Inés Fournon Berodia


PhD Candidate


Short info

Cell and molecular marine biologist interested in the origin of epithelia in animals. Passionate about science communication.

My PhD project focuses on the molecular and cellular basis underlying epithelial remodelling in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. Starvation causes whole-body shrinkage, and therefore cells are lost and the epithelia have to remodel in order to re-scale the body. To study this, I have developed live imaging tools, immuno-labelling protocols and machine learning algorithms. In the past I have worked with sea urchins on small RNA pathways (germline specification) and opsin gene characterization. 


I am passionate about science communication and believe in the importance of bringing science closer to the public. In my leadership roles in Pint of Science Norway since 2023 I coordinated volunteers and assembled a team of enthusiastic science communicators organising popular science events to encourage scientific discussion between local researchers and citizens on current research topics, such as climate change, and give scientists a platform to share their work and raise awareness on the importance of funding research. 

  • Teaching assistant for a Bachelor level course "Introduction to Molecular Biology" at the University of Bergen 
  • Main supervisor of two Bachelor students in Molecular Biology at University of Bergen and one Masters Student in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution from the Sorbonne University