Academic article
Cappelen, Cornelius Wright; Kuhnle, Stein; Linde, Jonas
et al. (2025). Adding economic insult to chauvinistic injury? Attitudes toward immigration in Germany, Sweden and the UK. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius Wright; Sicakkan, Hakan G.; VanWolleghem, Pierre-Georges
(2023). The trade-off between admitting and paying: Experimental evidence on attitudes towards asylum responsibility-sharing. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius Wright; Tungodden, Bertil
(2023). Second-Best Fairness: The Trade-off between False Positives and False Negatives. (external link)
Bærøe, Kristine; Albertsen, Andreas; Cappelen, Cornelius Wright
(2023). On the Anatomy of Health-related Actions for Which People Could Reasonably be Held Responsible: A Framework. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Cappelen, Herman Wright
(2020). Demokrati og uvitenhet. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Midtbø, Tor; Bærøe, Kristine
(2020). Responsibility considerations and the design of health care policies: a survey study of the Norwegian population. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Linde, Jonas; Olander, Petrus
(2020). Gen(d)eralized trust: An experimental approach to interpersonal trust and gender sensitivity. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise
(2018). Polish Labour Migrants and Undeclared Work in Norway. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Pedersen, Jørgen
(2018). Just wealth transfer taxation. Defending John Stuart Mill's scheme. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Peters, Yvette
(2018). Diversity and welfare state legitimacy in Europe. The
challenge of intra-EU migration. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Kuhnle, Stein
et al. (2018). How to retrench the welfare state: Attitudes in the general population. (external link)
Arnesen, Sveinung; Bærøe, Kristine; Cappelen, Cornelius
et al. (2018). Could information about herd immunity help us achieve
herd immunity? Evidence from a population representative
survey experiment. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Dahlberg, Stefan
(2017). The Law of Jante and Generalized Trust. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Peters, Yvette
(2017). The impact of intra-EU migration on welfare chauvinism. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Midtbø, Tor
(2016). Intra-EU Labour Migration and Support for the Norwegian Welfare State. (external link)
Nowiak, Wojciech; Narożna, Dominika; Cappelen, Cornelius
(2016). Migracja wewnętrzna w UE oraz EOG a problem nielegalnego rynku pracy. Analiza sytuacji imigrantów z Polski zamieszkujących okręg Hordaland. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Kuhnle, Stein; Midtbø, Tor
(2016). Velferdssjåvinisme i Norge? Et listeeksperiment. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Grendstad, Gunnar; Skiple, Jon Kåre
(2016). Avveiningen mellom justismord og falske frifinnelser: en surveyundersøkelse av folks rettsoppfatning. (external link)
Bærøe, Kristine; Cappelen, Cornelius
(2015). Phase-dependent justification: The role of personal responsibility in fair healthcare. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Pedersen, Jørgen
(2015). Borgerlønn: en rettferdig reform?. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Pedersen, Jørgen
(2014). Rettferdig arveavgift. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius
(2010). Fair unemployment compensation and the target for egalitarian concerns. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius
(2009). Arbeidsledighetstrygd: Likhet og personlig ansvar. (external link)
Academic lecture
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Tungodden, Bertil; Cappelen, Cornelius Wright
(2023). Second-Best Fairness: The Trade-off between False Positives and False Negatives. (external link)
Almås, Ingvild; Bonn, Caroline; Cappelen, Alexander Wright
et al. (2018). Fairness and redistribution: A comparative study of China, US, and Germany. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2017). False Positives and False Negatives in Distributive Choices. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2016). Second-Best Fairness: Experimental Evidence on the Trade-Off Between False Positives and False Negatives in Distributive Choice. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2016). Second-best fairness: experimental evidence on the trade-off between false positives and false negatives in distributive choice. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Kuhnle, Stein
(2016). How to tighten social security: attitudes in the general population. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2016). Second-Best Fairness: False Positives and False Negatives in Distributive Choice. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2016). False positives and false negatives in distributive choices. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2016). False Positives and False Negatives in Distributive Choices. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2016). False Positives and False Negatives in Distributive Choices. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2015). False Positives and False Negatives in Distributive Choices. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2015). False Positives and False Negatives in Distributive Choices. (external link)
Sicakkan, Hakan G.; Karlsen, Marry-Anne; Cappelen, Cornelius Wright
et al. (2023). Sluttkonferanse: FNs nye flyktningplattform og norsk flyktning- og asylpolitikk. (external link)
Sicakkan, Hakan G.; Cappelen, Cornelius Wright; VanWolleghem, Pierre-Georges
(2022). Symposium om Holdninger til flyktningebeskyttelse i Norge. (external link)
Sicakkan, Hakan G.; Cappelen, Cornelius Wright; VanWolleghem, Pierre-Georges
(2022). Symposium om Holdninger til flyktningebeskyttelse i Norge. (external link)
Dalen, Kristin; Flatø, Hedda; Cappelen, Alexander Wright
et al. (2018). "Towards a new Chinese Welfare State – Perceptions about Distributive Justice in China." Closing conference . (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius Wright; Sicakkan, Hakan G.; VanWolleghem, Pierre-Georges
(2022). Comparing the attitudes towards bogus asylum seekers who get protection and genuine asylum seekers who don’t get protection. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius Wright; Sicakkan, Hakan G.; VanWolleghem, Pierre-Georges
(2022). An Experimental Study of the Attitudes toward responsibility-sharing in Refugee Protection.. (external link)
Cappelen, Cornelius; Sicakkan, Hakan G.; VanWolleghem, Pierre-Georges
(2020). The impact of the Global Refugee Compact on Citizens’ Recognition of the Right to International Protection: A Research Outline and Survey Questionnaire. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2018). Second-best fairness under limited information: The trade-off between false positives and false negatives. (external link)
Cappelen, Alexander Wright; Cappelen, Cornelius; Tungodden, Bertil
(2016). Second-best fairness: false positives and false negatives in distributive Choices.. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Reader opinion piece
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