Svanbring, Anny Gravdal; Brekke, Ranveig Seim
et al. (2022). The genetic risk factor CEL-HYB1 causes proteotoxicity and chronic pancreatitis in mice. (ekstern lenke)
Fjeld, Karianne; Masson, Emmanuelle; Lin, Jin-Huan
et al. (2020). Characterization of CEL-DUP2: Complete duplication of the carboxyl ester lipase gene is unlikely to influence risk of chronic pancreatitis. (ekstern lenke)
Choi, Man Hung; Mejlænder-Andersen, Eline ; Manueldas, Sophia
et al. (2019). Mutation analysis by deep sequencing of pancreatic juice from patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. (ekstern lenke)
Oracz, Grzegorz; Kujko, Aleksandra Anna; Fjeld, Karianne
et al. (2019). The hybrid allele 1 of carboxyl-ester lipase (CEL-HYB1) in Polish pediatric patients with chronic pancreatitis. (ekstern lenke)
el Jellas, Khadija; Hoem, Dag; Hagen, Kristin Gjerde
et al. (2017). Associations between ABO blood groups and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: influence on resection status and survival. (ekstern lenke)
Dalva, Monica; el Jellas, Khadija; Steine, Solrun
et al. (2017). Copy number variants and VNTR length polymorphisms of the carboxyl-ester lipase (CEL) gene as risk factors in pancreatic cancer. (ekstern lenke)
Fjeld, Karianne; Weiss, Frank Ulrich; Lasher, Denise
et al. (2015). A recombined allele of the lipase gene CEL and its pseudogene CELP confers susceptibility to chronic pancreatitis. (ekstern lenke)
Puntervoll, Hanne Eknes; Yang, Xiaohong R.; Vetti, Hildegunn Høberg
et al. (2013). Melanoma prone families with CDK4 germline mutation: phenotypic profile and associations with MC1R variants. (ekstern lenke)
Kalungi, Sam; Steine, Solrun; Wabinga, Henry
et al. (2009). pRb2/p130 protein expression and RBL2 mutation analysis in Burkitt lymphoma from Uganda. (ekstern lenke)
Molven, Anders; Søvik, Oddmund; Lippe, Charlotte von der
et al. (2009). Mutasjonsdiagnostikk ved syndromer knyttet til RAS/MAPK-signalveien. (ekstern lenke)
Hoem, Dag; Jensen, Dag; Steine, Solrun
et al. (2008). Clinicopathological characteristics and non-adhesive organ culture of insulinomas. (ekstern lenke)
Helsing, Per; Nyrnoen, Dag André; Ariansen, Sarah
et al. (2008). Population-based prevalence of CDKN2A and CDK4 mutations in patients with multiple primary melanomas. (ekstern lenke)
Tsinkalovsky, Oleg; Småland, Rune; Rosenlund, Benedikte
et al. (2007). Circadian variation in Clock Gene Expression of Human Bone Marrow CD34+ Cells. (ekstern lenke)
Søvik, Oddmund; Schubbert, Suzanne ; Houge, Gunnar
et al. (2007). De novo HRAS and KRAS mutations in two siblings with short stature and neuro-cardio-facio-cutaneous features. (ekstern lenke)
Immervoll, Heike; Hoem, Dag; Kugarajh, Kalaiarasy
et al. (2006). Molecular analysis of the EGFR-RAS-RAF pathway in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas: lack of mutations in the BRAF and EGFR genes. (ekstern lenke)
Bertelsen, Bjørn Inge; Steine, Solrun; Sandvei, Roar
et al. (2006). Molecular analysis of the PI3K-AKT pathway in uterine cervical neoplasia: Frequent PIK3CA amplification and AKT phosphorylation. (ekstern lenke)
Molven, Anders; Grimstvedt, Magne B.; Steine, Solrun
et al. (2005). A large Norwegian family with inherited malignant melanoma, multiple atypical nevi, and CDK4 mutation. (ekstern lenke)
Jugessur, Astanand; Frost, P.; Andersen, T.I.
et al. (2000). Enhanced detection of mutations in BRCA1 exon 11 using restricion endonuclease-fingerprinting SSCP. (ekstern lenke)
Bolstad, Anne Isine; Nakken, Britt; Steine, Solrun
et al. (1999). Identification of suspectibility genes in Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Bertelsen, Bjørn Inge; Steine, Solrun; Sandvei, Roar
et al. (2004). PI3K/Akt signalveien ved livmorhalskreft. (ekstern lenke)
Nakken, Britt; Steine, Solrun; Jonsson, Roland
et al. (1998). Screening for mutations in the <I>La</I>-gene of patients with primary Sjögren´s syndrome by fluorescent labeling REF-SSCP technique. (ekstern lenke)
Bolstad, Anne Isine; Nakken, Britt; Steine, Solrun
et al. (1998). Identification of susceptibility genes in Sjögren´s syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Nakken, Britt; Steine, Solrun; Haga, H.-J.
et al. (1998). Identification of susceptibility genes in Sjögren´s syndrome: The candidate gene approach. (ekstern lenke)
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