Introduksjon i keramikk og leire



Mål og innhald

Dette er ett av fire metode/medium-emer som studenter kan velje mellom.

During this course you will be introduced to the initial technical information to begin working with clay with an experimental focus. The goal of the workshop is not to make finished works; rather to create an understanding of and connection to the material and its possibilities.

We will investigate the potential of the material in its different stages (powder, liquid, plastic, dry, fired) for a host of purposes and expressions though a collection of individual and group tasks, experiments, techniques and questionings. The course is structured to gradually develop a holistic understanding (basic/basis for future working) of what clay is, some surface treatments, coupled with an introduction to constructing with clay and equipment. There will also be an

introduction to using plaster to make simple moulds. This will all be done with an emphasis on thinking through doing and hands on material responsiveness, via group and individual experimenting and finding your own route/ relationship with the material.

Failing and learning as a symbiotic relationship is encouraged. Historical and conceptual material will be a focus for group

discussion/investigation and workshop will include individual and group tutorials.



  • Broad knowledge of key principles and theories of textile of ceramic and clay practices, especially in building form and material knowledge.
  • Broad contextual awareness of professional and research developments in the field.
  • The student has basic knowledge¿of¿the¿history¿and¿traditions¿of¿the¿field¿of¿ceramics and clay.


  • Understanding of a range of practical approaches, techniques and tools that might be relevant to personal project ideas.
  • Awareness of sources of information, and how to employ these in updating personal knowledge and understanding.
  • Basic understanding of clay and ceramics processes.

Generell kompetanse

  • Forstå materialitet.
  • Overførbar materialkompetanse.



Studienivå (studiesyklus)





Universitetet i Bergen
Krav til forkunnskapar
Tilrådde forkunnskapar
Krav til studierett

Dette emnet har krav til studierett i¿Bachelorprogrammet i kunst¿og¿tilbys¿studenter¿i sitt første semester.¿

Studenter¿i første semester i¿masterprogrammet¿i kunst¿kan også¿søke opptak til emnet, men opptaket til emnet vil prioritere¿bachelorstudenter.

Arbeids- og undervisningsformer
Dette emnet vil forutsette arbeid i keramikkverkstedet, hvor studenten vil bli introdusert for ulike teknikker, metoder og HMS-krav. Videre vil undervisningsformer slik som presentasjoner, forelesninger og gruppesamtaler benyttes. Selvstyre arbeidsprosesser med mengdetrening vektlegges.

I emnet nyttar ein følgjande vurderingsformer:

A summative "portfolio" of practical course work. (Innlevering/hjemmeeksamen)

Bestått / ikkje bestått.
Litteraturlista vil vere klar innan 01.07. for haustsemesteret og 01.12. for vårsemesteret.
Emnet evalueres hvert tredje år ihht. til UiBs kvalitetssystem.
Programstyret har ansvar for fagleg innhald og oppbygging av studiet og for kvaliteten på studieprogrammet og alle emna der.
Administrativt ansvarleg
Fakultet for kunst, musikk og design ved Kunstakademiet - Institutt for samtidskunst har det administrative ansvaret for emnet og studieprogrammet.