Stefanie Semper





I am a physical oceanographer working mostly with observations from high latitudes. My current research focuses on water mass transformation through air-ice-sea interaction in the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean. In particular, I'm interested in the transformation of Atlantic Water and the formation of dense water near the sea-ice edge, as well as in the pathways and dynamics of the boundary currents that supply the overflows across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge and thus the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. 


Feature on our research cruise in the Iceland Sea in 2024, by Hannah Chanatry for National Geographic:
Solving this oceanic mystery could help predict our future on Earth

Outreach piece about Argo floats in the Arctic Ocean (2024):
Buoys on expedition in the Arctic Ocean

Outreach piece about Semper et al. (2022):
Following the Gulf Stream's little finger

Outreach piece about Våge et al. (2022):
Four decades of change

Glider operations on a research cruise in Baffin Bay in 2021:
Odin glides by Greenland

Feature on our wintertime field campaign in the Iceland and Greenland Seas in 2018, by NRK journalist Sindre Skrede:
Det vanskelige havet


Course responsible:

  • GEOF105 Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean (autumn 2023)

Teaching assistant:

  • GEOF105 Physics of the Atmosphere and Ocean (autumn 2016, autumn 2018, autumn 2019)
  • GEOF232 Practical Meteorology and Oceanography (spring 2017, spring 2019)
  • GEOF338 Polar Oceanography (spring 2018)
  • GEOF337 Physical Oceanography in Fjords (spring 2019)

Sodemann, H., Weng, Y., Touzeau, A., Jeansson, E., Thurnherr, I., Barrell, C., Renfrew, I.A., Semper, S., Våge, K., and Werner, M. (2024): The cumulative effect of wintertime weather systems on the ocean mixed-layer stable isotope composition in the Iceland and Greenland Seas, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2024JD041138,

Daae, K., Semper, S., and Glessmer, M.S. (2024): Supporting sensemaking by introducing a connecting thread throughout a course, Oceanography, 37(4),

Spall, M.A., Semper, S., and Våge, K. (2024): Mechanisms of offshore solid and liquid freshwater flux from the East Greenland Current, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54, 379–397,

Renfrew, I.A., Huang, J., Semper, S., Barrell, C., Terpstra, A., Pickart, R.S., Våge, K., Elvidge, A.D., Spengler, T., Strehl, A., and Weiss, A. (2023): Coupled atmosphere-ocean observations of a cold air outbreak and its impact on the Iceland Sea, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149, 472-493,

Semper, S., Glessmer, M.S., Våge, K., and Pickart, R.S. (2022): How warm Gulf Stream water sustains a cold underwater waterfall, Frontiers for Young Minds, 10:765740. doi: 10.3389/frym.2022.765740.

Våge, K., Semper, S., Valdimarsson, H., Jónsson, S., Pickart, R.S., and Moore, G.W.K. (2022): Water mass transformation in the Iceland Sea: Contrasting two winters separated by four decades, Deep-Sea Research I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 103824,

Semper, S., Våge, K., Pickart, R.S., Jónsson, S., and Valdimarsson, H. (2022): Evolution and transformation of the North Icelandic Irminger Current along the north Iceland shelf, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127, e2021JC017700,

Semper, S., Pickart, R.S., Våge, K., Larsen, K.M.H., Hátún, H., and Hansen, B. (2020): The Iceland-Faroe Slope Jet: a conduit for dense water toward the Faroe Bank Channel overflow, Nature Communications, 11, 5390,

Renfrew, I.A. and 65 others (2019): The Iceland Greenland Seas Project, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100, 1795–1817,

Semper, S., Våge, K., Pickart, R.S., Valdimarsson, H., Torres, D.J., and Jónsson, S. (2019): The emergence of the North Icelandic Jet and its evolution from northeast Iceland to Denmark Strait, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, 2499-2521,

Zhao, J., Yang, J., Semper, S., Pickart, R.S., Våge, K., Valdimarsson, H., Jónsson, S. (2018): A numerical study of interannual variability in the North Icelandic Irminger Current, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123,

Bertler, N.A.N. and 70 others (2018): The Ross Sea Dipole – temperature, snow accumulation and seaice variability in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica, over the past 2700 years, Climate of the Past, 14 (2), 193,

Pyne, R., Keller, E., Canessa, S., Bertler, N., Pyne, A., Mandeno, D., Vallelonga, P., Semper, S., Kjær, H., Hutchinson, E., Baisden, T. (2018): A Novel Approach to Process Brittle Ice for Continuous Flow Analysis of Stable Water Isotopes, Journal of Glaciology, 64, 244, 289–99,

Semper, S. and Darelius, E. (2017): Seasonal resonance of diurnal coastal trapped waves in the southern Weddell Sea, Antarctica, Ocean Science, 13(1), 77-93,


ROVER (2024-2028): Resilient northern overturning in a warming climate. Funded by the European Research Council (Consolidator Grant), PI: Kjetil Våge. Role: Researcher

UFO (2024-2026): Upstream pathways of the Faroe Overflow. Funded by the National Science Foundation, USA, PI: Robert Pickart. Role: international collaborator

LEAP (2024): Laptev Sea Polynya: Dense-water formation on an Arctic shelf. Funded by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (Fast-track Initiative). Role: PI

Upstream sources of the Nordic Seas overflows (2024). Funded by the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research (Fast-track Initiative). Role: collaborator

ArMOC (2023-2027): Overturning circulation in the new Arctic. Funded by the Research Council of Norway (FRIPRO Researcher Project), PI: Marius Årthun. Role: Work package leader

SUPERFLOW (2021-2024): Supply of dense water to the overflows across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. Funded by the European Union (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship). Role: PI

OVENS (2016-2020): Overturning in the Nordic Seas. Funded by the Trond Mohn Foundation, PI: Kjetil Våge. Role: PhD student