Anna Wessman


Professor, Iron Age Archaeology

Research groups

Short info

My research interests are Late Iron Age in Scandinavia, Finland and the Baltic countries, Burial Archaeology and death rituals, Avocational Metal-detecting, Citizen Science, Ethnographic methods, Community Archaeology, Museum Studies, Digital Humanities, and Archaeological databases.

I have a PhD in Archaeology from the University of Helsinki, Finland (2010). My thesis dealt with Late Iron Age burial rituals. Between 2010-2015 I led the multidisciplinary project about the Levänluhta water burial (in Ostrobothnia, Finland) financed by the Emil Aaltonen Foundation. I have also worked as the acting University Lecturer in Museum Studies at the University of Helsinki in 2015-2017.

I have worked extensively with avocational metal-detectorists in Scandinavia. I'm interested in finder behaviours and motivations but also in private collecting, curation and object biographies. Between 2018-2021 I was involved in developing FindSampo, a semantic portal and a Linked Open Data service for searching and analyzing archaeological public finds. I was responsible for the UX research. I'm a founding member of the The European Public Finds Recording Network.
I am also Adjunct Professor in Iron Age studies at the University of Turku, Finland.


See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.

In print:

Danielisová, A., Wessman, A. et al. (submit.) Multi-isotopic evidence reveals the emergence of a cosmopolitan community at the Luistari cemetery in Eura, Finland, during the Early Medieval period (600–1130 CE), Archaeological Anthropological Sciences.

Wessman, A. (in print/2024). The Iron Age in Finland. In: K. Kristiansen, L. Hedeager & C. Prescott (eds.). Handbook of Scandinavian Archaeology. Oxford University Press.

Wessman, A. (accepted). Collaborating with avocational metal-detectorists in Finland: Lessons learned. In: S. de Nardi, C. McDavid, J. Jameson & J. Gibb  (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Community Archaeology. Taylor & Francis.

Wessman, A., Frog & Hedenstierna-Jonson, C. (in print/2024). A völva or seiðmaðr in Finland? Cultural creolization as a problem for interpretations. In: U. Pedersen, M. Moen & L. Skogstrand (eds.), Gendering the Nordic Past: Dialogues Between Perspectives. Turnhout: Brepols.

Wessman, A. & Moilanen, U. (submit). Death rituals in Late Iron Age Finland. In: C. Ljung & A. Klevnäs (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Death and Burial in the Viking Age. Taylor & Francis.

Wessman, A. (in print/2024). Cremation in Finland. In. F. Lippok & H. Williams (eds.), Cremation in the Early Middle Ages: Death, fire and identity in North-West Europe. Sidestone Press. 

Wessman, A. (accepted). Collaborating with avocational metal-detectorists in Finland: Lessons learned. In: S. de Nardi, C. McDavid, J. Jameson & J. Gibb  (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Community Archaeology. Taylor & Francis.

Publications before 2021 (not listed in Cristin):


Oinonen,M., Alenius, T., Arppe, L., Bocherens, H., Etu-Sihvola, H., Helama, S., Huhtamaa, H., Lahtinen, M.,  Mannermaa, K., Onkamo, P., Palo, J., Sajantila, A., Salo, K., Sundell, T., Vanhanen, S. & Wessman, A. 2020: Buried in water, burdened by nature-Resilience carried the Iron Age people through Fimbulvinter, PlosOne 15(4). doi.10.1371/journal.pone.023178.

Gustin, I. & Wessman, A. 2020. Western Finland in the Viking World, In: H. L. Aannestad, U. Pedersen, M. Moen, E. Naumannn & H. Lund Berg (eds.), Viking Across Boundaries. Viking-Age Transformations, Vol II, pp. 60-79. Routledge.

Wessman, A., Zeiler, X., Thomas, S. & Vainonen, P. 2020.  The Durga Puja pop-up exhibition at the National Museum of Finland: Studying, Designing and Hosting an Exhibition as University Education-Museum Collaboration, Nordisk museologi 29(2): 96-105.

Dobat, A.S., Deckers, P., Heeren, S., Lewis, M., Thomas S. & Wessman, A. 2020. Towards a Cooperative Approach to Hobby Metal Detecting: The European Public Finds Recording Network (EPFRN) Vision Statement, European Journal of Archaeology 25: 1–21.

Wessman, A. 2020. Metalldetektering i Finland: En framgångshistoria? In: Ljunge, M. (ed.) Metalldetektering inom arkeologi och forskning, pp. 94–109. Örebro: Örebro Länsmuseum.


Sikora, M., Pitulko, V., Sousa, V., Allentoft, M., Rasmussen, S., Margaryan, A., de Barros Damgaard, P., de la Fuente Castro, C., Renaud, G., Yang, M., Fu, Q., Giampoudakis, K., Bravo Nogues, D., Rahbek, C., Pavlova, E., Chasnyk, V., Nikolskiy, P., Grebenyuk, P., Fedorchenko, A., Lebedintsev, A., Malyarchuk, B., Martiniano, R., Meldgaard, M., Arppe, L., Palo, J., Sundell, T., Mannermaa, K., Putkonen, M., Alexandersen, V., Primeau, C., Sjögren, K.-G., Kristiansen, K., Wessman, A., Sajantila, A., Lahr, M., Durbin, R., Nielsen, R., Meltzer, D., Excoffier, L., Willerslev, E. 2019. The population history of northeastern Siberia since the Pleistocene, Nature 570 (7760): 182-188. doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1279-z.

Översti, S., Majander, K., Salmela, E., Salo, K., Arppe, L., Belskiy, S., Etu-Sihvola, H., Laakso, V., Esa Mikkola, E., Pfrengle, S., Putkonen, M., Taavitsainen, J.-P., Vuoristo, K., Wessman, A., Antti Sajantila, A., Oinonen, O., Haak, W., Schuenemann, V., Krause, J., Palo, J.  & Onkamo, P. 2019. Human mitochondrial DNA lineages in Iron-Age Fennoscandia suggest incipient admixture and eastern introduction of farming-related maternal ancestry, Scientific Reports (2019) 9:16883. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-51045.

Holmqvist-Sipilä, E., Wessman, A., Mänttäri, I. & Lahaye, Y., 2019. Lead isotope and geochemical analyses of copper-based metal artefacts from the Iron Age water burial in Levänluhta, Western Finland, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 26(101854). Doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.05.019.

Wessman, A., Thomas, S., Rohiola, V., Koho, M., Ikkala, E., Tuominen, J., Hyvönen, E., Kuitunen, J., Parviainen, H. & Niukkanen, M. 2019. Citizen Science in Archaeology: Developing a Collaborative Web Service for Archaeological Finds in Finland. In: J. Jameson & S. Musteață (eds.) Transforming Heritage Practice in the 21st Century: Contributions from Community Archaeology, pp. 337-352. Springer.

Wessman, A., Thomas, S. & Rohiola, V. 2019. Digital Archaeology and Citizen Science: Introducing the goals of FindSampo and the SuALT project. SKAS 1/2019: 2-17.

Wessman, A., Thomas, S., Rohiola, V., Kuitunen, J., Ikkala, E., Tuominen, J., Koho, M. & Hyvönen, E. 2019. A Citizen Science Approach to Archaeology: Finnish Archaeological Finds Recording Linked Open Database (SuALT). In: Navarretta, C., Agirrezabal, M. & Maegaard, B. (eds.), Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries: Proceedings of the Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 4th Conference. Aachen: CEUR Workshop Proceedings, p. 469-478.

Wessman, A. 2019. Järnåldersgravfältet i Levänluhta. In: O. Hakli (ed.), Ett hundraårigt värv. Museiverket, Helsingfors.


Lamnidis, T. C., Majander, K., Jeong, C., Salmela, E., Wessman, A., Moiseyev, V., Khartanovich, V., Balanovsky, O., Ongyerth, M., Weihmann, A., Sajantila, A., Kelso, J., Pääbo, S., Onkamo, P., Haak, W., Krause, J. & Schiffels, S. 2018. Ancient Fennoscandian genomes reveal origin and spread of Siberian ancestry in Europe. Nature Communications 9 (5018). doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07483-5.

Wessman, A., Alenius, T., Holmqvist, E., Mannermaa, K., Perttola, W., Sundell, T. & Vanhanen, S. 2018. Hidden and Remote: New Perspectives on the People in the Levänluhta Water Burial, Western Finland (c. ad 300-800). European Journal of Archaeology 21(3): 431-454. Doi:10.1017/eaa.2017.84. 

Thomas, S., Wessman, A. & Heikkilä, E. 2018. Redesigning the museum studies programme at the University of Helsinki: towards collaborative teaching and learning. Museum Management and Curatorship 33(4): 344-364. doi:10.1080/09647775.2018.1485115.


Cerezo- Román, J., Wessman, A. & Williams, H. (eds.) 2017. Cremation and the Archaeology of Death. Oxford University Press.

Williams, H., Cerezo-Román, J., & Wessman, A. 2017. Introduction: Archaeologies of Cremation, In: J. Cerezo-Román, A.  Wessman & H. Williams (eds.) Cremation and the Archaeology of Death, pp.1–24. Oxford University Press.

Wessman, A. & Williams, H. 2017. Building for the Cremated Dead: Ephemeral and Cumulative Constructions, In: J. Cerezo-Román, A.  Wessman & H. Williams (eds.) Cremation and the Archaeology of Death, pp. 177–198. Oxford University Press.

Williams, H. & Wessman, A. 2017. The Contemporary Archaeology of Urban Cremation, In: J. Cerezo-Román, A.  Wessman & H. Williams (eds.), Cremation and the Archaeology of Death, pp. 266–296. Oxford University Press.

Wessman, A. 2017. Levänluhdan vesikalmisto. In: O. Hakli (ed.), Sadan vuoden satoa. Museovirasto, Helsinki.


Wessman, A., Koivisto, L. & Thomas, S. 2016. Metal detecting in Finland - an ongoing debate, In:  P. Deckers, M. Lewis & S. Thomas (eds.), Topical issues on “Aspects of non-professional metal detecting in Europe”, Open Archaeology 2016; 2: 85–96.

Wessman, A. 2016. Women along the River banks. New Iron Age Finds from Espoo, In: J. Harjula, M. Helamaa, J. Haarala & V. Immonen (eds.), Mankby – a deserted medieval village on the coast of southern Finland, pp. 17–29. Archaeologia Medii Aevi Finlandiae XXII, Turku.

Rosendahl, U. & Wessman, A. 2016. Förord. Finskt Museum 2016: 4-5.


Haggrén, G., Halinen, P., Lavento, M., Raninen, S., & Wessman, A. (eds.)  2015. Muinaisuutemme jäljet. Suomen esi- ja varhaishistoria kivikaudelta keskiajalle. Gaudeamus.

Raninen, S. & Wessman, A. 2015.  Rautakausi. In: G. Haggrén, P. Halinen., M. Lavento, S. Raninen & A. Wessman (eds.), Muinaisuutemme jäljet. Suomen esi- ja varhaishistoria kivikaudelta keskiajalle, pp. 215–356. Gaudeamus.

Thomas, S., Wessman, A., Siltainsuu, J., & Perttola, W. 2015. Understanding Metal Detecting and archaeology in Finland, Cuadernas de prehistoria y Arquelogia de la Universidad Granada (CPAG): 187–199.

Rosendahl, U. & Wessman, A. 2015. Förord. Finskt Museum 2013-2015:5.


Raninen, S. & Wessman, A. 2014. Finland as a part of the "Viking world", In: Ahola, J. & Frog with Clive Tolley (eds.), Fibula, Fabula, Fact. The Viking Age in Finland. Studia Fennica, Historica 18, pp. 327–346. Suomen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki.

Siltainsuu, J. & Wessman, A. 2014. Yhteistapahtumia ja esineiden tunnistusta: Espoon kaupunginmuseon metallinilmaisinyhteistyö vuonna 2014. Muinaistutkija 3/2014: 34–40.  Suomen Arkeologinen seura.

Rosendahl, U. & Wessman, A. 2014: Förord. Finskt Museum 2012: 5.

Wessman, A. 2014. Förtjänstfull biografi över Carl Fredrik Meinander [book review]. Finskt Museum 2012: 105-107.


Åström, A.-M., Rosendahl, U. & Wessman, A. 2013. Förord. Finskt Museum 2010-2011: 5.


Wessman, A. 2012. Levänluhta: en Österbottnisk våtmark med begravningar från yngre järnåldern. In: O. Hemmendorff (ed.), Människor i vikingatidens Mittnorden. Föredrag vid de Mittnordiska Arkeologidagarna i Östersund 2010.  Fornvårdaren 32, pp. 93-109. Jämtlands Museum.

Wessman, A., K. Mannermaa & T. Sundell 2012. Kolmivuotinen tutkimusrahoitus Isonkyrön Levänluhdan rautakautista vesikalmistoa tutkivalle monitieteiselle projektille. Muinaistutkija 1/2012: 69–71.  Suomen Arkeologinen seura.


Wessman, A. 2011: Våtmarksgravarna i Österbotten – mysterium på väg att lösas? Populär Arkeologi 2/2011: 4-7.

Wessman, A. 2011. Levänluhdan kalmiston arvoitus. Hiisi - lehti muinaisuuden harrastajille 2011, 1.


Wessman, A. 2010. Death, Destruction and Commemoration. Tracing activities in Finnish Late Iron Age cemeteries (AD 550-1150). ISKOS 18. The Finnish Antiquarian Society, Helsinki (PhD thesis).

Wessman, A. 2010a. Rapusolki- muinaisuomalaista muotoilua. Löydöstä koruksi. Kalevalaisten Liiton kulttuuri- ja jäsenlehti. Pirta 1/2010: 36–37. Helsinki. Kalevalaisten naisten liitto.

Wessman, A. 2010b. Nousiaisten kultalöydön pitkä tie Lohikäärmekoruksi. Löydöstä koruksi. Kalevalaisten Naisten Liiton kulttuuri- ja jäsenlehti. Pirta 2/2010: 30–31. Helsinki. Kalevalaisten  naisten liitto.

Wessman, A. 2010c. Tuukkalan hauta nro 26 – kalevalakorujen alkujuurilla. Löydöstä koruksi. Kalevalaisten Naisten Liiton kulttuuri- ja jäsenlehti. Pirta 3/2010: 26–27. Helsinki. Kalevalaisten naisten liitto.

Wessman, A. 2010d. Hämeenlinnan Linnaniemen hopea-aarre. Löydöstä koruksi. Kalevalaisten naisten Liiton kulttuuri- ja jäsenlehti. Pirta 4/2010: 30–31. Helsinki. Kalevalaisten naisten liitto.

Wessman, A. 2010e. Interpreting Iron Age funerals [lectio preacursoria], Muinaistutkija 4/2010: 43–45. Suomen Arkeologinen Seura.


Wessman, A.  2009. Iron Age cemeteries and Hiisi sites: is there a connection? Folklore: 7–22. Folk Belief and Media Group of Estonian Literary Museum. Estonian Folklore Institute. Electronic Journal of Folklore: ( )

Wessman, A. 2009. Levänluhta – a place of punishment, sacrifice or just a common cemetery? Fennoscandia archaeologica XXVI: 81–105.

Wessman, A. 2009. Reclaiming the Past: Using Old Artefacts as a Means of Remembering. In A. Šnē & A. Vasks (eds.) Interarchaeologia, 3. Papers from the Third Theoretical Seminar of the Baltic Archaeologists (BASE) held at the University of Latvia, Latvia, October 5-6, 2007. Memory, Society and Material Culture. Rīga – Helsinki – Tartu – Vilnius 2009: 71–88.

Wickholm, A. 2009. Dead men walking? In:  F. Ekengren & L. Nilsson Stutz (eds.), I tillvarons gränsland: mångvetenskapliga perspektiv på kroppen mellan liv och död. University of Lund, Department of Archaeology and Ancient history, Report Series. Nordic Academic Press. Lund: 44–75.

Wessman, A. 2009. Polttokenttäkalmistot muistojen maisemassa. T. Mökkönen & S.-L. Seppälä (eds.). Arkeologipäivät 2008. Sosiaaliarkeologiaa – yhteisöt arkeologisen aineiston taustalla & tutkimushistorian painolasti, pp. 30–37. Suomen Arkeologinen Seura.

Wessman, A. 2009a. Halikon aarre. Löydöstä koruksi. Kalevalaisten Naisten Liiton kulttuuri- ja jäsenlehti. Pirta 1/2009: 25–27. Helsinki. Kalevalaisten naisten liitto.

Wessman, A. 2009b. Metsäpirtin rannerengas. Löydöstä koruksi. Kalevalaisten Naisten Liiton kulttuuri- ja jäsenlehti. Pirta 2/2009: 32–33. Helsinki. Kalevalaisten naisten liitto.

Wessman, A. 2009c. Uhtuan linturiipus. Löydöstä koruksi. Kalevalaisten Naisten Liiton kulttuuri- ja jäsenlehti. Pirta 3/2009: 34–35. Helsinki. Kalevalaisten naisten liitto.

Wessman, A. 2009d. Karjaan soljen salaisuus. Löydöstä koruksi. Kalevalaisten Naisten Liiton kulttuuri- ja jäsenlehti. Pirta 4/2009: 32. Helsinki. Kalevalaisten naisten liitto.


Wessman, A. 2008. Die Wikingerzeit Finnlands. In: S. Kaufmann (ed.), Die Wikinger. Herausgegeben von Historischen Museum der Pfalz Speyer. Historisches Museum der Pfalz Speyer. München: 86–91.

Wickholm, A. & Löwenborg, D. 2008. Dalamalmsvärdet, Muinaistutkija 1/2008.


2019-2025: Levänluhta and Käldamäki water burials - will molecules and isotopes solve an Iron Age mystery? (PI Prof Antti Sajantila, University of Helsinki, Finland). Funded by the Kone Foundation, the Academy of Finland and the Finnish Cultural Foundation (~ 1.3M euro). In this project I am the archaeological expert with focus on the overall interpretation of the two burial sites.

2019-2024: ORGINIS: Kotiseutumme jäljet - esihistoriallisen ajan alkuperäistutkimusta luustoon isotooppisignaalien nykysystematiikan valossaFinnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki (PI Laura Arppe). Strontium isotope research from an inhumation cemetery in Luistari, Eura (Finland). Funded by the Kone Foundation. In this project I work with the archaeological contextualisation and interpretation of the site.