Erling Vårdal


Emeriti, Professor



Jordbruksøkonomi. Se

Internasjonal makroøkonomi

Vitenskapelig artikkel
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Vitenskapelig foredrag
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag

Se en full oversikt over publikasjoner i Cristin


Selected international publications and articles in books:

  • Greenhouse Gas Abatement in Agriculture - Is there a Conflict with Food Security? Forthcoming in Eurochoices, 2015. (With David Blandford and Ivar Gaasland)
  • Trade Liberalization versus Climate Change Policy for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agriculture: Some Insights from Norway. Forthcoming in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2015. (With David Blandford and Ivar Gaasland)
  • The trade-off between food production and greenhouse gas mitigation in Norwegian agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 184, 59-66, 2014. (With David Blandford and Ivar Gaasland)
  • Extensification versus Intensification in Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agriculture: Insights from Norway. Eurochoice 12(3), 4-9, 2013. (With David Blandford and Ivar Gaasland)
  • Long-Term Fiscal Effects of Public Pension Reform in Norway - A Generational Accounting Analysis. Nordic Journal of Political Economy 38, 1-23, 2013. (With Christian Hagist, Bernd Raffelhüschen and Alf Erling Risa)
  • Chapter 6: Norway. In David Orden, David Blandford and Tim Josling (eds). WTO Disciplines on Agricultural Support: Seeking a Fair Basis for Trade. Cambridge University Press, 189-220, 2011. (With Ivar Gaasland and Roberto Garcia)
  • How Effective are WTO Disciplines on Domestic Support and Market Access for Agriculture? World Economy, 33(11), 1470-1485, 2010. (With David Blandford, Ivar Gaasland and Roberto Garcia)
  • Optimal Agricultural Policy and PSE Measurement: An Assessment and Application to Norway. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development 6(2), 197-220, 2010. (With David Blandford, Rolf J. Brunstad and Ivar Gaasland)
  • On Deregulating Food Prices. Computational Economics, 2009. (With Sjur D. Flåm and Ivar Gaasland)
  • Regional Aspect of Agriculture, in Social Policy and Regional Development. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, The Institute of Economics, Zagreb, 2007. (With Rolf J. Brunstad and Ivar Gaasland)
  • Efficiency losses in milk marketing boards - the importance of exports. Nordic Journal of Political Economy, 31, 77-97, 2005. (With Rolf J. Brunstad and Ivar Gaasland)
  • Multifunctionality of agriculture: An inquiry into the complementarity between landscape preservation and food security. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 32(4): 469-488, 2005. (With Rolf J. Brunstad and Ivar Gaasland)
  • Agricultural Production and the Optimal Level of Landscape Preservation. Land Economics, 1999. (With Rolf J. Brunstad and Ivar Gaasland)
  • Tariff or quota protection - A case study of the Norwegian apple market. Applied Economics, 1998. (With Ivar Gaasland).
  • Agriculture as a provider of public goods. Agricultural Economics, 12, 39-50, 1995. (With Rolf J. Brunstad and Ivar Gaasland)
  • Optimal currency baskets for small, developed economies. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 92, 559-571, 1990. (With Hali Edison).

Work in progress:

  • GHG abatement welfare cost curves for Norwegian agriculture. (With David Blandford and Ivar Gaasland)
  • The performance of large versus specialized firms: A study of firms importing apples into Norway. (With Hans-Martin Straume)

Selected publications in Norwegian:

  • Lite målrettet styring av jordbruket: Riksrevisjonens rapport om jordbrukspolitikken. (Lack of targeting of the Norwegian agricultural policy). Samfunnsøkonomen nr. 7, 2010. (With Rolf J. Brunstad)
  • Finanskrisens innvirkning på valutamarkedene. (The effect of the financial crisis on the markets for foreign exchange). Samfunnsøkonomen nr. 4, 2009. (With Hans-Martin Straume)
  • Effekten av en nasjons valutavalg på utenrikshandelen. (The effect of a nation's exchange rate system on foreign trade). Nytt Økonomisk Tidsskrift, nr. 2, 2008. (With Jurgita Janulevicute and Hans-Martin Straume)
  • Kjerringa mot strømmen: Om Norges tilpasning til WTO-regelverket. (Swimming against the tide: On Norway’s adaptation to WTO commitments). Økonomisk Forum nr. 9, 2007. (With Rune Mjørlund)