Turid Hillestad Nel
I analyse small mammals, which become incorporated into archaeological sediments, in order to reconstruct local palaeoenvironments. Small mammals are rodents such as mice, shrews, golden moles, bats, mole rats, gerbils etc. These rodents are suitable palaeoenvironmental proxies as they are spatio-temporally constrained, have small home-ranges (usually less than 1 km radius), precise ecological requirements and t they often exhibit high intrinsic rates of population increase facilitating rapid response to environmental change within fine spatiotemporal scales.
- Haaland, Magnus Mathisen; Nel, Turid Hillestad (2023). Blombos Cave, South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad; Haaland, Magnus Mathisen (2023). Klipdrift Shelter, South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad; Peters, Carli; Richter, Kristine K. et al. (2023). Peptide mass fingerprinting as a tool to assess micromammal biodiversity in Pleistocene South Africa: The case of Klipdrift Shelter. (ekstern lenke)
- Bentsen, Silje Evjenth; Haaland, Magnus Mathisen; Milic, Jovana et al. (2022). Pilot fires: Preliminary Report from Interdisciplinary Actualistic Fire Experiments. (ekstern lenke)
- Bentsen, Silje Evjenth; Nel, Turid Hillestad (2022). From lab to kitchen: teaching experimental archaeology during lock-down. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad; Henshilwood, Christopher Stuart (2021). The 100,000–77,000‑Year Old Middle Stone Age Micromammal Sequence from Blombos Cave, South Africa: Local Climatic Stability or a Tale of Predator Bias?. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad (2021). Will it burn? Micromammal bone in four fire experiments. (ekstern lenke)
- Matthews, Thalassa; Nel, Turid Hillestad (2021). The cryptic case of Otomys sloggetti (Sloggett’s vlei rat): Interpreting murid molar morphology in the fossil record. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad (2019). Small mammals from the Still Bay levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad (2019). Palaeoenvironments and human adaptations – analyses of micromammals from Howiesons Poort sequences in the southern Cape, South Africa . (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad; Van Niekerk, Karen Loise; Henshilwood, Christopher (2019). Local environmental context of the Howiesons Poort sequence at Klipdrift Shelter, South Africa . (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad; Bentsen, Silje Evjenth (2019). Fra tegnerens hule: Blombos Cave, moderne mennesker og symboler . (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad (2018). Environmental context of the Middle Stone Age sequence at Blombos Cave, South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad; Henshilwood, Christopher (2018). Environmental context of the lower Middle Stone Age sequence at Blombos Cave, South Africa. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad; Wurz, Sarah Jacoba Deborah; Henshilwood, Christopher (2018). Small mammals from Marine Isotope Stage 5 at Klasies River, South Africa - Reconstructing the local palaeoenvironment. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad; Henshilwood, Christopher (2016). The Small Mammal Sequence from the c. 76 – 72 ka Still Bay Levels at Blombos Cave, South Africa – Taphonomic and Palaeoecological Implications for Human Behaviour. (ekstern lenke)
- Nel, Turid Hillestad (2016). The small mammal sequence from Marine Isotope Stage 5 at Klasies River main site, South Africa – palaeoenvironmental implications.. (ekstern lenke)