On the exam day – for in person exams

How does the exam itself work? When should I come to the exam location? What can and should I bring to the exam?

What is an in-person exam?

An in-person exam, also called a school exam, is an exam that you take in one of our exam locations. During an in-person exam, you only have access to the exam system and the allowed aids. You will need to familiarise yourself with the guidelines for what you are allowed to do during the exam.

Everything you need to know

Where and when should I go to take the exam?

You can find the location for your exam on Studentweb. The exam can take place in several locations and floors, but you must show up where you have been placed. This is to ensure that we have space for everyone who will be taking the exam.

  • You must arrive no later than 30 minutes before the exam.
  • You will not be allowed to enter the exam room if you are 60 minutes late or more.
  • For legal courses with book checks, you must arrive no later than 50 minutes before the exam starts. Read about which courses this applies to on the page  Lovdata at the Faculty of Law (Norwegian) . The exam starts when the book checks begin.
What should and what can you bring with you to the exam?

On the day of the exam you must bring with you: 

  • Valid ID (with photo and signature) or student card
  • Computer
  • Aids, if allowed on your exam.
  • Writing materials (pencils, pen, highlighters, etc). You will be given paper in the exam room if you need it.
  • You should also bring food and drinks with you.

You need to pack this away before your exam: 

  • Mobile phones, smartwatches, and any devices should be turned off before being packed away.
  • Outerwear, bags, and purses.
  • You own notes, reading material and aids, other than those permitted during the exam. 
  • Your own sheets of paper to write on are not allowed.
Before the exam starts
  • It is important that you close and exit all programs running on your computer to make sure that it runs optimally during the exam. 
  • You should not use the computer for anything other than the exam after you have entered the exam room.  
  • Connect to the “eduroam” wireless network that will be used during the exam. Where necessary, you will be given network information in the exam room.
  • Open a browser, such as Chrome or Safari, and go to  vurdering.uib.no. Select: "Log in with Feide", select UiB, click on "Use work or school account", and log in with your UiB username and password. 
  • Find your exam and follow the on-screen instructions to open the exam in a the Secure Exam Browser. You will be asked for a password (PIN code), which you will be given by the invigilator just before the exam starts. 
  • When the exam starts, you will have access to the exam questions and to start writing your answer.
Guideline for what you can and should do during your exam

During the exam, you are required to follow the instructions given by the invigilator in the exam room. This is to make sure that the exam is a good experience for everyone taking the exam at the same time. We also need to be sure that the exam is conducted in a safe and responsible manner. 

  1. An invigilator will come around with an attendance list for attendance registration and ID check during the first hour of the exam period. The invigilator will register attendance by noting your desk number. 
  2. There must be quiet working conditions in the exam room until all students have finished their exam. Remember that there may be exams of different lengths in the same room. Students who have been granted accommodation in the form of extended exam time, or who have been given extra time due to technical problems during the exam, are also entitled to quiet working conditions throughout their exam period. Be considerate of your fellow students. 
  3. If you experience technical problems during the exam, you must contact an invigilator immediately. Contact us again if the problem recurs. 
  4. You can ask for help from one of the academic contact persons in the exam room if there is anything unclear in the exam paper. You will first need to ask the invigilator, who will then get the contact person. 

    For legal subjects: You can contact the student representative in the room if there is anything unclear in the exam paper. 

  5. You are not allowed to get up from your seat until half an hour after the exam has started. You cannot submit or withdraw until one hour has passed since the exam started. You must hide or cover your answer and any drafts any time you leave your seat. After one hour of the exam time has passed, you can contact an invigilator to get a break.
  6. Illegal aids (for example, mobile phones or paper) found on your desk or similar will raise suspicions of cheating. The guards will report all suspicions of cheating to your faculty, which is responsible for further case processing.  Read more about academic integrity and cheating
  7. When you are ready to submit your answer, call an invigilator. Submission and registration of your answer takes place at your desk.
  8. If a situation arises that requires the exam to be interrupted for more than one hour, the exam will be cancelled. The faculty will set up a new exam as soon as possible.
The exam answer

You can find the exam questions and write your answers in the exam system at vurdering.uib.no . You can write and edit the answers until the exam time is up.

Resources during the exam

There may be additional resources such as formula collections or Lovdata available in the exam. These are at the bottom of the screen and can be opened in a new window.

You can request a blank sheet when you need it.  

In some exams, you can draw or write on paper in addition to answering questions in the exam system. You can ask the course coordinator if there will be hand-drawing sheets on the exam. 

It is important that you fill in the code and the rest of the information correctly so that we can link your sheets to your exam answer. You are responsible for making sure that the sheets are marked correctly so that your answer is ready for machine reading. See examples hand written attachments for the written exam

You use hand writing sheets in the following way: 

  • Request a hand writing sheet and follow the instructions on the back of the sheet on how to fill in the code. 
  • Find the assignment code below the writing field. The assignment code is unique per assignment per student and is not available to you after you have submitted the exam.
  • Fill in the assignment number you are answering. Your candidate number can be found at the top left of the screen before submitting.

After the exam:  

  • You have 15 minutes to fill in the rest of the information on the sheet after the time is up.  
  • Make sure you fill out all fields on all sheets.
Handing in your exam answer
  • You are responsible for submitting your answer.  
  • When the exam time is up, your answer will automatically be locked for editing, and you will be sent to the submission page. You must actively submit your answer, and register your submission with an invigilator before leaving the exam room, otherwise this may be treated as cheating or attempted cheating.
  • Hand in any handwritten sheets to the invigilator in the room when you have finished the exam.  
  • Check that the sheets are in the order they should be added to your assignment. Make sure that you and the invigilator agree on the correct number of sheets you are handing in. Normally, we scan the sheets the first working day after the exam and upload them together with the assignment they belong to. 
  • The exam cannot be reopened once you have submitted it, even if the exam period has not ended. Check your answer carefully before submitting it, check your answers, codes and word count. 
  • Your exam answer is generally available in the exam solution after the exam, under the 'Archive' tab. Any hand written sheets will also be available here once they have been uploaded. 
Withdrawing or sudden illness during the exam

You can withdraw from the exam no earlier than 1 hour after the exam starts. Contact an invigilator who will help you cancel the exam in the exam solution. If you withdraw from the exam, you must not submit an answer. Withdrawal during the exam is considered an assessment attempt. 

If you become ill during the exam and are unable to complete the exam, you must withdraw instead of submitting an answer.  

Illness provides grounds for having the interruption registered as a valid absence, so that you do not use one of your three exam attempts in the course.

See information about what to do if you become ill during the exam

Last updated: 06.03.2025