Demystifying Artificial Intelligence

Undergraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

Aim and content:

The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) and its uses in society in general and SMART cities in particular, and to provide an understanding of the benefits, limitations, and challenges in the use of AI.

The course covers key concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence, and uses such as robotics, process automation, autonomous vehicles and entities, machine vision, machine learning applications, and natural language applications. The roles and relationships between humans and AI applications will be explored, as well as privacy and data protection, ethical and responsible use of AI.

Learning Outcomes


The student can ...
- Describe the history of artificial intelligence
- Describe the key concepts and techniques of artificial intelligence
- Explain the perspectives of human-centred artificial intelligence, augmented intelligence, and human agency
- Describe the benefits, limitations, and challenges in using artificial intelligence


The student can ...
- Describe the characteristics of different types of artificial intelligence applications
- Identify uses of artificial intelligence within a SMART CITY
- Critically evaluate the implications of the use of artificial intelligence in the branch (use of data, privacy, etc.)
- Interpret privacy and data protection regulations related to the use of artificial intelligence

General Knowledge

The student can ...
- Explain the significance of the use of artificial intelligence for businesses in a SMART CITY
- Discuss the dimensions of ethical and responsible use of artificial intelligence
- Evaluate new use areas for artificial intelligence in the branch

ECTS Credits


Level of Study


Semester of Instruction

Autumn or spring

Place of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge
No special prior knowledge
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Access to the Course
The course is open for participants associated with the Renovation industry (BIR decides who participates)
Teaching and learning methods
The course has 5 modules and 3 synchronous meetings that go over 9 weeks. The online course involves working with the learning material that is a combination of book chapters and digital articles to read, and videos to watch. Each module lasts one week and during this period the participants will work with digital activities and assignments (both individual and group) related to the themes of the module.
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
For each week-long module there is either an obligatory quiz or short assignment on central themes from the module. There are three obligatory synchronous meetings, spaced throughout the course, to attend.
Forms of Assessment
The final assessment includes a group project presentation (50%) and a reflection note (circa 1000 words) about the participants own learning during the course (50%).
Grading Scale
Pass / Fail
Assessment Semester
Reading List
List includes a book and articles available digitally.
Course Evaluation
The course will be evaluated in line with the University of Bergens quality assurance system.
Examination Support Material
Programme Committee
The Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE)
Course Coordinator
The Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE)
Course Administrator
Det psykologiske fakultetet