Trygve Skjold


Førsteamanuensis, Prosessikkerhet




Utvalgte forskningsaktiviteter:

  • Prosessikkerhet.
  • Gass- og støveksplosjoner.
  • Formann for den Internasjonal Organisasjonskomitéen for International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE).
  • Medlem av European Hydrogen Safety Panel (EHSP).
  • Tilknyttet Senter for klima og energiomstilling (CET).


  • Skjold, T. (2003). Selected aspects of turbulence and combustion in 20-litre explosion vessels. Candidatus Scientiarum (MSc) thesis, University of Bergen, June 2003. URI


  • Skjold, T. (2014). Flame propagation in dust clouds: Numerical simulation and experimental investigation. Philosophiae doctor (PhD) thesis, University of Bergen, June 2014. ISBN 978-82-308-2861-8. URI

Utvalgte bidrag til formidling:

  • Innlegget Vi må få sikkerheten på plass før hydrogen kan bli en viktig energibærer ble publisert på nettsidene til Dagens Næringsliv (DN) fredag 31. januar 2020 og kom på trykk i lørdagsutgaven av DN 1. februar (side 75). Artikkelen nevner noen av de betydelige utfordringene knyttet til utstrakt bruk av hydrogen som energibærer i samfunnet.
  • Diverse presentasjoner på nasjonale og internasjonale møter, seminarer og konferanser (se Konferanser).

Emneansvarlig for kursene:

MERK: Master-studenter som vurderer en oppgave innen prosessikkerhet oppfordres til å utarbeide en prosjektbeskrivelse iht. en spesifikk mal (LENKE NEDERST PÅ SIDEN).


Journal publications

Gunnarshaug, A., Log, T., Metallinou, M.-M. & Skjold, T. (2023). Modelling breakdown of industrial thermal insulation during fire exposure. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 84: 105135 (13 pp.). DOI:

van Wingerden, M., Skjold, T., Roosendans, D., Dutertre, A. & Pekalski, A. (2023). Chemical inhibition of hydrogen-air explosions: Literature review, simulations and experiments. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 176: 1120-1129. DOI:

Lucas, M., Hisken, H., Skjold, T., Arntzen, B.J. & van Wingerden, K. (2023). CFD modelling of hydrogen and hydrogen-methane explosions – Analysis of varying concentration and reduced oxygen atmospheres. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 83: 105012 (9 pp.). DOI:

Bentsen, H.L., Skiple, J.K., Gregersen, T., Derempouka, E. & Skjold, T. (2023). In the green? Perceptions of hydrogen production methods among the Norwegian public. Energy Research & Social Science, 97: 102985 (11 pp.). DOI:

Hisken H., Mauri L., Atanga G., Lucas M., van Wingerden K., Skjold T., Quillatre P., Dutertre A., Marteau T., Pekalski A., Jenney L., Allason D., Johnson M., Leprette E., Jamois D., Hébrard, J. & Proust, C. (2021). Assessing the influence of real releases on explosions: Selected results from large-scale experiments. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 72: 104561 (11 pp.). DOI:

Lucas, M., Atanga, G., Hisken, H., Mauri, L. & Skjold, T. (2021). Simulating vented hydrogen deflagrations: Improved modelling in the CFD tool FLACS-Hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46: 12464-12473. DOI:

Lucas, M., Skjold, T. & Hisken, H. (2020). Computational fluid dynamics simulations of hydrogen releases and vented deflagrations in large enclosures. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 63: 103999 (13 pp.). DOI:

Ghaffari, M., Hoffmann, A.C., Skjold, T., Eckhoff, R.K. & van Wingerden, K. (2019). A brief review on the effect of particle size on the laminar burning velocity of flammable dust: application in a CFD tool for industrial applications. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 62: 103929 (5 pp.). DOI:

Skjold, T., Hisken, H., Lakshmipathy, S., Atanga, G., van Wingerden, M., Olsen, K.L., Holme, M.N., Turøy, N.M., Mykleby, M.  & van Wingerden, K. (2019). Vented hydrogen deflagrations in containers: effect of congestion for homogeneous and inhomogeneous mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44: 8819-8832. DOI:

Skjold, T., Hisken, H., Lakshmipathy, S., Atanga, G., Carcassi, M., Schiavetti, M., Stewart, J.R., Newton, A., Hoyes, J.R., Tolias, I.C., Venetsanos, A.G., Hansen, O.R., Geng, J., Huser, A., Helland, S., Jambut, R., Ren, K., Kotchourko, A., Jordan, T., Daubech, J., Lecocq, G., Hanssen, A.G., Kumar, C., Krumenacker, L., Jallais, S., Miller, D. & Bauwens, C.R. (2019). Blind-prediction: Estimating the consequences of vented hydrogen deflagrations for homogeneous mixtures in 20-foot ISO containers. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44: 8997-9008. DOI:

Skjold, T., Hisken, H., Bernard, L., Mauri, L., Atanga, G., Lakshmipathy, S., Lucas, M., Carcassi, M., Schiavetti, M., Rao, V.C.M., Sinha, A., Tolias, I.C., Giannissi, S.G., Venetsanos, A.G., Stewart, J.R., Hansen, O.R., Kumar, C., Krumenacker, L., Laviron, F., Jambut, R. & Huser, A. (2019). Blind-prediction: Estimating the consequences of vented hydrogen deflagrations for inhomogeneous mixtures in 20-foot ISO containers. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 61: 220-236. DOI:

Lakshmipathy, S., Skjold, T., Hisken, H. & Atanga, G. (2019). Consequence models for vented hydrogen deflagrations: CFD vs engineering models. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44: 8699-8710. DOI:

Atanga, G., Lakshmipathy, S., Skjold, T., Hisken, H. & Hanssen, A.G. (2019). Structural response for vented hydrogen deflagrations: Coupling CFD and FE tools. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44: 8893-8903. DOI:

Castellanos, D., Carreto, V., Skjold, T., Chaudhari, P. & Mannan, M.S. & Mashuga, C. (2018). Construction of a 36-L dust explosion apparatus and turbulence flow field comparison with a standard 20-L dust explosion vessel. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 55: 113-123, DOI:

Skjold, T. (2018). Dust explosion modelling: Status and prospects. Particulate Science and Technology, 36: 489-500. DOI:

Skjold, T., Souprayen, C. & Dorofeev, S. (2018). Fires and explosions. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 64: 2-3. DOI:

Henriksen, M., Bjerketvedt, D., Vaagsaether, K., Gaathaug, A.V., Skjold, T. & Middha, P. (2017). Accidental hydrogen release in a gas chromatograph laboratory: A case study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42: 7651-7656. DOI:

Skjold, T., Siccama, D., Hisken, H., Brambilla, A, Middha, P., Groth, K.M. & LaFleur, A.C. (2017). 3D risk management for hydrogen installations. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42: 7721-7730. DOI:

Gant, S.E., Narasimhamurthy, V.D., Skjold, T., Jamois, D. & Proust, C. (2014). Evaluation of multi-phase atmospheric dispersion models for application to carbon capture and storage. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 32: 286-298. DOI:

Woolley, R.M., Fairweather, M., Wareing, C.J., Proust, C., Hebrard, J., Jamois, D., Narasimhamurthy, V.D., Storvik, I.E., Skjold, T., Falle, S.A.E.G., Brown, S., Mahgerefteh, H., Martynov, S., Gant, S.E., Tsangaris, D.M., Economou, I.G., Boulougouris G.C. & Diamantonis, N.I. (2014). An integrated, multi-scale modelling approach for the simulation of multiphase dispersion from accidental CO2 pipeline releases in realistic terrain. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 27: 221-238. DOI:

Skjold, T., Castellanos, D., Olsen, K.L. & Eckhoff, R.K. (2014). Experimental and numerical investigations of constant volume dust and gas explosions in a 3.6-m flame acceleration tube. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 30: 164-176. DOI:

Dahoe, A.E., Skjold, T., Roekaerts, D.J.E.M., Pasman, H.J., Eckhoff, R.K., Hanjalic, K. & Donze, M. (2013). On the application of the Levenberg–Marquardt method in conjunction with an explicit Runge-Kutta and an implicit Rosenbrock method to assess burning velocities from confined deflagrations. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 91: 281-317. DOI:

Castellanos, D., Skjold, T., van Wingerden, K., Eckhoff, R.K. & Mannan, M.S. (2013). Validation of the DESC code in simulating the effect of vent ducts in dust explosions. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52: 6057-6067. DOI:

Skjold, T. & van Wingerden, K. (2013). Investigation of an explosion in a gasoline purification plant. Process Safety Progress, 32: 268-276. DOI:

Kosinski, P., Nyheim, R., Asokan, V. & Skjold, T. (2013). Explosions of carbon black and propane hybrid mixtures. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26: 45-51. DOI:

Skjold, T., Olsen, K.L. & Castellanos, D. (2013). A constant pressure dust explosion experiment. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26: 562-570. DOI:

Pu, Y.K., Jiaa, F., Wanga, S.F. & Skjold, T. (2007). Determination of the maximum effective burning velocity of dust–air mixtures in constant volume combustion. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 20: 462-469. ISSN 0950-4230, DOI:

Skjold, T. (2007). Review of the DESC project. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 20: 291-302. DOI:

Skjold, T., Arntzen, B.J., Hansen, O.J., Storvik, I.E. & Eckhoff, R.K. (2006). Simulation of dust explosions in complex geometries with experimental input from standardized tests. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 19: 210-217. DOI:

Skjold, T., Arntzen, B.J., Hansen, O.R., Taraldset, O.J., Storvik, I.E. & Eckhoff, R.K. (2005). Simulating dust explosions with the first version of DESC. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 83 (B2): 151-160. DOI:




Active projects

HySchool: Vitenskapelig direktør for 'Norwegian research school on hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels' ‒ En forskerskole finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd (NFR).

HySALA: Project manager for the infrastructure project 'Hydrogen Safety Laboratory' (HySALA) funded by UiB (laboratory-scale experimental facility of explosion research), as well as a proposal for national infrastructure with the same title (large-scale experimental facility of explosion research).

JIP HyRISE: Project manager for the Joint Industry Project (JIP) ‘Risk-reduction for hydrogen installations by partial suppression of explosions’ (HyRISE) coordinated by IFT, with industry sponsors Total and Shell, and one PhD project funded by UiB.

HySociety: Project manager at UiB for the project 'Hydrogen as energy carrier in society: risk picture, risk awareness and public acceptance' (HySociety). This is a joint initiative from UiB and UiS, currently involving one PhD project at UiB (IFT and CET) and one PhD project at UiS.

SH2IPS: Project manager for the researcher project 'Safe Hydrogen Implementation: Pre-normative research for Ships' (SH2IPS) funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN) and UiB. The project includes one RCN-funded PhD starting in 2022.

SH2IFT-2: Work package (WP) manager in the Knowledge-building Project for Industry (KPN) ‘Safe Hydrogen Fuel Handling and Use for Efficient Implementation 2’) coordinated by SINTEF.


Selected project reports

Skjold, T. (2019). HySEA: Second and final periodic technical report from the HySEA project. Improving hydrogen safety for energy applications through pre-normative research on vented deflagrations (HySEA), Report HySEA‐D5.13‐2019, Bergen, 1 July 2019, Confidential: 50 pp.

Skjold, T. (2018). Experimental investigation of vented hydrogen deflagrations in containers: homogeneous and inhomogeneous mixtures. Improving hydrogen safety for energy applications through pre-normative research on vented deflagrations (HySEA), Report HySEA-D2-08-2018, Bergen, 30 November 2018: 638 pp.

Skjold, T., Hisken, H., Atanga, G., Narasimhamurthy, V.D., Lakshmipathy, S., Storvik, I.E., Pesch, L. & Braatz, A.-L. (2017). Final Report: ‘Modelling Escalating Accident Scenarios and the Use of Risk-reducing technology for Explosion safety’ (MEASURE), March 2017, Joint industry project (JIP) sponsored by Statoil Petroleum, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Total E&P Norge, ENGIE, GL Industrial Services UK and BP Exploration Operating Company. Report Gexcon-17-F46241-C-01, rev. 10, Confidential: 355 pp.

Skjold, T., van Wingerden, K., Storvik, I.E., Pesch, L., Melheim, J.A., Ichard, M., Narasimhamurthy, V.D., Middha, P., Pedersen. H.H., Bernard, L., Hansen, O.R., Lilleberg, B. & Khalil, M. (2013). Final report: ‘FLACS 2011 and beyond’, February 2013, Joint industry project (JIP) sponsored by Statoil Petroleum, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Total E&P Norge and IRSN. Gexcon Gexcon-13-F46240-C-1, rev. 007, Confidential.

Skjold, T., van Wingerden, K., Abiven, R. & Larsen, Ø. (2008). Ulykkesgranskning etter eksplosjon ved Vest Tank på Sløvåg Industriområde. GexCon-08-F45543-O-1, Rev. 02, Open report (in Norwegian): 67 pp.

Skjold, T., van Wingerden, K., Abiven, R. & Larsen, Ø. (2008). Accident investigation following the Vest Tank explosion at Sløvåg. GexCon-08-F45543-O-1, Rev. 03, Open report: 67 pp.

Skjold, T., Arntzen, B.J., Storvik, I.E. & Hansen, O.R. (2005). Modelling in DESC version 1.0b3. Report GexCon-05-F46200-2, Bergen, Norway, Confidential: 112 pp.

Skjold, T., Hansen, O.R. & Storvik, I.E. (2005). Validating DESC – Version 1.0b3. Report GexCon-05-F46200-3, Bergen, Norway, Confidential: 50 pp.