Generell statistikk
- Studiepoeng
- 6
- Undervisningssemester
- Haust
- Emnekode
- ODO-STAT1/06
- Talet på semester
- 1
- Undervisningsspråk
- English if English-speaking students attend the seminars, otherwise Norwegian
- Ressursar
- Timeplan
- Litteraturliste
Mål og innhald
The aim of the course is to provide students with an theoretical introduction to biostatistics
with an emphasis on the oral health sciences.
This course includes descriptive statistics, probability concepts, distributions, and some important sampling distributions. Estimation and hypothesis testing of contiunuous data and frequency tables are emphasized.
Studiepoeng, omfang
6 studiepoeng
Studienivå (studiesyklus)
Specialist Programme, PhD
Krav til forkunnskapar
Bachelor's degree in dentistry, medicine or related sciences. Students enrolled in a Master's degree programme can take this course.
Arbeids- og undervisningsformer
Lectures, 3 hours pr week for 8 weeks, a total of 24 hours
Obligatorisk undervisningsaktivitet
Participation in lectures (requirement 80 % attendance)
3 hours written exam. At the examination book, notes from the lectures and calculator are allowed.
Pass/fail (bestått/ ikke bestått)