Get ready for online studies

Here you will find practical information and what you must do get ready for online studies, part-time and continuing educations studies at UiB.

Get ready - step by step

Activate your IT account

Everyone who is admitted as a student at UiB must have IT user account. This is necessary to gain access to a number of systems at UiB, first and foremost the learning platform Mitt UiB, which is the starting point for all teaching at UiB.

As soon as you are admitted as student at UIB, a user account will automatically be created for you. You will then receive an e-mail with instructions for how to activate your account. Please follow the instructions given in this e-mail. Note that there are different procedures for students with a Norwegian National Identity number and students without such number. 

How to activate your user account

How to activate your user account - without a Norwegian National Identity number

Add Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is mandatory for all students accounts, in order to protect UiBs IT systems and all student data. 

This means that you will have to confirm your identity in one extra step, i addition to username/password. You will have to activate this, before you are given full acces to our learning platform Mitt UiB and other systems. 

To verify the account, you will be asked to click on "Send verification code on SMS". This SMS will be sent to the mobile number you provided when applying to UiB. If you have not provided your mobile number, or should you not receive the SMS, you can choose the link "Wrong number, or cannot use mobile" to have the verification code read to you by an automatic phone call.

How to activate multi-factor authentication

How to log in on UiB systems

You log in to UiB’s systems with your username/password and two-factor authentication. Your username consists of three or four numbers and three or four letters. You can either enter just your username or the email that contains your username ( The login window will indicate which one to use.

There are many different systems at UiB. Below, we list the most important systems you need to know and relate to. Here you can read briefly about what the different systems are used for: 

  1. Student web
  2. Mitt UiB
  3. Student email via
  4. Buy literature (Litteraturkiosken)
  5. Digital exam:


Contains all information about you as a student. Here you can update personal details, address and contact information, see which courses/studies you are registered for, and find your exam results. Master’s theses should also generally be submitted via Studentweb. You log in with your user account (see above).

Mitt UiB: 

Mitt UiB is the name of the digital learning platform at UiB, which is the starting point for all teaching and other practical information about your studies. Read more in a separate section below.

Student email:

All information and important messages are sent to your student email address, which is automatically generated for you as soon as you have created an IT user account. Read more in a separate section below.

Buy literature (Litteraturkiosken): 

Here you can buy digitally available course literature (PDF files, etc.). The service is integrated into Mitt UiB, and you will find a link to Litteraturkiosken on the course page for your course/study.

Digital exam:

Digital school exams/home exams take place in our digital exam system at Read more in a separate section below.

Our learning platform Mitt UiB

Our learning platform Mitt UiB is the hub of UiB’s communication with students, both for the actual teaching of a course/program and for practical information throughout the study period.

Each course has its own page on Mitt UiB for students enrolled in the course. Therefore, you must first activate your user account (see section above) and then log in to Mitt UiB: username(at)

When you are registered as a student in a course/program, it will automatically appear on your Dashboard after logging in. Alternatively, you can search for the course code in the search field.

If you are admitted to an online study program at UiB, all teaching will take place through Mitt UiB. If you are admitted to a session-based study program, there will still be some teaching resources posted on Mitt UiB, including for self-study between sessions. It is also on the course page that you will find a link to the reading list and access to digital literature sources, articles, etc., via Litteraturkiosken. Important information about deadlines, submission deadlines, and other matters will also be posted here.

Log in to Mitt UiB

User guide for Mitt UiB

Student e-mail

When you have created a user account, a student email address will be automatically generated for you, which looks like this: username(at)

Messages posted to students in Mitt UiB and other important UiB information are sent to this address. Therefore, it is important that you check it regularly.

Pay semester fee

All students admitted to a course/program at UiB must pay a mandatory semester fee, which is currently NOK 650 per semester.

The semester fee is a personal fee that covers common welfare benefits for all students at UiB and must be paid individually, in addition to any tuition fees.

The payment deadline is at the beginning of each semester, normally by September 1st for studies in the autumn semester and by February 1st for studies in the spring semester.

Continuing education and part-time studies with application deadlines/admissions and study start dates later than this have later payment deadlines, and you will receive information about this when you receive confirmation of your study place.

You only need to pay one semester fee per semester, regardless of how many courses you take in the same semester. You should also only pay to one educational institution at a time, so if you are simultaneously studying elsewhere, you may be exempt from paying the semester fee at UiB.

Tuition fee and invoicing

For online and part-time studies with tuition fees, the following applies:

The invoice for the tuition fee will be sent out around the start of the study period. As a rule, the invoice for the tuition fee is sent to you personally. If your employer is to pay the tuition fee, the employer must fill out a separate form with invoicing information. You will receive information about this when you receive confirmation of your study place.

Questions and more information

Most questions that arise along the way should be addressed to the coordinator/contact person for your course.

We recommend that you read and familiarize yourself with the Terms and conditions for Online and Continuing Education Studies

There you will find detailed information about:

  • Special needs
  • Pause or leave of absence from studies
  • Withdrawal from studies
  • Exams
  • Grading, transcripts, and appeals

Contact UiB Continuing Education

If you have any questions, you may contact UiB Continuing Education:

Phone number
+47 55582040
Last updated: 04.03.2025