Åshild Sunde Feyling Thorsen
Adviser, Senior curator, PhD candidate in visual anthropology
Senior curator at Department for Research and Science Communication
- Team leader Content and Exhibitions
- Exhibit curator
Early Human Behaviour (2023) Universitetsmuseet, Naturhistorie
Neuro-SysMed (2023) Universitetsmuseet, Naturhistorie
Bare bones (2024) Universitetsmuseet, Naturhistorie
Queer Cultural Years (2022) University Museum, Natural History
Our Porous World (2022) University Museum, Natural History
Belongs in a museum? (2021) University Museum, Natural History
Machine Vision (2021) University Museum, Natural History
Ordet er Fritt? (2020) University Museum, Natural History
Worldviews (2019) University Museum, Natural History
The Singing Bowl: Commodity, Artefact and Healing Instrument (PhD project)
Metal bowls produced in Nepal are used for healing and sound therapy worldwide. By following the singing bowl from production, through sellers and buyers and to therapy rooms in Nepal and Norway, this research project explores how an artefact is constructed in a globalized field of alternative medicine and religion.
Looking into the different stages in the life of the artefact, the project investigates how the singing bowl is becoming a ritual and healing object. The singing bowl is approached as commodity, tourist souvenir, ritual item, medical and musical instrument. Further, the project investigates the relation between human body, sound and artefact in the field of alternative medicine
Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling. The Sound of a Bowl. Presentation of audiovisual research on sound healing. Sjón Anthropological Film Festival; Copenhagen, 2019-03-08 - 2019-03-10
Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling. Visualizing sound healing: representing multisensorial experiences through filmmaking. Art, Materiality and Representation; RAI/BM/SOAS, London 2018-06-01 - 2018-06-03
Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling. A sense of the healing sound. Workshop: Visual Anthropology, Ethnographic Film and Anthropological Knowledge; UiT 2017-05-31 - 2017-06-01
Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling. Digital storytelling for teaching. Digital storytelling workshop; Fergus Falls, Minnesota. 2017-05-10
Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling. En spesiell bolle: globale nyreligiøse gjenstander. Årskonferanse i Norsk antropologisk forening, Lillehammer; 2017-05-05 - 2017-05-07
Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling. Negotiating identity and artefacts in Kathmandu. Himalayan Studies Conference V, The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, Boulder, CO; 2017-09-01 - 2017-09-04
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2023). I vinden: Ny utstilling om menneskenes utvikling. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2023). Utstillingen "Tidlig menneskelig atferd" er klar. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling; Tandberg, Anne Helene S.; Straube, Nicolas (2023). På tokt med OceanX. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2022). Når museet mangler svar. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2022). Aldri sett dette før. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2022). Gjenstanden ble registrert som nagle. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2022). Det blir en gøy feiring og starten på Regnbuedagene! . (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2022). Det er viktig at man ikke bare henger opp Pride-flagg: Norsk homohistorie på Universitetsmuseet i Bergen. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2019). The Sound of a Bowl. Presentation of audiovisual research on sound healing.. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling; Varvantakis, Christos (2019). News from JAF. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2019). Enhjørningen. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling; Kutschera, Lena Eikeland (2019). Amerikakoffert og mobiltelefon – identitetsbærende gjenstander ved migrasjon. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling; Hausken, Eli Kristine Økland (2019). Verdsbilete. (external link)
- Jansen, Siri Skretting; Jansen, Øystein James; Helland-Hansen, William et al. (2019). Krystaller - Se de vokser!. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2018). Å høre helbredende lyd: Spesialisert lytting blant lydhealere og filmende antropologer. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2018). Blant turister og helbredende boller i Himalaya. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling; Kutschera, Lena Eikeland (2018). Den vanskelege reisa. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2018). Journal of Anthropological Films (JAF) celebrates its first year . (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2018). Visualizing sound healing: representing multisensorial experiences through filmmaking. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2017). Digital storytelling for teaching. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2017). A sense of the healing sound. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2017). En spesiell bolle: globale nyreligiøse gjenstander. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2017). Review of NAFA 2017 - Anthropological Film Festival and Conference, Aarhus, August 2017. (external link)
- Thorsen, Åshild Sunde Feyling (2017). Negotiating identity and artefacts in Kathmandu. (external link)
Member of working committee Nordic Anthropological Film Association nafa.uib.no
Editorial assistant for Journal of Anthropological Films jaf.uib.no