Tore Walderhaug Sætersdal
Underdirektør, Førsteaman. Faglig koordinator, Globale Samfunnsutfordringer, Senter for Internasjonal Helse
Tore Sætersdal er faglig koordinator ved Globale Samfunnsutfordringer, at av tre faglige satsningsområder ved UiB fra 1.1.2016. Fra 1.10.14 var han konstituert leder ved UiB Global. Han er utdannet arkeolog ved UiB og Universitetet i Cambridge og har siden 1993 arbeidet med afrikansk arkeologi og vært deltager, og leder, av en rekke forskningsprosjekter i Sørlige og Østlige Afrika innen arkeologi og kulturminnevern.
I Afrika ble de voldsomme utfordringene relatert til vann en vekker. Siden desember 2007 har han ledet Nile Basin Research Programme som er et større forskningsprogram som søker å framme forskning relatert til Nilen innen en rekke tematiske felt. Alle de 11 afrikanske landene i Nil bassenget er med i programmet med alle deres universiteter og forkningsinstitusjoner. Programmet har høstet stor annerkjennelse for det arbeidet som gjøres både ved UiB og i Nil regionen. Fra denne vinkelen har Sætersdal jobbet med vannforvaltning og vannressurser i Nil dalen men er også involvert i prosjekter om vannkvalitet og implikasjoner for lokalbefolkningen i Asia. Faggruppen fra Nil programmet har også bygget opp to store NORHED prosjekter bevilget av NORAD i 2013 hvor ledende universiteter fra 8 land i Afrika og Asia er involvert samt UiB i samarbeid med NMBU og Høgskolen i Telemark.
Dissemination/Ethnographic films:
Production and responsible for Research:
1) 2006: “Makashwa, Rainmaking and Archaeology in Zimunya, Zimbabwe”. Photography: Frode Storaas and Zimbabwe Information Agency. 32 mins. The film has been shown on Zimbabwe National TV and is used at the University of Zimbabwe as educational film.
2) 2006: “Making Rain”. Film on politics and practices in rainmaking rites in Manica district, central Mozambique. Research with Eva W. Saetersdal. Photography and co-production: Frode Storaas and Liivo Niglas. 52 mins.
3) 2009: “Both sides”. A film on archaeological and ethnographic fieldwork in Manica, Mozambique. 40 mins. Research with Eva W. Saetersdal. Photography/Production Frode Storaas and Liivo Niglas.
4) 2009: “If the Vagina had teeth”. An ethnographic documentation of the annual rainmaking rite in Chassuka, Manica district, Mozambique. 1 hr 45 mins. Research with Eva W. Saetersdal. Photography/Production Frode Storaas and Liivo Niglas.
Exhibitions/Collaboration with museums
1) Bergen Museum 2005: “Rock Art and society in Mozambique and Zimbabwe” poster exhibition.
2) Manica Museum 2006: Construction of local museum and school library. Responsible for exhibition development.
3) Mutare Museum, Zimbabwe 2006: “The ancient rock art of Eastern Zimbabwe”.
4) 2006: School traveling poster exhibition in Mozambique on Manica prehistory.
5) Uganda National Museum 2010: Poster exhibition on the River Nile
Coordinating International Conferences:
1) 2000 – 2001: Heading the organizing Committee for the Conference: “Archaeology in a global perspective – a conference in honor of professor Randi Haaland”, held in Bergen, Norway August 31st – September 2nd. 2001.
2) 2003 – 2006: On the African Organizing Committee for the SACRA 3 (South African Conference on Rock Art) held in Kimberley, South Africa February 12 – 17, 2006.
3) 2006: Heading the Organizing Committee on the “Manica International Seminar on Archaeology and Rock Art”. Held in Manica, Mozambique May 20th 2006.
4) 2009: Heading the Organizing Committee on the “Nile Basin Research Conference 2009”. Held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Oct 2009.
5) 2010: Heading the Organizing Committee on the “2nd Nile Basin Research Conference 2010”. Held in Kampala, Uganda, Nov 2010.
6) 2011: part of the organizing committee for the “CROP/NBRP seminar on Water and Society in Africa and Latin America”, Kampala, Uganda Oct 2011.
Undervisning og veiledning PhD
- UiB,
08.01.96 ‑ 31.10.96: Lecturer at the Institute of Archaeology (temporary position), University of Bergen, Norway. BA and >MA level.
01.02.1997 – 31.12.2000: Ph.D. Candidate at the Institute of Archaeology, University of Bergen. Funded by the Norwegian Research Council. Teaching at BA and MA level.
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo
- 2003 - 2006: teaching and fieldcourses at BA History level
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
- 2003 - 2006: Fieldcourse archaeology/rock art instructor
University of Zimbabwe
- 2001 - 2011: Various teaching/supervision/field instructor at BA and MA level in archaeology and cultural heritage management.
Supervision PhD level:
1) External supervisor at University of Zimbabwe for one PhD student, completed 10-2013, defended successfully 03-2014.
2) External supervisor at the University of the Witwatersrand, Rock Art Research Institute for one PhD student. Expected completion 12 - 2016.
3) External supervisor at University of Oslo, Department of Archaeology for one PhD student. Expected completion 08 – 2014.
Faglig foredrag
- Sætersdal, Tore (2022). Water ESSENCE – collaborating across continents. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (2022). Equitable Research partnerships. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (2020). Being prepared - adapting to climate change, pandemic and changing politics - can we prep for the unexpected?. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
- Sætersdal, Tore (2010). Rain, snakes and sex : making rain: rock art and rain-making in Africa and America. (ekstern lenke)
- Macamo, Solange; Sætersdal, Tore (2004). Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management in Mozambique - Some experiences Made and Some Future Challenges. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (1998). Maconde carvings - Cultural an Symbolic aspects. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (1997). Maconde carvings - cultural and symbolic aspects. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore; Larsen, Terje H; Dalen, H. (1992). Immunocythochemical localization of laminin in cardiac myocytes. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
- Østigård, Terje; Sætersdal, Tore (2008). ”Comparative River Basins”. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore; Sætersdal, Eva (2005). Rock art and rainmakers; San rock art and contemporary Shona ritual practice. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore; Sætersdal, Eva (2005). Rock art and rain - continued use of rock art sites in central Mozambique. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Eva; Sætersdal, Tore (2005). Adding pieces to the puzzle; reporting on recent developments in the study of rock art in Mozambique and Zimbabwe, southern Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (2000). "Manica Rock Art; form and influences". (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (2000). "Rain, Rocks and Ancestors". (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (2000). "Recent archaeological fieldwork in the Manica province, Mozambique". (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (2000). "Rites and Material Expressions - an archaeology project in Mozambique". (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (2000). "Rock-art and rituals in Manica, Mozambique". (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (1996). The Makonde Mapico Mask - a ritual symbol in a changing society. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig artikkel
- Sætersdal, Tore (1999). Symbols of Cultural Identity: A Case Study from Tanzania. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Skar, R; Frotjold, Edel Karin et al. (1998). Regional activation of the immediate-early response gene c-fos in infarcted rat hearts. (ekstern lenke)
- Dalen, H; Sætersdal, Tore; Roli, J et al. (1998). Effect of collagenase on surface expression of immunoreactive fibronectin and laminin in freshly isolated cardiac myocytes. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore (1997). Male world - female forms. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore; Larsen, TH; Røli, J (1995). Expression of fibronectin, laminin and ribosomes in normal and nocodazole-treated neonatal heart cells in culture: a study by laser scanning confocal microscopy and immunocytochemistry. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore; Larsen, T.; Røli, J. (1994). Expression of fibronectin, laminin and ribosomes in normal and nocodazole treated neonatal cardiac cells in culture, studied by immunolaser confocal microscopy and immunocytochemistry. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, T.; Helle, K.B; Sætersdal, Tore (1994). Immunoreactive atrial natriuretic peptide and dopamine B-hydroxylase in myocytes and chromaffin cells of the heart of the African Lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Hesketh, J.; Rotevatn, S. et al. (1994). Immunocytochemical demonstration of ribosomes in infarcted rat hearts. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Greve, Gottfried; Frotjold, Edel Karin et al. (1994). Tissue expression of c-myc and c-fos in infarcted rat hearts. (ekstern lenke)
- Frøen, F.; Larsen, T.; Sætersdal, Tore (1994). Fibronectin invasion into heart myocytes subjected to experimental ischemia by coronary artery ligation. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Hesketh, J. E.; Rotevatn, S. et al. (1994). Tibosome distributions in normal and infarcted hearts. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, T.; Helle, K.B; Sætersdal, Tore (1994). Immunoreactive atrial natriuretic peptide and dopamine-B-hydroxylase in myocytes and chromaffin cells of the heart of the african lungfish, Protopterus aethiopicus. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Myking, O.; Lillehaug, Johan et al. (1993). Inhibition and down-regulation of protein kinase C in cultured atrial myocytes: effects on distribution of specific granules and secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Huitfeldt, S.; Myking, O. et al. (1993). Microtubule-associated distribution of specific granules and secretion of atrial natriuretic factor in primary cultures of rat cardiomyocytes. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Huitfeldt, H.; Myking, O. et al. (1993). Microtubule-associated distribution of specific granules and secretion of atrial natriuretic factor in primary cultures of rat cardiomyocytes. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Myking, O.; Lillehaug, Johan et al. (1993). Inhibition and down-regulation of protein kinase C in cultured atrial myocytes. Effects on distribution of specific granules and secretion of atrial natriuretic factor. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Sætersdal, Tore (1993). Regional appearance of atrial natriuretic factor in the ventricles of infarcted rat hearts. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Myking, O.; Lillehaug, Johan et al. (1993). Inhibition and down-regulation of protein kinase C in cultured aterial myocytes. Effects on distribution of specific granules and secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide. (ekstern lenke)
- Greve, G.; Bakøy, O. E.; Holten, T. et al. (1992). Reversibility of mild to moderate ischemic injuries in the isolated rat heart: A characterization by %3%1P-NMR, and by physiological and ultrastructural indices. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore; Larsen, T.; Rotevatn, S. et al. (1992). Fibronectic and laminin in transverse tubules of cardiac myocytes studied by laserconfocal microscopy and immunocytochemistry. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore; Larsen, Terje H; Rotevatn, S. et al. (1992). Fibronectin and laminin in transverse tubules of cardiac myocytes. Studies by laser confocal microscopy and immunocytochemistry. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore; Rotevatn, S.; Larsen, Terje H et al. (1992). Fibronectin and laminin of heart muscle cells as shown by laser scanning confocal microscopy. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Greve, Gottfried; Heskeseth, J. et al. (1992). Regional distribution of ribosomes in infarcted rat hearts. (ekstern lenke)
- Larsen, Terje H; Myking, O.; Sætersdal, Tore (1992). Effects of staurosporine on atrial natriuretic factor in cultured atrial myocytes. (ekstern lenke)
- Greve, G.; Sætersdal, Tore (1991). Problems related to infarct size measurement in the rat heart. (ekstern lenke)
- Sætersdal, Tore; Greve, G.; Dalen, H. (1990). Associations between beta-tubulin and mitochondria in adult isolated heart myocytes as shown by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin
2007: with Ancila Nhamo and Eva Walderhaug: “Ancestral landscapes; reporting on rock art in the border regions of Zimbabwe and Mozambique” In: Zimbabwea Special issue 2007. Harare ISSN 0250-3018
2007: With Gilbert Pwiti and Randi Haaland: “Introduction to the Ancestral Landscapes of Manyikaland project”. In: Zimbabwea Special issue 2007, Harare ISSN 0250-3018
2009: “Manica rock art – contemporary perspectives” In: (Ed) Terje Oestigaard, “Water, Culture and Identity” BRIC Press, Bergen ISBN 978-82-7453-080-5
2010: “Manica rock-art in contemporary society”. In: (Eds). Geoffrey Blundell, Christopher Chippindale and Benjamin Smith “Seeing and knowing: ethnography and beyond in understanding rock-art”. Wits University Press, Johannesburg. ISBN 978-1-86814-513-3
2010: “Foreword” In: (Ed) Terje Tvedt. “The River Nile in the Post-Colonial Age”. I.B.Taurus, London. ISBN 978-1-84511-970-6
2011: “Rain, Snakes and Sex – Making Rain”. In: (Eds) Terje Oestegaard and Terje Tvedt “The Ideas of Water. Core, Concepts and Contexts”. I.B. Tauris. London.
2013: A.K. Bang & T. Sætersdal, ”Cultural Heritage and Social Context. Research and Management in Mozambique”, in: T. Halvorsen & P. Vale, One world, many knowledges. Regional experiences and cross - regional links in higher education, Southern Africa Nordic Centre (SANORD), 2012.
Project Manager: “Archaeological Research and Cultural Heritage Management in Moçambique”. 01.01.2003 – 30.06.2006. Funded by NORAD
Acting UiB Coordinator : “The Ancestral Landscape of Manyikaland” in cooperation with: University of Zimbabwe. 01.01.2002 – 31.12.2006 Funded by NUFU.
Researcher, Archaeology: “Archaeology and Traditions in Eastern Zimbabwe” in cooperation with University of Zimbabwe. 01.01.2007 – 31.12.2011. Funded by NUFU
Researcher, Water Management: “VIWAFU – Viable Water management and Governance for Futures”. 01.03. 2012 – 31.12.2015. NORFORSK project with Tampere University, Finland.
Director, Nile Basin Research Programme. Funded by Mfa, involving 11 countries of the Nile Basin. 01.12.2007 – present.
Project Coordinator. NORHED seed Funding (12-2012 – 03-2013) “Water and Society – (WaSo)” with Makerere University.
Norwegian Coordinator, Water and Society– Institutional Capacity Building in Water Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Nile Basin’(WaSo-Africa). NORHED funding 2014 – 2018. With 3 norwegian institutions and 4 African universities. Main partner: Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda.
Norwegian Coordinator, Water and Society – Institutional Capacity Building in Water management and Climate Change adaptation in selected countries in Asia (WaSo-Asia). NORHED funding 2014 – 2018. With 3 norwegian institutions and 4 Asian universities. Main partner: Peredeniya University, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
07 – 11. 2014: UiB Coordinator: NBRP phase two application.