Free Movement under EU and EEA Internal Market Law - Bachelor



Mål og innhald

The course aims to provide students with an overview of EU/EEA commercial law, focusing particularly on the regulation of the internal market and certain ancillary policies inherently connected thereto.

The topics covered by the course constitute the very core of EU/EEA cooperation, and will include (but not be limited to) both theoretical and practical aspects of the rules governing the EU Customs Union, the Four Freedoms and restrictions, derogations and justifications thereto, and the EU Common Commercial Policy (CCP).

Certain cross-policy aspects, particularly concerning the relationship between the Four Freedoms, state aid and competition rules, will also be touched upon during the course.


Knowledge and skills:

By the end of the course, students will be expected to be able to

  • understand the relationship between the EU and EEA regulatory regimes, and their relationship to the national legal systems of the EU and EFTA Member States on a basic level.
  • be aware of the most recent developments in the case law of the EU and EFTA Courts in the policy fields in question.
  • identify and apply the core EU Treaty and EEA Agreement rules and principles about the internal market and certain ancillary policies thereto, including (but not limited to):

    • the four freedoms (free movement of goods, services, workers and capital), including restrictions, derogations and justifications thereto.
    • EU Common Commercial Policy
    • certain cross-policy issues (particularly the relationship between the four freedoms, state aid and competition regulatory regimes)
  • cooperate with law students from other countries, and gain perspectives on common legal challenges from students from a legal background different than their own
  • contribute with perspectives from their own country and legal background.

General competence:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  • read and mindfully analyze legal sources, as well as academic works, in the field
  • express ideas and legal reasoning through oral presentations and written case studies
  • demonstrate a basic grounding in research skills and techniques particular to EU and EEA internal market law
  • present and evaluate legal analyses and points of view in English, both orally and in writing

Studiepoeng, omfang


Studienivå (studiesyklus)





Faculty of Law, University of Bergen
Krav til forkunnskapar
Two years of law studies.
Tilrådde forkunnskapar

Good level of English language.

JUS2300 EU and EEA Institutional Law and Policymaking - Bachelor


Combined with JUS287-2-A EU and EEA Commercial Law or JUS3501 Free Movement under EU and EEA Market Law this course will generate no new credits.

Combines successfully with

Krav til studierett

The course is available for the following students:

  • Admitted to the five-year master programme in law
  • Exchange students at the Faculty of Law
Arbeids- og undervisningsformer
Lectures and seminars. Students may be asked to prepare case-studies and/or short presentations for certain lectures/seminars.
Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet

Compulsory attendance at lectures/seminars.

More specific information about the required attendance for each course will be made available in Mitt UiB.

Students will be required to submit a paper during the course (approximately 2500 words).

A passed paper is required for taking the oral exam.

Students who fail the paper will have a chance to resubmit their paper before the oral exam.


Type of exam: oral examination.

Exam language: English

A - E for passed, F for failed.


Exam only in semesters with teaching.

The reading list will be ready 1st July for the autumn semester.
According to the administrative arrangements for course evaluation at the Faculty of Law
The Academic Affairs Committee (Studieutvalget) at the Faculty of Law is responsible for ensuring the material content, structure and quality of the programme.
Melanie Hack and Ingrid Margrethe Halvorsen Barlund
Administrativt ansvarleg
The Faculty of Law¿s section for students and academic affairs (Studieseksjonen) is responsible for administering the course.