Kort info
Mine hovedinteresser innen forskning ligger i skjæringspunktet mellom inkludering og mangfold, utdanningspolitikk og lærerutdanning. I doktorgradsarbeidet mitt undersøker jeg hvordan lærere i norske og italienske videregående skoler forstår og arbeider med inkludering av minoritetsspråklige elever. Prosjektet benytter en kvalitativ tilnærming inspirert av Jerome Bruners sosiokonstruktivistiske perspektiv og ser på hvordan lærere skaper mening rundt inkludering gjennom fortellinger, samt hvordan disse fortellingene speiler bredere utdanningspolitiske diskurser.
Ved siden av doktorgradsarbeidet har jeg også jobbet med studier knyttet til fjernundervisning under Covid-19-pandemien, religiøst pluralisme i utdanningskontekster og profesjonsetikk for lærere og lærerstudenter.
Jeg er medlem av forskningsgruppen GrunnPed, ledet av Line T. Hilt, som fokuserer på grunnleggende pedagogiske spørsmål fra perspektivene til filosofi, humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap. I tillegg er jeg tilknyttet forskningsgruppen RES - Ricerche Educative con le Scuole, ledet av Michele Caputo, som arbeider med å utvikle pedagogisk forskning i samarbeid med skoler gjennom inkluderende og samarbeidsorienterte metoder.
Som stipendiat ved Universitetet i Bergen arbeider jeg i lærerutdanningsprogrammet. Jeg underviser i pedagogiske emner og seminarer og besøk lærerstudenter i deres praksis. Tidligere har jeg jobbet som lærer i historie, filosofi og spesialpedagogikk i italienske videregående skoler. Jeg underviste i pedagogiske og didaktiske emner ved Universitetet i Bologna (som tutor i generell pedagogikk) og ved Det teologiske fakultet i Emilia-Romagna (som universitetslektor).
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- Rompianesi, Tommaso; Hilt, Line Torbjørnsen (2025). Multicultural tact: Teaching and Bildung-promotion in the culturally diverse classroom. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2021). La scuola ai tempi della DAD: insegnanti creativi nella “scuola della distanza” [School in the Age of Distance Learning: Creative Teachers in the “Distance School”]. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2021). Politiche educative internazionali e servizi per l’infanzia. Quale spazio per l’intercultura? [International Educational Policies and Early Childhood Education and Care: What Room for Interculturalism?]. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2019). Suonare insieme: un’esperienza di insegnamento musicale [Playing Together: a Music Teaching Experience]. (ekstern lenke)
Faglig foredrag
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2024). Education Policy, Pedagogical Tact, and Beyond. Educational insights from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2023). Narrating inclusion. Norwegian and Italian educational narratives on the inclusion of minority language students. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2024). “How should one navigate in that landscape?”. Norwegian Teachers’ Narratives on the Inclusion of Minority Language Students. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso; Caputo, Michele; Pinelli, Giorgia (2024). In-service Teachers Training and Educational Research. Towards a New School Culture. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2024). L’intervista narrativa come metodo di ricerca e dispositivo formativo. Un’ipotesi di lavoro [Narrative Interview as a Research Method and a Training Tool. A Working Hypothesis]. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2024). Narrazioni fantasy e categorie del sacro: dati esplorativi e questioni metodologiche [Fantasy Narratives and Categories of the Sacred: Exploratory Data and Methodological Issues]. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2023). Narrating inclusion. Preliminary insights from a comparative fieldwork experience. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso; Hilt, Line Torbjørnsen (2023). Multicultural Tact. Representing the World in a Multicultural Society. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso; Hilt, Line Torbjørnsen (2023). Multicultural Tact: Representing the world in multicultural societies. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2023). Narratives on Inclusion. Italian Secondary School Teachers’ Narratives on the Inclusion of Minority Language Students. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso; Hilt, Line Torbjørnsen (2023). Multicultural Tact: Representing the world in a culturally diverse society. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2023). Compensating or Valuing? The Narrative Construction of Inclusion in Italian Secondary Schools. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2023). Narrating Inclusion. A Comparative Study of Teachers’ Narratives on the Inclusion of MLSs in Norway and Italy. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2022). Reframing the Debate: A Conceptual Meta-analysis of Contemporary Political Philosophy Perspectives on Immigration Multiculturalism . (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2022). The Narrative Policy Framework. An analytical tool for comparative policy documents analysis?. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2022). Narrating the inclusion of students with migrant background in Italy and Norway. A comparative study [IMER jr. scholar network]. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso (2021). Comparing the intercultural approach within Norwegian and Italian educational policy documents. Reflections on the criteria for a suitable analytical framework. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Rompianesi, Tommaso; Hilt, Line Torbjørnsen (2024). “Heroes”, “victims”, and “villains”: policy narratives on inclusion in Norwegian and Italian educational documents. (ekstern lenke)
- Caputo, Michele; Rompianesi, Tommaso (2024). Bible Narratives and Youth Religious Identity: An Italian Exploratory Study. (ekstern lenke)
- Rompianesi, Tommaso; Cenerelli, Maria Letizia (2022). “We teachers really got together”. The school as an educational community during the Covid-19 pandemic. (ekstern lenke)
- Caputo, Michele; Rompianesi, Tommaso (2020). Pluralismo e dialogo interreligioso: analisi di materiali didattici per la scuola secondaria di primo grado [Pluralism and Interreligious Dialogue: an Analysis of Teaching Materials for Lower Secondary School]. (ekstern lenke)
- Caputo, Michele; Pinelli, Giorgia; Rompianesi, Tommaso (2018). Identità e conflitti religiosi: piste di formazione interculturale per gli educatori [Identity and Religious Conflicts: Intercultural Training Tracksfor Educators]. (ekstern lenke)
Narrating inclusion. A comparative research project on Italian and Norwegian educational policies and teachers’ narratives on the inclusion of minority language students.
Project manager: Tommaso Rompianesi.
This 4-year study is carried out as a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Education, University of Bergen. The project investigates how the inclusion of minority language students is narrated within two national contexts: Norway and Italy. Using a qualitative methodology grounded in Jerome Bruner’s socio-constructivist perspective, the study examines how teachers construct narratives about inclusion and how these narratives resonate with broader policy discourses.
Relevant resources:
- Rompianesi, T., & Hilt, L.T. (2024). “Heroes”, “victims”, and “villains”: policy narratives on inclusion in Norwegian and Italian educational documents. Intercultural Education, 35(4), 419–442.
- Cristin page (link).
NordBild: The future of Nordic Bildung.
Project manager: Line T. Hilt.
NordBild is an explorative project encompassing 4 research groups in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The aim is to explore and critically discuss the possibilities and obstacles that lie in the pedagogical-philosophical heritage of Nordic Bildung when facing epochal educational challenges of sustainability and inclusion.
Relevant resources:
- Cristin page (link).
Immagio. Storie di eroismi, di fede, e di magia nell'immaginario giovanile [Immagio. Stories of Heroism, Faith, and Magic in Youth Imaginary]
Project manager: Michele Caputo.
Immagio is an exploratory research project investigating the relationship between narratives and youth imagination. A 47-item questionnaire was administered to a non-representative sample of 872 students and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The questionnaire was divided into three sections and required respondents to read and analyze excerpts from the Bible, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and Star Wars. The project is coordinated by Michele Caputo (University of Bologna) and involves research teams from the University of Bologna, the University of Padua, the University of Verona, and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Piacenza).
Relevant resources:
- Caputo, M., & Rompianesi, T. (2024). Bible Narratives and Youth Religious Identity: An Italian Exploratory Study. Religions, 15(11), 1385.
- Cristin page (link)
- RES - Ricerche Educative con le scuole research group webpage (link)
Concluded projects
- Educating the Next generation: Reflection on Crises, Migration and Education (project manager: Wills Kalisha - NLA University College, Bergen). The project takes as a starting point the complex question of why we engage with children and what we pass on to them, emphasizing the intergenerational and spatial dimensions of education. The challenges posed by global crises, migration, climate change, and wars may disrupt traditional notions of inclusion and inheritance in education. The project explores pedagogical approaches that rethink education as a means of renewal in a fractured world, addressing both native and migrant children in their diverse realities.
- Ethics in Teacher Education and Teaching (project manager: Øyvind Wiik Halvorsen - University of Bergen).
- Progetto di ricerca-azione "scuole Spallanzani" [Action Research Project "Spallanzani Schools"] (project manager: Michele Caputo - University of Bologna). The action-research project at the “Vladimiro Spallanzani” school aimed to investigate and assess the school’s educational and teaching practices, particularly its use of artistic expression, interdisciplinary approach, and focus on personalized learning. The research involved participant observation, interviews with staff, and analysis of teaching methods. Results highlighted the generative value of the personalization principle in education, as well as the role of “community of practices” as key resources for teachers training and professionalism. In its final phase, the project expanded to other secondary schools in the Emilia region, with goals including the detection of personalization principles, analysis of teaching staff dynamics, and the promotion of a network of schools dedicated to educational innovation and personalized learning. Relevant resources:
- Research project webpage (link)
- Scuole che educano, insegnanti creativi in Emilia-Romagna: una ricerca sul campo [Educative Schools and Creative Teachers in Emilia-Romagna Region: A Field Study]. Conference Proceedings (link).
- Pinelli, G. (a cura di) (2024). Genesi di comunità educative fra creatività e orizzonti di senso. Una ricerca con le scuole in Emilia-Romagna [Genesis of Educational Communities Between Creativity and Horizons of Meaning. A Research Project with Schools in Emilia-Romagna]. Bologna: SPES - Scienze Pedagogiche: Esplorazioni e Sentieri.