Gunnar Winsnes Knutsen
Professor, early modern history
My current research is centred on the development of tools and methods for applying artificial intelligence to historical research, focusing mainly on Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, and Spanish sources.
Most of my published research centres around questions of belief and the connection between belief and action in early modern Europe, specifically in Norway and Spain. The three areas that I have been most focused on have been witchcraft trials, the Spanish Inquisition, and wars of religion. The majority of my scholarly work has been published in English, while my textbooks and books of popular history are in Norwegian.
I have through a number of years worked as Principal Investigator on an extensive database of trials of faith in the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions, EMID.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Knutsen, Gunnar Winsnes (2023). La ordenanza real de 1617 y los procesos por brujería en la Noruega moderna. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar Winsnes (2017). Katolske bergensere et århundre etter reformasjonen. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar Winsnes (2017). Después de la condena: supuestas hechiceras y brujas en Valencia después de sus procesos inquisitoriales. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar Winsnes (2014). Topics of Persecution: Witchcraft Historiography in the Iberian World. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2002). Where Did the Witches Go? Spanish Witches After Their Trials. (external link)
Popular scientific article
Academic article
- Dedieu, Jean-Pierre; Knutsen, Gunnar Winsnes (2023). La cause de foi dans l’Inquisition espagnole Entre droit et repentance. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar Winsnes (2020). Witchcraft and Slavery in Cartagena de Indias. (external link)
- Dedieu, Jean Pierre; Knutsen, Gunnar Winsnes (2020). El danés peligroso. Semblante humano de Gustav Henningsen. Evocación a cuatro manos.. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar Winsnes (2018). EMID – The Early Modern Inquisition Database. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2012). Historias de lo sobrenatural. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W; Navarro, Daniel Muñoz (2010). Prosecuting the French: patterns of trials against French defendants in Valencia, 1566-1686. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2010). En norsk sjømann i Den spanske inkvisisjonen. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2008). El Santo Oficio de la Inquisición en Barcelona y soldados protestantes en el ejercito de Cataluña. (external link)
- Bandlien, Bjørn; Knutsen, Gunnar W (2008). Kjetterinkvisitorer i Norge. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W; Riisøy, Anne Irene (2007). Trolls and witches. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2006). The decline and end of witch trials in Scandinavia. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2005). Religious Life in Seventeenth Century Norway Seen Through the Eyes of the Spanish Inquisition. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2005). Trolldomsprosessenes opphør i Skandinavia. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2003). Norwegian witchcraft trials: a reassessment. (external link)
Non-fiction book
Book review
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2013). Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages, Stephen A. Mitchell. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2009). Republican States and church. From antiquity to the presnt day. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2007). Lu Ann Homza, ed. and trans. The Spanish Inquisition 1478–1614: An Anthology of Sources. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2005). Gustav Henningsen: The Salazar Documents. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2005). Finn Fuglestad: Spanias og Portugals historie. (external link)
Academic monograph
Academic lecture
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2012). Cuentos de lo sobrenatural en los procesos de superstición en Valencia y Barcelona. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2011). Servants of Satan and masters of demons. The Spanish Inquisition and trials for superstition. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2008). The Spanish Inquisition and Protestant soldiers in Spanish service. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2007). Torture in Witchcraft cases in secular courts and the Inquisition in Catalonia. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (2006). Roundtable: Historical Research from Historical Databases. (external link)
Academic commentary
Short communication
Doctoral dissertation
- Sogner, Sølvi; Sandmo, Erling; Knutsen, Gunnar W et al. (1998). Fact, fiction and forensic evidence. The potential of judicial sources for historical research in the early modern periode. (external link)
- Knutsen, Gunnar W (1998). Trolldomsprosessene på Østlandet. En kulturhistorisk undersøkelse. (external link)
Thesis at a second degree level
My newest project is the study of the king's lieutenants in Norway in the periode between 1536 and 1660.
Godly Power and Witchcraft in the Danish Realms (1559-1660)
The Early Modern Inquisition Database (EMID)