
Faculty of Medicine

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The Faculty of Medicine is one of 7 faculties at the University of Bergen, and has about 1900 students. The Faculty consists of 5 departments, which provide the foundations for its teaching and research activities.

The Faculty of Medicine offers courses and degrees at Bachelor's, Master's and PhD level

News | Research
bilde av gravid kvinne som røyker

Quitting smoking during pregnancy may have a positive effect on placental weight

A new study from the University of Bergen and the University of Exeter shows that pregnant women who quit smoking may prevent an abnormal mismatch between the weight of the placenta and the growth of the fetus.

tre personer tar en high five i skogen

Announcement of Research program in Women’s Health

Faculty of Medicine at the University of Bergen, together with Helse Bergen and Trond Mohn Research Foundation (TMF), announces a Research program in Women’s Health.

Honorary Doctorate 2024
Æresdoktor Alberto Ascherio

The new Honorary Doctor hopes to create a vaccine against MS

The new Honorary Doctor at the Faculty of Medicine, Alberto Ascherio, was head of the breakthrough showing that there is a connection between MS and the Epstein-Barr virus. In collaboration with researchers from UiB, he hopes that the next step will be to develop a vaccine against the disease.

Foto av gravid mage og hender som holder rundt magen

Having complicated pregnancies increase the risk of dying of cardiovascular diseases

Researchers from University of Bergen have investigated the relation between 40-year-old women’s pregnancy history and later risk of dying of cardiovascular diseases.

Randi Bertelsen og Anders Flataker Viken

Muscle strength can influence sexual function in aging men

New research indicates that muscle strength may play a more significant role in adult men's sexual lives than previously known. The researchers behind the study aim to break the taboos concering sexual dysfunction among men.

Doctoral education

The aim of the research program at the Faculty of Medicine (the PhD degree) is to qualify the candidate for research activities and other work requiring a high level of scientific insight within the Faculty's research fields.

The Faculty of Medicine also administers the dr.philos. degree, which is an independent degree without supervision and organised research training. The two degrees are considered equal in status.

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