Epidemiological Principles and Methods

Ph.D. -course

Course description

Course content

Epidemiology studies the disease patterns in the population (descriptive epidemiology) and the disease causes (analytical epidemiology). Epidemiology methods are widely used in medical research and in preventive medicine. The field of epidemiology also includes skilled knowledge in disease devolpment and their prevalence in time and place, related to the population.

Lectures include causality, study designs, measurement methods, bias, confounding, and specific research fields within epidemiology. There are also exercises and a take-home exam.

Exercises include critical reviews of scientific articles.

Learning outcomes


After the course, the students should understand

  • basic epidemiological principles and methods
  • epidemiological terms
  • methods for identifying disease risk factors and preventing diseases in the populationCompetence


After completing the course, the students should be able to

  • discuss the main types of study design, and their strengths and weaknesses
  • understand the methods for disease prevalence, associations, effect modification/interaction and the principles for screening
  • to write a research protocol and implement studies
  • search for published studies related to medical research
  • critically review scientific literature and to take part in scientific discussions

Study period

Language of instruction


Basic Course in Medical and Health Related Research
Form of assessment

Take-home written exam


Reading list
Anbefalt litteratur: Rothman KJ. Epidemiology. An Introduction (223 sider). Oxford University Press, New York 2002.