Kristin Sampson, dr. art., is Professor of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bergen. She wrote her doctoral dissertation on Plato, Ontogony. Conceptions of Being and Metaphors of Birth in the Timaeus and the Parmenides (2006), with a focus on the relation between the poetical and the philosophical. Her academic work beyond the doctorate dissertation has proceeded along three various main lines: Firstly, on other parts of the Platonic textual corpus (Symposium, Sophist, Protagoras, Apology, Republic and Laws); secondly, on ancient Greek thinking previous to Plato, going back to Homer and Hesiod; and thirdly within feminist and contemporary philosophy with a special attention to the thinking of Luce Irigaray.
Having received a post-doctorate fellowship (2007) Sampson worked on the project The Freedom of the Other. Ethical Consequences of Irigaray’s Conception of Sexual Difference, investigating possible alternative conceptions of freedom from within an ontological-ethical perspective as articulated by Luce Irigaray. This project was also part of the larger research project Thought as Action (2008-2012) funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
Sampson was a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Philosophy at Boston University (USA) in 2002, having been granted the Fulbright Fellowship the Einar Haugen Fellowship in the Humanitiesfor the academic year 2001/2002. In 2008 Sampson was a Visiting Professor at Rutgers University (USA), and in 2010 at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme in Paris (France).
Sampson is part of the research group on Ancient Philosophy (at the Department of Philosophy), which for several years worked on the research project Poetry and Philosophy, focusing on Plato. This project was funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2010-2015). The Ancient Philosophy research group is currently working on a project on politics and philosophy in Ancient Greece. Sampson is also a member of the research group on Subjectivation and Late Modernity at the University of Bergen.
Popular scientific article
- Sampson, Kristin (2024). Luce Irigaray. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2022). Er livet for kort?. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2022). Skule og fritid. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2022). Krig og dialog. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2022). Den rette tida. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2022). Kjærleik som lengt og gåve. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2021). "Val og demokrati". (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2021). "Kvifor feira jol om ein ikkje er oppteken av barnet som vart fødd i ein stall for to tusen år sidan?". (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2021). "Å verta sett og å vera". (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2018). Myntenes makt. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2018). "Den kjente og glemte Hypatia". (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2014). Kjønnsforskjell som spørsmålet for vår tid. (external link)
Academic article
- Sampson, Kristin (2024). Vår skjebnesvangre skjebne. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2024). Hvorfor lese Platon i dag?. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2023). Anti-Ødipus og økologi. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2022). Examen philosophicums betydning som fellesskapsdannende grunnlag for dialog og refleksjon. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2020). Conceptions of Temporality: Reconsidering Time in an Age of Impending Emergency. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2020). The Art of Politics as Weaving in Plato’s Statesman. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2020). The art of politics as weaving in Plato's statesman. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2018). "Den kjente og den glemte Hypatia". (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2018). Penger og velstand i antikken. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2015). Beyond the Subject: Early Greek Conceptions of Corporeality. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2014). "A Third Possibility: Mixture and Musicality". (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2013). Sôma, technê and the Somatechnics of Sexual Difference. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2013). The Philosophical Significance of the Figure of Diotima. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2011). I grenseland - mellom innenfor og utenfor. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2011). Kunst og historie hos Gadamer. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2008). Filosofi som lesemåte Irigarays lesninger av Platon. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Sampson, Kristin (2024). Touch, Fire and the World: Irigaray and Heraclitus in an Ecofeminist Setting . (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2024). Chôra and the image of the winnowing basket in the Timaeus. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2023). Nature as Interval and Becoming: The figure of the Threshold in Hesiod and Parmenides. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2023). Hvorfor lese Platon i dag?. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2023). Chôra and the image of the winnowing basket in the Timaeus. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2022). Thresholds of Difference and Nature. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2022). The Politics of Friendship in Plato’s Lysis. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2022). Anti-Ødipus og økologi. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2021). "Self-Recognition and the Importance of the Other in Plato's Alcibiades I". (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2019). Conceptions of Time. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2018). The Art of Statesmanship as Weaving in Plato's Statesman. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2017). Vold og hastighet. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2017). Conceptions of Temporality. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2017). The Ambiguity of Music in Plato. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2016). The Myth of Time in the Republic. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2016). Penger og velstand i antikken. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2016). Conceptions of Temporality: Revisiting Classical Antiquity and the Baroque . (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2016). Penger og velstand i antikken. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2015). Complicating Chaos: Re-reading Chôra in Light of Deleuze and Guattari's Notions of Smooth and Striated Space . (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2015). The Myth of Time in the Republic. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2015). Diktning og lidelse. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2015). The Temporality of Philosophy in the Apology. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2014). Sounds of Subjectivity - or Resonances of Something Other?. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2014). The Temporality of Philosophy in the Apology. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2014). Sounds of Subjectivity or Resonances of Something Other. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2014). Chôra Reconsidered in View of a Topology of Sexual Difference. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2013). Beyond the Subject: Early Greek Conceptions of Corporeality. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2013). A Third Possibility: Mixture and Musicality. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2013). Emergence and Dialectics in the Protagoras. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2013). Thinking Life Through Irigaray and the Early Greeks. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2012). The Somatechnics of Sexual Difference. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2012). Et tredje alternativ: språklig blanding og filosofisk musikalitet (252d-253c og 259d-260b). (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2012). The Philosophical Significance of the Figure of Diotima. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2011). Music in the Laws. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2011). Demeter og Kore. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2011). Åpenheten ved en kjønnsforskjellens ontologi ut fra Irigaray. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2011). Diotima-figurens filosofiske betydning. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2010). The Usefulness of Irigaray’s Conception of Otherness for Global Feminism. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2010). Affectivity and Sexual Difference: Irigaray with Nietzsche and Heraclitus. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2010). An Ecology of Sexuate Difference. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2009). Å være kvinne i filosofien. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2009). Irigarays kjønnsforskjell og Heraklits ild. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2009). The Openness of an Ontology of Sexual Difference. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2009). Scenery and Song in the Phaedrus. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2009). Freedom and Sexual Difference. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2008). Philosophy As a Way of Reading:Irigaray’s Reading of Plato’s Myth of the Cave. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2008). Mimetic Creation in the 10th Book of the Republic. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2007). Filosofi som lesemåte: Irigarays lesninger av Platon. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2007). Filosofi som lesemåte: Irigarays lesninger av Platon. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2006). Vestens selvbilde i et kritisk perspektiv. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2006). Ontogoni: Fødselsmetaforer og værensforståelse hos Platon. (external link)
Feature article
Encyclopedia article
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sampson, Kristin (2020). Thinking Life through the Early Greeks. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2019). Sounds of Subjectivity or Resonances of Something Other. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2019). The Significance of the Ambiguity of Music in Plato. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2018). "The Temporality of Philosophy in the Apology". (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2018). "Kaoskomplikasjoner". (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2017). Visible and Audible Movement in the Protagoras. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2015). A third possibility: mixture and musicality. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2012). Identity and Gender in Plato. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2008). Luce Irigaray. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2008). Ontologisk tilnærming. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2008). Simone de Beauvoir. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2008). Eksistensialistisk / fenomenologisk tilnærming. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2006). A Difference of Origin. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2004). Identity and Gender in Plato. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (2003). The Metaphors of Birth in Plato. (external link)
- Sampson, Kristin (1999). Platons problematiske kvinner. (external link)
Art exhibition
Programme participation
Popular scientific lecture
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Doctoral dissertation
Thesis at a second degree level
See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.
– “Why Study Plato Today?” Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, Vol. 59, Nr. 3-4, 2024, pp. 74-83:
– “Luce Irigaray” Store norske leksikon, Autumn 2024:
– “Anti-Ødipus og økologi” pp. 95-111 in special edition of Agora (eds. Gisle Selnes and Hans-Jacob Ohldieck) No. 4. Oslo: H. Aschehoug & Co 2023.
– “Lukke og dygd”, p.11, Avisa Hordaland, May 27th 2023.
– “Krafta i naturen”, p. 9, Avisa Hordaland, April 1st 2023.
– “Musikk som danning og sjelebot”, p. 10, Avisa Hordaland, February 11th 2023.
– “Examen philosophicums betydning som fellesskapsdannende grunnlag for dialog og refleksjon”, Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, Vol. 57, Nr. 1–2, 2022, pp. 54–64:
– “Kjærleik som lengt og gåve”, p. 8, Avisa Hordaland, December 24th 2022.
– “Er livet for kort?”, p. 10, Avisa Hordaland, November 5th 2022.
– “Hypatia”, Store norske leksikon, Spring 2022:
– “Den rette tida”, p. 9, Avisa Hordaland, May 14th 2022.
– “Krig og dialog”, p. 8 in Avisa Hordaland, March 26th 2022.
– “Skule og fritid”, p. 10 in Avisa Hordaland, February 5th 2022.
– “Kvifor feira jol om ein ikkje er oppteken av barnet som vart fødd i ein stall for 2000 år sidan?”, p. 9 in Avisa Hordaland, December 18th 2021.
– “Å verta sett og å vera”, p. 9 in Avisa Hordaland, October 30th 2021.
– “Val og demokrati”, p. 10 in Avisa Hordaland, September 11th 2021.
– “The Art of Politics as Weaving in Plato’s Statesman”, pp. 485-500 in Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, Volume 37, Issue 3 (2020).
– “Conceptions of Temporality: Reconsidering Time in an Age of Impending Emergency” pp. 769-782 in Theoria, Vol. 86, Issue 6 (2020).
– “Thinking Life through the Early Greeks” pp. 61-75 in Thinking Life with Luce Irigaray (ed. Gail M. Schwab). New York: State University of New York Press 2020.
– “The Significance of the Ambiguity of Music in Plato” pp. 143-161 in Philosophy as Drama: Plato's Thinking through Dialogue (eds. Hallvard Fossheim, Vigdis Songe-Møller, and Knut Ågotnes). London & New York: Bloomsbury Academic 2019.
– “Sounds of Subjectivity or Resonances of Something Other” pp. 123-140 in Antiquities Beyond Humanism (eds. Emanuela Bianchi, Sara Brill, and Brooke Holmes). Oxford University Press 2019.
– “Myntenes makt” pp. 32-35 in Le monde diplomatique, November 2018.
– “Penger og velstand i antikken” pp. 270-289 in Agora, No. 2-3, H. Aschehoug & Co 2018.
– “Den kjente og den glemte Hypatia” pp. 53-65 in Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift, Vol. 53, No. 2-3. Universitetsforlaget 2018.
– "Den kjente og glemte Hypatia" pp. 14-15 in Klassekampen, October 10th 2018.
– “The Temporality of Philosophy in the Apology” pp. 57-71 in Readings of Plato's Apology. Defending the Philosophical Life (ed. Vivil Valvik Haraldsen, Knut Olof Gunnar Pettersson & Oda E. Wiese Tvedt). London: Lexington Books 2018.
– “Kaoskomplikasjoner” pp. 57-69 in Deleuze i vest (ed. Helge Pettersen, Terje Hellesen & Remi Nilsen). Bergen: Morgana Press 2018.
– “Visible and Audible Movement in the Protagoras” pp. 199-213 in Plato’s Protagoras: Essays on the Confrontation of Philosophy and Sophistry (ed. Olof Pettersson & Vigdis Songe-Møller) in Philosophical Studies Series. Springer 2017.
– “Kærlighed: Symposion” pp. 209-229 in Platon: Værk og virkning (ed. Jakob L. Fink & Kristian Larsen). Copenhagen: Gyldendal 2016.
– “Beyond the Subject: Early Greek Conceptions of Corporeality”, Ágalma, n. 30, ottobre 2015. Roma: Mimesis edizioni 2015.
– “A Third Possibility: Mixture and Musicality” in The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, Vol. 13 (ed. Burt Hopkins and John Drummond). Routledge 2015.
– “Kjønnsforskjell som spørsmålet for vår tid” in Salongen. Nettstedet for filosofi og idéhistorie. 2014.
– “Sôma, technê and the Somatchnics of Sexual Difference”, Somatechnics, Vol. 3, No. 2. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2013.
– “The Philosophical Significance of the Figure of Diotima”, NFT vol. 48, nr. 1. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2013.
– “Identity and Gender in Plato” in Philosophy and Gender (ed. Cressida Hayes), vol. II: Gender and the History of Philosophy. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis: Routledge 2012.
– “I grenseland - mellom innenfor og utenfor”, Kraftverk Jubileumsutgave 2011. Tidsskriftet Kraftverk 40, Billedkatalogen NO 4: 2011.
– “Kunst og historie hos Gadamer”, Kunstjournalen B-post. 2010/2011.
– “A World of Sexual Difference”, Nora. Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. Volume 18 1:2010.
– “Filosofi som lesemåte: Irigarays lesninger av Platon”, Agora 3:2008.
– Kjønnsteori. (ed. Mortensen, Egeland, Gressgård, Holst, Jegerstedt, Rosland & Sampson) Oslo: Gyldendal 2008.
– “Eksistensialistisk og fenomenologisk tilnærming”, “Simone de Beauvoir”, “Ontologisk tilnærming” og “Luce Irigaray” in Kjønnsteori. Oslo: Gyldendal 2008.
– “A Difference of Origin” pp. 17-33 in Sex, Breath, and Force (ed. Ellen Mortensen). Maryland, USA: Lexington Books 2006.
– Ontogony. Conceptions of being and metaphors of birth in the Timaeus and the Parmenides,, Fagbokforlaget 2006.
– “Identity and Gender in Plato” pp. 17-33 in Feminist Reflections on the History of Philosophy (ed. by Lilli Alanen and Charlotte Witt). Dordrecht, Boston & London: Kluwer Academic Publishers 2004.
– “The Metaphors of Birth in Plato” pp. 21-35 in Bios, Eros and Thanatos in Ancient and Early Modern Philosophy(ed. by Vigdis Songe-Møller and Vibeke A. Tellmann). Bergen: University of Bergen 2003.
– “What are we searching for in the history of philosophy?” pp. 94-115 in The Philosophical Age, Almanac 24: History of Philosophy as Philosophy. St. Petersburg 2003.
– “Platons problematiske kvinner” in Kjønnsperspektiver i filosofihistorien (red. Hilde Bondevik and Linda Rustad). Oslo: Pax Forlag 1999.
– Selvets logikk i Platons Faidon: en kritikk av Platons plassering av selvet i forhold til motsetningsparene kropp-sjel, dødelighet-udødelighet og femininitet-maskulinitet. University of Bergen 1994.