Finn Gunnar Nielsen


Emeritus, Bergen Offshore Wind Centre (BOW)



Finn Gunnar Nielsen’s research has been focused on the interaction between the ocean (wind, current and waves) and marine structures. In recent time he has worked with the dynamics of offshore wind turbines. He was professor and director of BOW from the start in 2018 until he retired in 2023. I his previous position he headed the research project developing the world’s first full scale floating wind turbine. For this work he in 2018 was awarded the price of honour from the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences – NTVA.


Finn Gunnar Nielsen is active giving professional and popular presentations about offshore wind energy and renewable energy in general


Finn Gunnar Nielsen has headed the program board for the master education in energy at UiB. He has lectured basic energy topics as well as in special seminars on offshore wind energy.

Previously he developed and lectured a course in marine operations at NTNU. A special compendium was developed for this course.

Non-fiction book
Programme participation
Academic article
Academic lecture
Popular scientific lecture
Reader opinion piece
Feature article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

Publications 2005 -

Nielsen, F.G.: “Some Hydrodynamic Issues Related to Offshore Wind Turbines.”, 20th International Workshop on Water Waves and Floating Bodies. (IWWWFB). The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Longyearbyen, 19 May – 1 June 2005.

Ilstad,T., Søreide, T. and Nielsen, F.G.: “Fatigue calculations of multi-mode VIV”. Paper 2005-67540, OMAE2005, Halkidiki, Greece, June 2005.

Herfjord, K.,  Nielsen, F.G. and Meisingset, H.C.:” CFD approach to dynamics of long and slender bodies exposed to ocean current”, EURODYN 2005, Paris. In EURODYN 2005, C.Soize & G.I. Schueller (eds) Millpress, Rotterdam, 2005.

Søreide, T. Ilstad, T., Paulsen, G. and Nielsen, F.G.:Design implementation of multi-span VIV tests”. EURODYN 2005, Paris. In EURODYN 2005, C.Soize & G.I. Schueller (eds) Millpress, Rotterdam, 2005.

Nielsen, F.G. and Søreide, T.:Dynamic response of pipeline in long free spans or multi-spans”. EURODYN 2005, Paris. In EURODYN 2005, C.Soize & G.I. Schueller (eds) Millpress, Rotterdam, 2005.

Nielsen, F.G, Hanson, T.D. and Skaare, B.: “Integrated dynamic analysis of floating offshore wind turbines” European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition, Athens, Greece, 28 February – 2 March 2006.

Nielsen, F.G., Hanson, T., and Skaare, B.Integrated Dynamic Analysis of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines”, OMAE 2006, Hamburg, Germany, June 2006.

Sandvik, P. Chr. , Solaas, F. and Nielsen, F.G.: “ Hydrodynamic Forces on Ventilated Structures”. The sixteenth (2006) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE 2006, San Francisco, USA, 28 May – 2 June 2006.

Nielsen, F.G, Andersen, M., Argyriadis, K., Butterfield, S., Fonseca, N., Kuroiwa, T., Le Boulluec, M., Liao, S-J., Turnock, S.R., Waegter, J. Ocean wind and wave energy utilization, Report  from Specialist committee V.4 to the 2006 ISSC, 16th ISSC, Vol 1, Southhampton, Aug. 2006.

Skaare,B. Hanson, T.D. and Nielsen, F.G. “Importance of control strategies on fatigue life of floating wind turbines”. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2007. June 10-15, 2007, San Diego, California, USA

Skaare, B., Hansen, A.M., Hanson, T.D., Larsen, T. J., Nielsen, F.G., Thomsen, K., Yttervik, R.Dynamics of Floating Wind Turbines Utilising Integrated Hydro- and Aerodynamic Analysis”, EWEC 2007, Milano, Italy, May 2007.

Marthinsen, T., Nielsen, F.G., Søreide, T., Fyrileiv, O. Mørk, K., Lie, H.Breaking Pipeline Frontiers on Uneven Seabed – the Ormen Lange Experience Deep Offshore Technology”, DOT2007, Stavanger, 2007.

Skaare, B. Nielsen, F.G. and Hanson, T.D. Wave Energy Extraction from the Hywind Flaoting Wind Turbine Concept.”. OWEMES Brindisi, Italy, 2009

Hanson, T.D, Skaare, B. Yttervik, R., Nielsen, F.G. and Havmøller, O. “Comparison of measured and simulated responses at the first full scale floating wind turbine HywindEWEA; Brussel  2011.

Skaare, B. ,Hanson, T.D, Yttervik, R. and Nielsen, F.G. Dynamic Response and Control of the Hywind Demo Floating Wind Turbine” EWEA; Brussel  2011.