Academic article
- Haugland, Dag (2024). Tighter bounds on the minimum broadcast time. (external link)
- Ivanova, Marika; Haugland, Dag; Tvedt, Bård Hennning (2023). Strong bounds and exact solutions to the minimum broadcast time problem. (external link)
- Litlabø, Tormod; Aaslid, Per; Riise, Tarjei Lid et al. (2023). Modelling overflow using mixed integer programming in short-term hydropower scheduling. (external link)
- Samer, Phillippe; Haugland, Dag (2022). Polyhedral results and stronger Lagrangean bounds for stable spanning trees. (external link)
- Samer, Phillippe; Haugland, Dag (2021). Fixed cardinality stable sets. (external link)
- Klein, Arne; Haugland, Dag (2020). Optimization of reliable cyclic cable layouts in offshore wind farms. (external link)
- Gutierrez-Alcoba, Alejandro; Hendrix, Eligius M.T.; Ortega, Gloria et al. (2019). On offshore wind farm maintenance scheduling for decision support on vessel fleet composition. (external link)
- Ivanova, Marika; Haugland, Dag (2019). Integer programming formulations for the shared multicast tree problem. (external link)
- Mutunge, Purity Kamene; Haugland, Dag (2018). Minimizing the tracking error of cardinality constrained portfolios. (external link)
- Backe, Stian; Haugland, Dag (2017). Strategic optimization of offshore wind farm installation. (external link)
- Gutierrez-Alcoba, Alejandro; Ortega, Gloria; Hendrix, Eligius M.T. et al. (2017). A model for optimal fleet composition of vessels for offshore wind farm maintenance. (external link)
- Klein, Arne; Haugland, Dag (2017). Obstacle-aware optimization of offshore wind farm cable layouts. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Hendrix, Eligius M.T. (2016). Pooling problems with polynomial-time algorithms. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2016). The computational complexity of the pooling problem. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Hendrix, Eligius M.T. (2015). On a pooling problem with fixed network size. (external link)
- Alfaki, Mohammed; Haugland, Dag (2014). A cost minimization heuristic for the pooling problem. (external link)
- Borraz Sanchez, Conrado; Haugland, Dag (2013). Optimization methods for pipeline transportation of natural gas with variable specific gravity and compressibility. (external link)
- Alfaki, Mohammed; Haugland, Dag (2013). Strong formulations for the pooling problem. (external link)
- Alfaki, Mohammed; Haugland, Dag (2013). A multi-commodity flow formulation for the generalized pooling problem. (external link)
- Yuan, Di; Haugland, Dag (2012). Dual decomposition for computational optimization of minimum-power shared broadcast tree in wireless networks. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Eleyat, Mujahed; Hetland, Magnus Lie (2011). The maximum flow problem with minimum lot sizes. (external link)
- Ho, Sin C.; Haugland, Dag (2011). Local search heuristics for the probabilistic dial-a-ride problem. (external link)
- Borraz Sanchez, Conrado; Haugland, Dag (2011). Minimizing fuel cost in gas transmission networks by dynamic programming and adaptive discretization. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Ho, Sin C. (2010). Feasibility Testing for Dial-a-Ride Problems. (external link)
- Bauer, Joanna; Altinkemer, Kemal; Haugland, Dag (2010). Center-oriented algorithms for the minimum energy broad and multicast problem in wireless ad hoc networks. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2010). An Overview of Models and Solution Methods for Pooling Problems. (external link)
- Bauer, Joanna; Haugland, Dag; Yuan, Di (2009). New results on the time complexity and approximation ratio of the Broadcast Incremental Power algorithm. (external link)
- Bauer, Joanna; Haugland, Dag; Yuan, Di (2009). A fast local search method for minimum energy broadcast in wireless ad hoc networks. (external link)
- Bauer, Joanna; Haugland, Dag; Yuan, Di (2008). Analysis and computational study of several integer programming formulations for minimum-energy multicasting in wireless ad hoc networks. (external link)
- Bauer, Joanna; Haugland, Dag (2008). Improved Time Complexities of Algorithms for the Directional Minimum Energy Broadcast Problem. (external link)
- Ravanbakhsh, Mohammad; Hassanzadeh, Mehdi; Haugland, Dag (2008). Wiretapping Based on Node Corruption over Secure Network Coding: Analysis and Optimization. (external link)
- Yuan, Di; Bauer, Joanna; Haugland, Dag (2008). Minimum-energy broadcast and multicast in wireless networks: An integer programming approach and improved heuristic algorithms. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Ho, Sin C.; Laporte, Gilbert (2007). Designing delivery districts for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2007). A Bidirectional Greedy Heuristic for the Subspace Selection Problem. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Storøy, Sverre (2006). Local search methods for l(1)-minimization in frame based signal compression. (external link)
- Ho, Sin Cheung; Haugland, Dag (2004). A tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows and split deliveries. (external link)
- Aase, Sven Ole; Nygaard, Ranveig; Husøy, John Håkon et al. (1998). Optimised Time- and Frequency-Domain Methods for ECG Signal Compression. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Heber, J.; Husøy, John Håkon (1997). Optimisation algorithms for ECG data compression. (external link)
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Samer, Phillippe; Haugland, Dag (2022). Towards Stronger Lagrangean Bounds for Stable Spanning Trees . (external link)
- Samer, Phillippe; Haugland, Dag (2021). The unsuitable neighbourhood inequalities for the fixed cardinality stable set polytope. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2019). Pooling Problems with Single-Flow Constraints. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2018). Fast Methods for the Index Tracking Problem. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Tjøstheim, Bjørn Peter (2015). Optimal Intake and Routing of Floating Oil Rigs in the North Sea. (external link)
- Klein, Arne; Haugland, Dag; Bauer, Joanna et al. (2015). An integer programming model for branching cable layouts in offshore wind farms. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2014). The hardness of the pooling problem. (external link)
- Eleyat, Mujahed Omar Qasim; Haugland, Dag; Hetland, Magnus Lie et al. (2012). Parallel algorithms for the maximum flow problem with minimum lot sizes. (external link)
- Haugland, Jan kristian; Haugland, Dag (2012). Computing the Optimal Layout of a Wind Farm. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Yuan, Di (2011). Compact Integer Programming Models for Power-optimal Trees in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. (external link)
- Alfaki, Mohammed; Haugland, Dag (2011). Comparison of discrete and continuous models for the pooling problem. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2010). An Overview of Models and Solution Methods for Pooling Problems. (external link)
- Ravanbakhsh, Mohammad; Barbero, Ángela I.; Ytrehus, Øyvind et al. (2010). Power savings of cyclic network coding for multicast on wireless networks. (external link)
- Ravanbakhsh, Mohammad; Haugland, Dag (2010). Methods for Flow Graph Selection in Integral Network Coding. (external link)
- Borraz Sanchez, Conrado; Haugland, Dag (2009). A Tree Decomposition Algorithm for Minimizing Fuel Cost in Gas Transmission Networks. (external link)
- Frimannslund, Lennart; Haugland, Dag (2009). Parallel Solution of the Pooling Problem with Application to the Cell Broadband Engine Architecture. (external link)
- Frimannslund, Lennart; Haugland, Dag (2009). Line pack management for improved regularity in pipeline gas transportation networks. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2007). Flow Allocation in a Model for Regularity Analysis of Gas Transportation Systems. (external link)
Doctoral dissertation
- Ivanova, Marika; Haugland, Dag (2019). Optimization Problems in Communication Networks and Multi-Agent Path Finding. (external link)
- Klein, Arne; Haugland, Dag (2019). Methods for Optimizing Turbine Locations and Cable Routes in Offshore Wind Farms. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Sánchez, Conrado Borraz (2010). Optimization Methods for Pipeline Transportation of Natural Gas. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (1991). Optimization methods for blending models in oil rafinieries. (external link)
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Bjørndalen, John Markus; Bongo, Lars Ailo; Haugland, Dag et al. (2011). Norsk Informatikkonferanse NIK 2011. (external link)
- Bjørndalen, John Markus; Haugland, Dag; Hjelmås, Erik et al. (2009). Norsk informatikkonferanse : NIK 2009 : Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, NTNU, 23.-25. november 2009. (external link)
- Bjørndalen, John Markus; Haugland, Dag; Heegaard, Poul Einar et al. (2007). NIK 2007. (external link)
Academic lecture
- Eleyat, Mujahed Omar Qasim; Haugland, Dag; Hetland, Magnus Lie et al. (2011). Parallel algorithms for the maximum flow problem with minimum lot sizes. (external link)
- Alfaki, Mohammed Ali A; Haugland, Dag (2010). Strong formulations for the pooling problem. (external link)
- Frimannslund, Lennart; El Ghami, Mohamed; Alfaki, Mohammed Ali A et al. (2010). Solving the Pooling Problem with LMI Relaxations. (external link)
- Alfaki, Mohammed; Subbey, Samuel; Haugland, Dag (2008). The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm in parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification. (external link)
- Frimannslund, Lennart; El Ghami, Mohamed; Steihaug, Trond et al. (2007). Flow Models in Pipeline Transportation Networks for Natural Gas. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2007). Flow and Cut Models for the Minimum Energy Broadcasting Problem in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Bauer, Joanna; Yuan, Di (2006). Approximation Algorithms for the Minimum Energy Broadcast Problem. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2005). Cut and Steiner Tree Formulations for Minimum-Energy Problems in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2004). Heuristics for the Probabilistic Dial-a-Ride Problem. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2004). Heuristics for the subspace selection problem. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Storøy, Sverre (2003). Local search methods for the subset selection problem with minimum unit norm. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Ho, Sin C.; Laporte, Gilbert (2003). Designing routing zones for VRP with stochastic demands. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Ho, Sin C.; Laporte, Gilbert (2003). Designing routing zones for VRP with stochastic demands. (external link)
- Ho, Sin C.; Haugland, Dag (2003). A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Split Deliveries. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Ho, Sin C.; Laporte, Gilbert (2003). Designing routing zones for vehicle routing problems with stochastic demands. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2002). Node coloring with minimum edge weights. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Storøy, Sverre (2002). Local search methods for l1-minimization in data compression. (external link)
- Ho, Sin C.; Haugland, Dag (2002). A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Split Deliveries. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (2001). An edge-traversal algorithm for the subspace selection problem. (external link)
- Nygaard, Ranveig; Husøy, John Håkon; Haugland, Dag (1999). Signal compression by linear non-interpolating approximation. (external link)
- Nygaard, Ranveig; Husøy, John Håkon; Haugland, Dag (1999). Signal compression by second order polynomials and piecewise non-interpolating approximation. (external link)
- Nygaard, Ranveig; Haugland, Dag (1998). Complete coding scheme using optimal time domain ECG compression methods. (external link)
- Nygaard, Ranveig; Haugland, Dag (1998). Compressing ECG signals by piecewise polynomial approximation. (external link)
- Nygaard, Ranveig; Husøy, John Håkon; Haugland, Dag (1998). Compression of image contours using combinatorial optimization. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Husøy, John Håkon; Heber, L.G. (1996). An optimum time-domain ECG data compression scheme. (external link)
Popular scientific lecture
- Bauer, Joanna; Haugland, Dag; Yuan, Di (2005). Analysis and Computational Study of Flow-based Formulations for Minimum-Energy Multicasting in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. (external link)
- Yuan, Di; Bauer, Joanna; Haugland, Dag (2004). An Integer Programming Approach for Performance Evaluation of Minimum-Energy Broadcasting and Multicasting in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Ho, Sin C.; Laporte, Gilbert (2003). Designing delivery districts for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Storøy, Sverre (2002). Local search methods for l_1-minimization in a data compression problem. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Ho, Sin C. (2002). Proceedings of Nordic MPS'02 - The Eighth Meeting of the Nordic Section of the Mathematical Programming Society. (external link)
- Endresen, Ole Kåre; Haugland, Dag (2002). Optimal adjustment of surfaces to point sets. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Storøy, Sverre (2002). 23. D.Haugland and S.Storøy: A Combinatorial Optimization Model for Vector Selection in Frame Based Signal Representation, Report in Informatics, no. 221, Dept. of Informatics, University of Bergen, 2001. (external link)
- Ho, Sin C.; Haugland, Dag (2002). A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Split Deliveries. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag; Aven, Terje; Haukås, Harald (1997). MIRIAM. (external link)
- Haugland, Dag (1996). Compressing data by shortest path methods. (external link)