Ringstad, Ingrid Beate; Borge, Hanne; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2024). Investigating MMP7, MMP9 and TIMP1 mRNA expression patterns in minor salivary glands from patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) using RNAscope® . (ekstern lenke)
Ringstad, Ingrid Beate; Borge, Hanne; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2024). Undersøkelse av mRNA-uttrykksmønstre for MMP7, MMP9 og TIMP1 i små spyttkjertler hos pasienter med primær Sjögrens syndrom (pSS) ved bruk av RNAscope®. (ekstern lenke)
Ramirez Sepúlveda, Jorge I.; Kvarnström, Marika; Brauner, Susanna
et al. (2017). Difference in clinical presentation between female and male patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome at diagnosis and in long-term follow-up. (ekstern lenke)
Jensen, Janicke Liaaen; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2015). Salivary Gland Biopsies in Sjögren’s
Syndrome: Focus Score is Related to Age. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Jonsson, Roland
et al. (2014). Adipose Tissue is Prominent in Salivary glands of Sjögren’s syndrome Patients and Appears to Influence the Autoimmune Microenvironment in these Organs. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Jensen, Janicke Liaaen
(2013). Fatty infiltration in labial salivary glands associates with other diagnostic features in patients evaluated for Sjögren’s syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Helgeland, Lars; Jensen, Janicke Liaaen
(2013). Evaluation of the labial salivary gland biopsy in Sjögren’s syndrome- dilemas in using classification criteria as diagnostic criteria. (ekstern lenke)
Fava, Roy A.; Kennedy, S.M.; Wood, S.G.
et al. (2011). Antagonism of the lymphotoxin-beta receptor pathway ameliorates aspects of Sjögren´s syndrome in the NOD mouse model. (ekstern lenke)
Gatumu, Margaret K. ; Skarstein, Kathrine; Fava, Roy A.
et al. (2009). Features of lymphoid neogenesis in non-obese diabetic mouse thymus. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Skarstein, Kathrine; Jonsson, Sten Ture Roland
et al. (2007). Serological Implications of Germinal Center-like structures in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Fava, RA; Wood, SG; Bolstad, Anne Isine
et al. (2007). Lymphotoxin beta receptor axis modulates HEV status and gene expression patterns in the NOD mouse model of Sjögren´s syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Fava, RA; Wood, S; Bolstad, Anne Isine
et al. (2007). Blockade of lymphotoxin-beta receptor acis reduced HEVs and lymophocytic infiltrates in the NOD model of Sjögren´s syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Skarstein, Kathrine; Brun, Johan G
et al. (2005). Ectopic germinal center formation in salivary glands of patients with Sjögren’s syndrome – morphological and phenotypic identification. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Brun, Johan G; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2005). Germinal centers in primary Sjögren’s syndrome indicate a certain clinical immunological phenotype. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Brun, Johan G; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2004). Germinal Centers in Primary Sjögren�s Syndrome Indicate a Certain Clinical Immunological Phenotype. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V.; Szodoray, Peter; Jellestad, Stig
Jonsson, Malin V.; Szodoray, Peter; Jellestad, Stig
Wahren-Herlenius, M; Salomonsson, S; Jonsson, M
et al. (2002). Germinalcenters are formed in ectopic lymphoid tissue in the chronic inflammatory disease Sjøgrens syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2002). Expression of E-cadherin and αEβ7 in salivary glands of patients with Sjøgren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Wahren-Herlenius, M; Salomonsson, Stina; Jonsson, Malin V
et al. (2002). Germinal centers are formed in the target organ in Sjögren's syndrome and are associated with autoantibody production. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Salomonsson, Stina; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2002). Expression of E-cadherin and aEb7 in salivary glands of patients with Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Britt, Nakken; Johansson, Åsa CM; Sundler, Martin
et al. (2001). Genetic control of sialadenitis in a NOD.QxB10.Q F2 cross. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Britt, Nakken; Sundler, Martin
et al. (2001). Detection of sialadenitis resembling Sjögrens syndrome exocrinopathy in B10.Q mice. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
Vitenskapelig artikkel
Borge, Hanne; Ringstad, Ingrid Beate; Aqrawi, Lara A.
et al. (2024). Increased expression of CXCL10 and CCL3 salivary gland chemokines in primary Sjögren's syndrome detected and systematically quantified using novel RNAscope® in situ hybridisation. (ekstern lenke)
Pedersen, AML; Skarstein, Kathrine; Çevik-Aras, H
et al. (2024). Sygdomme og tilstande der påvirker spytkirtlerne og deres funktion. (ekstern lenke)
Uddin, Shahad; Holm, Håkon Forbord; Rahel, Arian
et al. (2024). Sjögren’s Syndrome: The Role of Serological Profiles Versus Minor Salivary Gland Histopathology. (ekstern lenke)
Loro, Lado Lako; Johannessen, Anne Christine; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2023). Peripheral odontogenic keratocyst causing bone resorption: Report of two cases. (ekstern lenke)
Wolf, Susann; Johannessen, Anne Christine; Ellison, Peter
et al. (2022). Inflammatory tissue reactions around aseptically loose cemented hip prostheses: A retrieval study of the Spectron EF stem with Reflection All‐Poly acetabular cup. (ekstern lenke)
Khatri, Bhuwan; Tessneer, Kandice L.; Rasmussen, Astrid
et al. (2022). Genome-wide association study identifies Sjögren’s risk loci with functional implications in immune and glandular cells. (ekstern lenke)
Lundtoft, Christian; Pucholt, Pascal; Martin, Myriam
et al. (2022). Complement C4 Copy Number Variation is Linked to SSA/Ro and SSB/La Autoantibodies in Systemic Inflammatory Autoimmune Diseases. (ekstern lenke)
Dela Cruz, Ariana; Kartha, Vinay; Tilston-Lunel, Andrew
et al. (2021). Gene expression alterations in salivary gland epithelia of Sjögren’s syndrome patients are associated with clinical and histopathological manifestations. (ekstern lenke)
Bharaj, Tamandeep Kaur; Aqrawi, Lara A.; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2021). Inflammatory Stratification in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome Reveals Novel Immune Cell Alterations in Patients’ Minor Salivary Glands. (ekstern lenke)
Samuelsen, Tea Marie B; Aqrawi, Lara A.; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2021). Evaluering av spyttkjertelbiopsier ved utredning av Sjögrens syndrom. (ekstern lenke)
Sardenberg, W.M.; Santos, M.C.L.F.S.; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2020). Acinar adipose tissue infiltration in salivary gland biopsy is associated with kynurenines-interferon-γ pathway inflammation biomarkers. (ekstern lenke)
Thorlacius, Gudny Ella; Hultin-Rosenberg, Lina; Sandling, Johanna K.
et al. (2020). Genetic and clinical basis for two distinct subtypes of primary Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Jensen, Janicke Cecilie Liaaen; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2020). Expression of NGAL-specific cells and mRNA levels correlate with inflammation in the salivary gland, and its overexpression in the saliva, of patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Brukas, Mindaugas; Pedersen, Torbjørn Østvik; Lybak, Stein
et al. (2020). Ameloblastic carcinoma of the mandible: A case report and literature review. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Galtung, Hilde; Guerreiro, Eduarda
et al. (2019). Proteomic and histopathological characterisation of sicca subjects and primary Sjögren’s syndrome patients reveals promising tear, saliva and extracellular vesicle disease biomarkers. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Jensen, Janicke Liaaen; Galtung, Hilde
et al. (2019). Autoantigen-specific B cells and plasma cells are prominent in areas of fatty infiltration in salivary glands of patients with primary Sjogren?s syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Roland; Brokstad, Karl Albert; Jonsson, Malin V
et al. (2018). Current concepts on Sjögren's syndrome – classification criteria and biomarkers. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Ivanchenko, M.; Björk, Annette
et al. (2018). Diminished CXCR5 expression in peripheral blood of patients with Sjogren's syndrome may relate to both genotype and salivary gland homing. (ekstern lenke)
Thorlacius, Gudny Ella; Hultin-Rosenberg, Lina; Sandling, Johanna K.
et al. (2018). Biomarker Discovery for Diagnosis and Stratification. (ekstern lenke)
Brokstad, Karl Albert; Fredriksen, Marita; Zhou, Fan
et al. (2018). T follicular-like helper cells in the peripheral blood of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Jensen, Janicke Liaaen; Øijordsbakken, Gunnvor
et al. (2018). Signalling pathways identified in salivary glands from primary Sjögren's syndrome patients reveal enhanced adipose tissue development. (ekstern lenke)
Ramirez Sepúlveda, Jorge I.; Kvarnström, Marika; Eriksson, Per
et al. (2017). Long-term follow-up in primary Sjogren's syndrome reveals differences in clinical presentation between female and male patients. (ekstern lenke)
Parajuli, Himalaya; Teh, Muy-Teck; Abrahamsen, Siren
et al. (2016). Integrin α11 is overexpressed by tumour stroma of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and correlates positively with alpha smooth muscle actin expression. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Øijordsbakken, Gunnvor
et al. (2016). Adipose tissue is prominent in salivary glands
of Sjögren’s syndrome patients and appears to
influence the microenvironment in these organs. (ekstern lenke)
Szyszko, Ewa Alicja; Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Jonsson, Roland
et al. (2016). Non-proliferating plasma cells detected in the salivary glands and bone marrow of autoimmune NOD.B10.H2b mice, a model for primary Sjögrens syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Sandvik, Lene Frøyen; Skarstein, Kathrine; Krynitz, Britta
et al. (2015). Peritumoral dermis of squamous cell carcinomas in renal transplant recipients contains less CD11c+ myeloid dendritic cells and FoxP3+ T cells compared to immunocompetent controls. (ekstern lenke)
Gervais, Elise M.; Desantis, Kara A.; Pagendarm, Nicholas
et al. (2015). Changes in the submandibular salivary gland epithelial cell subpopulations during progression of Sjögren's Syndrome-like disease in the NOD/ShiLtJ mouse model. (ekstern lenke)
Søland, Tine Merete; Skarstein, Kathrine; Johannessen, Anne Christine
et al. (2014). Biopsier i odontologisk praksis - håndtering og innsendelse. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Kvarnström, Marika; Brokstad, Karl Albert
et al. (2014). Ductal epithelial expression of Ro52 correlates with inflammation in salivary glands of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Sandvik, Lene Frøyen; Skarstein, Kathrine; Sviland, Lisbeth
et al. (2014). CD11c+ dendritic cells rather than Langerhans cells are reduced in normal skin of immunosuppressed renal transplant recipients. (ekstern lenke)
Enger, Tone Berge; Samad-Zadeh, Arman; Bouchie, Meghan P.
et al. (2013). The Hippo signaling pathway is required for salivary gland development and its dysregulation is associated with Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Skarstein, Kathrine; Øijordsbakken, Gunnvor
et al. (2013). Ro52- and Ro60-specific B cell pattern in the salivary glands of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Skarstein, Kathrine; Bredholt, Geir
et al. (2012). Autoantigen-specific memory B cells in primary Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Brokstad, Karl Albert; Jakobsen, Kjerstin
et al. (2012). Low number of memory B cells in the salivary glands of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Fava, Roy A.; Browning, Jeffrey L.; Gatumu, Margaret Karimi
et al. (2011). LTBR-Pathway in Sjögren’s Syndrome: CXCL13 Levels and B-cell-Enriched Ectopic Lymphoid Aggregates in NOD Mouse Lacrimal Glands Are Dependent on LTBR. (ekstern lenke)
Fava, Roy A.; Kennedy, Susan M.; Wood, Sheryl G.
et al. (2011). Lymphotoxin-beta receptor blockade reduces CXCL13 in lacrimal glands and improves corneal integrity in the NOD model of Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Szyszko, Ewa Alicja ; Brun, Johan G; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2011). Phenotypic diversity of peripheral blood plasma cells in primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Szyszko, Ewa Alicja ; Skarstein, Kathrine; Jonsson, Roland
et al. (2011). Distinct phenotypes of plasma cells in spleen and bone marrow of autoimmune NOD.B10.H2b mice. (ekstern lenke)
Gøransson, Lasse G; Haldorsen, Karstein; Brun, Johan G
et al. (2011). The point prevalence of clinically relevant primary Sjögren's syndrome in two Norwegian counties. (ekstern lenke)
Szyszko, Ewa Alicja ; Brokstad, Karl Albert; Øijordsbakken, Gunnvor
et al. (2011). Salivary glands of primary Sjögren's syndrome patients express factors vital for plasma cell survival. (ekstern lenke)
Vogelsang, Petra; Brun, Johan G; Øijordsbakken, Gunnvor
et al. (2010). Levels of plasmacytoid dendritic cells and type-2 myeloid dendritic cells are reduced in peripheral blood of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Gatumu, Margaret Karimi; Jonsson, Malin V; Øijordsbakken, Gunnvor
et al. (2009). Nuclear BCL10 in primary Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Gatumu, Margaret Karimi; Skarstein, Kathrine; Papandile, Adrian
et al. (2009). Blockade of lymphotxin-beta receptor signaling reduces aspects of Sjögren´s syndrome in salivary glands of non-obese diabetic mice. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2008). Follicular dendritic cells confirm lymphoid organization in the minor salivary glands of primary Sjogren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Skarstein, Kathrine; Jonsson, Sten Ture Roland
et al. (2007). Serological Implications of Germinal Center-like structures in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Delaleu, Nicolas; Brokstad, Karl Albert
et al. (2006). Impaired salivary gland function in NOD mice - Association with changes in cytokine profile but not with histopathologic changes in the salivary gland. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Salomonsson, Stina; Øijordsbakken, Gunnvor
et al. (2005). Elevated serum levels of soluble E-cadherin in patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Szodoray, Peter; Jellestad, Stig
et al. (2005). Association between circulating levels of the novel TNF family members APRIL and BAFF and lymphoid organization in primary Sjögren’s syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Lindqvist, Anna-Karin; Nakken, Britt; Sundler, Martin
et al. (2005). Influence on spontaneous tissue inflammation by the major histocompatibility complex region in the nonobese diabetic mouse. (ekstern lenke)
Lilleng, Peer Kåre; Skarstein, Kathrine; Haugland, Hans Kristian
et al. (2004). The capsize of MS Rocknes in Vatlestraumen, Bergen, Norway Identification with "traditional" methods. (ekstern lenke)
Salomonsson, Stina; Jonsson, Malin V.; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2003). Cellular basis of ectopic germinal center formation and autoantibody production in the target organ of patients with Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Johansson, Åsa CM; Nakken, Britt; Sundler, Martin
et al. (2002). Genetic control of sialadenitis versus arthritis in a NOD.QxB10.Q F2 Cross. (ekstern lenke)
Johansson, AC; Nakken, B; Sundler, M
et al. (2002). The genetic control of sialadenitis versus arthritis in a NOD.QxB10.QF2 cross. (ekstern lenke)
Johansson, Åsa C. M.; Nakken, Britt; Sundler, Martin
et al. (2002). The genetic control of sialadenitis versus arthritis in a NOD.QxB10.Q F2 cross. (ekstern lenke)
Riise, Anne Ma Dyrhol; Ohlsson, Maria; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2001). T Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis in HIV-1-Infected Lymphoid Tissue: Impact of Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. (ekstern lenke)
Ohlsson, Maria; Skarstein, Kathrine; Bolstad, Anne Isine
et al. (2001). Fas-induced apoptosis in a rare event in Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Ohlsson, Maria; Skarstein, Kathrine; Bolstad, Anne Isine
et al. (2001). Fas induced apoptosis is a rare event in Sjögrens syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Nakken, B; Sundler, M
et al. (2000). Detection of sialadenitis resembling Sjögren's syndrome exocrinopathy in B10 Q congenic mice. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Roland; Nakken, Britt; Halse, Anne-Kristine
et al. (2000). Arvelighet og immunologi ved Sjögren's syndrom. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, R; Nakken, B; Kalse, AK
et al. (2000). Arvelighet og immunologi ved Sjögren's syndrom: Utredning av en kompleks genetisk sykdom. (ekstern lenke)
Bolstad, Anne Isine; Nakken, Britt; Steine, Solrun
et al. (1999). Identification of suspectibility genes in Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Johannessen, Anne Chr.; Holmdahl, R.
et al. (1997). Effects on sialadenitis after cellular transfer in autoimmune MRL/lpr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Johannessen, Anne Chr.; Holmdahl, R.
et al. (1997). Effects on sialadenitis after cellular transfer in autoimmune MRL/lpr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Nerland, Audun H.; Eidsheim, Marianne
et al. (1997). Lymphoid cell accumulation in salivary glands of autoimmune MRL mice can be due to impaired apoptosis. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Wahrensvik, M.; Zaura, E.
et al. (1996). Characterization of T-cell receptor repertoire and anti Ro/SSA autoantibodies in relation to sialadenis of NOD mice. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, R.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Brun, G. J.
et al. (1995). Experimental models of rheumatic disease - focusing on Sj@øgren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmdahl, R; Johannessen, AC
et al. (1995). Short-term administration of selected anti-T-cell receptor V_b chain specific mAb reduces sialadenitis in MRL/lpr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, R; Skarstein, Kathrine; Brun, JG
et al. (1995). Experimental models of rheumatic disease. Focusing on Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmdahl, R; Johannessen, AC
et al. (1995). Short-term administration of selected anti-T-cell receptor V _b chain specific mAb reduces sialadenitis in MRL/lpr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, R; Skarstein, Kathrine; Brun, JG
et al. (1995). Experimental models of rheumatic disease - focusing on Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, R.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Brun, G. J.
et al. (1995). Experimental models of rheumatic disease - focusing on Sj@øgren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmdahl, R; Johannessen, AC
et al. (1995). Short-term administration of selected anti-T-cell receptor V _b chain specific mAb reduces sialadenitis in MRL/lpr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Wahren, M.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Blange, I.
et al. (1994). MRL/1pr mice produce anti-Ro 52kD antibodies: Detection, analysis of specificity and site of production. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmedal, R.; Johannessen, Anne Chr.
et al. (1994). Oligoclonality of T-cells in salivary glands of autoimmune MRL/1pr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Wahren, M.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Blange, I.
et al. (1994). MRL/1pr mice produce anti-Ro 52kD antibodies: Detection, analysis of specificity and site of production. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmdahl, R.; Johannessen, Anne Chr.
et al. (1994). Oligoclonality of T-cells in salivary glands of autoimmune mice. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmdahl, R.; Johannessen, Anne Chr.
et al. (1994). Oligoclonality of T-cells in salivary glands of autoimmune mice. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmedal, R.; Johannessen, Anne Chr.
et al. (1994). Oligoclonality of T-cells in salivary glands of autoimmune MRL/1pr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Wahren, M.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Blange, I.
et al. (1994). MRL/lpr mice produce anti-Ro 52 kD antibodies: Detection, analysis of specificity and site of production. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmdahl, R.; Johannessen, A.C.
et al. (1994). Oligoclonality of T cells in salivary glands of autoimmune MRL/lpr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig foredrag
Ringstad, Ingrid Beate; Borge, Hanne; Fromreide, Siren
et al. (2023). Increased Expression of Salivary Gland Chemokines in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jensen, Janicke Liaaen; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2017). Understanding salivary gland function. Presentasjon av prosjektet for revmatologer.. (ekstern lenke)
Jensen, Janicke Liaaen; Helgeland, Lars; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2015). Sjögren’s syndrome: Salivary gland biopsies and risk of lymphoma development. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Brun, Johan G; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2004). Germinal Centers in Primary Sjögren�s Syndrome Indicate a Certain Clinical Immunological Phenotype. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V.; Szodoray, Peter; Jellestad, Stig
et al. (2003). The Association of B-cell Activating Factor (BAFF) and Ectopic Germinal Center Formation in Sjögrens Syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V.; Szodoray, Peter; Jellestad, Stig
et al. (2003). The Association of B-cell Activating Factor (BAFF) and Ectopic Germinal Centre Formation in Sjögrens Syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Nakken, B; Sundler, M; Kjellen, P
et al. (2000). The role of different MHC II haplotypes on development of sialadenitis. (ekstern lenke)
Sundler, M.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Kjellén, P.
et al. (1998). The influence of different genes on the development of murine sialadenitis. (ekstern lenke)
Bolstad, Anne Isine; Nakken, Britt; Steine, Solrun
et al. (1998). Identification of susceptibility genes in Sjögren´s syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Johannessen, Anne Chr.; Jonsson, R.
(1994). Adoptive transfer of sialadenitis in MRL/1pr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Wahren, M.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Blange, I.
et al. (1994). MRL/1pr mice produce anti-Ro 52kD autoantibodies. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmedal, R.; Goldschmidt, T.
et al. (1994). Effects of administration of anti-T-cell receptor V_b chain specific MoAb in MRL/1pr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Johannessen, Anne Chr.; Jonsson, R.
(1994). Adoptive transfer of sialadenitis in MRL/1pr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Wahren, M.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Blange, I.
et al. (1994). MRL/1pr mice produce anti-Ro 52kD autoantibodies. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Johannessen, Anne Chr.; Jonsson, R.
(1994). Adoptive transfer of sialadenitis in MRL/1pr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine
(1994). T-lymfocyttenes rolle ved eksperimentell Sj@øgrens syndrom. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Wahren, M.; Hattori, M.
et al. (1994). Usage of T cell receptor _b chain variable gene is diverse in salivary glands of NOD mice. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmedahl, R.; Goldschmidt, T.
et al. (1994). Effects of administration of anti-T-cell receptor V_b chain specific MoAb in MRL/1pr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine
(1994). T-lymfocyttenes rolle ved eksperimentell Sj@øgrens syndrom. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Wahren, M.; Hattori, M.
et al. (1994). Usage of T cell receptor _b chain variable gene is diverse in salivary glands of NOD mice. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, R.; Halse, A. -K.; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (1994). Differential expression of apoptosis-related Fas antigen in Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Johannessen, Anne Chr.; Jonsson, R.
(1993). Adoptive transfer of sialadenitis in MRL/1pr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Khatri, Bhuwan; Tessneer, Kandice L.; Rasmussen, Astrid
et al. (2023). Author Correction: Genome-wide association study identifies Sjögren’s risk loci with functional implications in immune and glandular cells (Nature Communications, (2022), 13, 1, (4287), 10.1038/s41467-022-30773-y). (ekstern lenke)
Khatri, Bhuwan; Tessneer, Kandice L.; Rasmussen, Astrid
et al. (2022). Erratum: Author Correction: Genome-wide association study identifies Sjögren's risk loci with functional implications in immune and glandular cells (Nature communications (2022) 13 1 (4287)). (ekstern lenke)
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Brokstad, Karl Albert; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2013). Autoantigen-specific memory cell pattern in patients with Primary Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Skarstein, Kathrine; Oijordsbakken, G
et al. (2012). Ro52-and Ro60-Specific B Cell Pattern in the Salivary Glands of Patients with Primary Sjogren's Syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Aqrawi, Lara Adnan; Skarstein, Kathrine; Oijordsbakken, G
et al. (2012). Ro52-and Ro60-specific B cell pattern in the salivary glands of patients with primary Sjogren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Brokstad, Karl Albert; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2008). Salivary gland interstitial fluid cytokines in NOD mice. (ekstern lenke)
Gatumu, Margaret Karimi; Skarstein, Kathrine; Browning, Jeffrey L.
et al. (2008). Blockade of lymphotoxin-receptor axis reduces aspects of Sjogren's syndrome in salivary glands of NOD mice. (ekstern lenke)
Gatumu, Margaret Karimi; Jonsson, Malin V; Øijordsbakken, Gunnvor
et al. (2008). BCL10 nucleus positive cells in primary Sjögren's syndrome lymphocytic infiltrates. (ekstern lenke)
Szyszko, Ewa Alicja; Skarstein, Kathrine; Jonsson, Roland
et al. (2008). Heterogeneity of plasma cell subsets found in the bone marrow of autoimmune NOD.B10.H2b mice. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Brun, Johan G; Skarstein, Kathrine
et al. (2006). Germinal centers in primary Sjogren's syndrome indicate a certain clinical immunological phenotype. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Neppelberg, Evelyn; Eidsheim, Marianne
et al. (2006). Serum levels of soluble E-cadherin as an indicator of chronic inflammatory disease. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Malin V; Delaleu, Nicolas; Brokstad, Karl Albert
et al. (2006). Impaired salivary gland function in nod mice - Association with changes in cytokine profile but not with salivary gland histopathology. (ekstern lenke)
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
Jonsson, Roland; Skarstein, Kathrine; Jonsson, Malin V
(2011). Histopathology and Glandular Biopsies in Sjögren's Syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Johannessen, Anne Chr.; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2007). Immunologi og oral helse. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Roland; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2002). Experimental models of Sjögren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Jonsson, Roland; Skarstein, Kathrine
(2001). Experimental models of Sjögrens syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Horsfall, A. C.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Jonsson, R.
(1994). Experimental models of Sj@øgren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Horsfall, A. C.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Jonsson, R.
(1994). Experimental models of Sj@øgren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Johannessen, A.C.; Jonsson, R.
(1994). Adoptive transfer of sialadenitis in MRL/lpr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Skarstein, Kathrine; Holmdahl, R.; Goldschmidt, T.
et al. (1994). Effects of administration of anti-T-cell receptor V_b chain specific MoAb in MRL/lpr mice. (ekstern lenke)
Horsfall, A.; Skarstein, Kathrine; Jonsson, R.
(1994). Experimental models of Sj@øgren's syndrome. (ekstern lenke)
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