Iselin Åsedotter Strønen


Associate Professor



Iselin Åsedotter Strønen is associate professor in Social Anthropology and has extensive fieldwork experience from Spain, Brazil, Venezuela and Angola. She is project leader for the INTPART-project Environmental Sustainability, Marine Economies and Gendered Socio-Economic Inequalities (ENMARINE): A Norway-Brazil Partnership in Research and Teaching (2020-2026), financed by The Research Council of Norway (NRC) and Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir).

Her research interests include the anthropology of fishery and marine economies, women in fisheries, the anthropology of oil and natural resource management, gender, social movements, political conflicts and state transformations, poverty and socio-economic inequalities, and the politics of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Her current research focuses on northwestern and northern Spain, exploring the gendered political economy of women in fisheries and marine economies, climatic- and environmental degradation, and conflicts between fishery and offshore wind development.

Strønen has taught a number of courses at BA-level at the Department of Social Anthropology since 2015, and has also served as Head of Teaching in 2020-2021 and 2023. Since 2018, she has been course responsible for the adult continuation (EVU) course "Intercultural Understanding and Communication" (Flerkulturell forståelse og kommunikasjon). 

Strønen has previously been part of the research project ENERGETHICS - Norwegian energy companies abroad.  Expanding the anthropological understanding of corporate social responsibility (2015-2019). The project was anchored at the Department for Social Anthropology, UiB, and the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), and was financed by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR). The project focuses on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) amongst Norwegian energy companies operating abroad. Strønen's case study was concerned with Equinor's CSR-work in Brazil.

She has also been a project member of the the CEIC-CMI Angola Programme (2015-2018) at the Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI), and the project coordinator for the sub-project Gender Relations and Human Rights in Angola. The project was funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Luanda. She has also served as the project coordinator and editor for the CMI-project Everyday Manoeuvres: Military-Civilian Relations in Latin-America and the Middle East (2013-2016), funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, throught which she conducted case studies in Venezuela and Brazil.

As a PhD candidate, she was part of the research project The Role of the Oil and Gas Industry in the Promotion of Poverty Reduction and Social Volatility (2008-2010), funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NRC). Her PhD work was concerned with grassroots movements, state transformations and the cultural and political meaning of oil in Venezuela. Her PhD dissertation was re-written into the monograph Grassroots Politics and Oil Culture in Venezuela. The Revolutionary Petro-State (Palgrave McMillan 2017). The book is available Open Access here.

Strønen obtained her PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Bergen in 2014. She holds a MA degree in Anthropology of Development from the University of Bergen (2006), and a MA degree in International Journalism from City University, London (2008). She has been an associate professor in Social Anthropology since 2020.



Antropologiske perspektiver på sykdom og helse (Anthropological perspectives on illness and health). Invited lecture at Nettverkssamling for Livsmestringskurs, Senter for Migrasjonshelse/Center for Migrationhealth. Bergen, November 27, 2023. 

Flerkulturell forståelse i politiet: hvordan and hvorfor? (Multicultural understanding and communication in the police force- how and why?) Invited lecture at police workshop, Police West, Bergen, November 7, 2023.

Viejo legado, nuevos desafíos: el subreconocimiento de las mujeres en el sector pesquero (Old legacy, new challenges: the underrecognition of women in the fishery sector". Conference paper delivered at the ENMARINE kick-off conference 2023: Women and the Sea: Setting the research agenda. University of Bergen, October 26-27, 2023. 

The ongoing legacy of women's exclusion and invisibility: gendered disconnections to politics and policy in the Spanish fishery sector. Workshop presentation delivered at the Ocean World Workshop: Connections and disconnections in a fluid world. University of Bergen, October 16-17, 2023. 

Comparing the gendering of fisheries in Brazil and Spain: some preliminary notes. Conference paper delivered at MARE People and the Sea Conference 2023, University of Amsterdam, June 26-30, 2023. 

El petro-estado revolucionario: por que no se logró “sembrar el petroleo” en Venezuela? (The revolutionary petro-state: why didn't they manage to "sow the oil" in Venezuela?). Invited lecture at Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (FURG), Brazil, March 26, 2023.

The politics of morality and the morality of politics. Notes towards an enhanced understanding of Bolivarian ideology. Keynote speech delivered at online international workshop, Ethnographic encounters with Morality, Crisis and Extractivism in Venezuela. Arranged by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/The Institute for Societal Resilience, November 12, 2020.

El petróleo y la pesca: Una co-existencia conflictiva? [Oil and fish. A conflictive co-existence?]. Presentation delivered at Conversas do Mar [Conversations about the ocean], organized by Foro do Mar [Sea Forum] and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Brazil, Brazil/online, October 6, 2020.

"Erfaringer med utvikling av EVU-kurset Flerkulturell forståelse og kommunikasjon, med fokus på utvikling av struktur i nettkurs" [Experiences with development of the adult continuation course SANT660: Multicultural understanding and communcation], presentation at UiB-seminar "Læring på nett - hvordan legge til rette for EVU-studenten?"[Online learning: how to accomodate the adult continuation course student?], Media City, October 9, 2019.

Frictions: utopian sambas and corporate sustainability in Equinor’s oil- and gas operations in Brazil. Paper presented at ASA 2019: Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges. University of East Anglia, Norwich, 3-6 September 2019

Recursos naturales, el estado, y pobreza en la era de capitalismo extractivo (Natural resources, the state, and poverty in the era of extractive capitalism). Invited guest lecture at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Brazil, August 6, 2019.

In the belly of the beast: rentier capitalism and redistribution of rents as articulated from within the State during the Chávez–years. Paper presented at 2019 Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Boston, May 2019

Inside/outside the enigma of oil in Venezuela: vernacular horizons of transition and the Western intellectual gaze. Paper presented at Petrocultures, Glasgow, Scotland, August 29-September 2, 2018.

State transformation and state stasis in Venezuela: lessons from the Bolivarian project. Paper presented at 2018 Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Barcelona, Spain, May 23-26

The case of Brazil: Preliminary Results and Further Questions. Presentation delivered at the workshop “CSR på norsk”. Department for Social Anthropology, December 14-15, 2017.

“The New Extractivist Frontier in Venezuela: Popular and indigenous protest to El Arco Minero.” Presentation delivered at the workshop “Cosmologies, Indigeneity and Politics of Extractivism in Latin America: Ethnographic Approaches", Department for Social Anthropology, June 21-22, 2016

The revolution is in our hearts. Popular aspirations for a Bolivarian future in Chavez' Venezuela. Presentation delivered at the workshop “Momentums, Histories, Localities and Futures in the Anthropology of Ruptures and Hope”. Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, October 7-8, 2016

"Here we kill eachother over a pair of shoes". Consumption, identity and oil culture in Veneuzela. Paper delivered at the 2016 Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, New York, May 26-31, 2016

Envisioning a post-petro state? Critical discourses on oil-led development in Bolivarian Venezuela. Paper delivered The 8th Nordic Latin American Research Network Conference, Helsinki, June 1, 2015

Searching for Che’s New Man. Rentier Capitalism, Money and Moralities in Bolivarian Venezuela. Paper delivered at Prepared for delivery at the 2015 Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27 - 30, 2015.

"Chavistas, go eat shit." Political polarization, race and class in Bolivarian Venezuela Panel presented at international workshop Rethinking Inequalities in Latin America", Bergen, Norway, March 5-6, 2015.

  • Also acting as co-organizer and co-host, chair and discussant.

Children of Cain? Exploring State and Civil Violence in Latin America. Paper presented at Norwegian Latin America Research Network Conference (Norlarnet), Oslo, Norway, November 27-29, 2013

  • Also acting as panel organizer and co-chair

Violent crime in Venezuela- a View from Below. Paper presented at Norwegian Latin America Research Network Conference, Oslo, Norway, November 27-29, 2013

The Oil that Didnt't Trickle Down: Reflections on the Politics of (broken) Promises in Venezuela. Paper presented at Norwegian Latin America Research Network Conference, Bergen, Norway, October 26-27, 2011

Chair, panel entitled "The Grassroot and the State", Norwegian Latin America Research Network Conference, Bergen, Norway, October 26-27, 2011

Revolutionary identity and cultural and artistic expressions amongst Venezuela's Popular Sectors. Paper presented at Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Conference 2010, Toronto, Canada, October 6-9, 2010

Money and power to the people (?) Development from below in a Caracas barrio- some preliminary observations. Paper presented at Flammable Societies Conference, La Paz/Yungas, Bolivia, July 1-5, 2009

"Here we organize like this". Constructing and Conceptualizing Local Development Projects in a Caracas barrio. Paper presented at The Norwegian Association for Development Research (NFU) Conference, Chr. Michelsens Institute (CMI), Bergen 5-7 November 2007


Equinor in Brazil: Women, social inequalities and CSR (Equinor i Brasil: Kvinner, sosiale ulikheter og CSR). Presentation delivered at Litteraturhuset in Bergen, December 18, 2019. Bergen, Norway.

Equinor in Brazil: Women, social inequalities and CSR (Equinor i Brasil: Kvinner, sosiale ulikheter og CSR). Presentation delivered at Litteraturhuset in Oslo, December 16, Oslo, 2019. Norway.

Konflikten i Venezuela i kontekst [The conflict in Venezuela in context]. Presentation at the The Royal Norwegian Naval Academy, Bergen, March 14, 2019.

Panel participant in panel debate: Venezuela, is there a peaceful solution? Panel organized by SUM, Norwegian Network for Latin Ameria Research (NorLARNet) and the Nobel Peace Center. Nobel Peace Center, Oslo, September 14, 2017.

Panel introducer and panel participant (untitled presentations) at the Globalization-conference, Oslo, October 28-29, 2016. Panels organized by the Norwegian Solidary Committee for Latin America.

Panel participant in panel debate: Parlamentsvalget i Venezuela: mot slutten på Den bolivarianske revolusjonen? (Elections to the National Assembly in Venezuela: towards the end of the Bolivarian Revolution?) Panel debate organized by Norlarnet, Litteraturhuset, Oslo. December 14, 2015

Chavismo after Chavez. Venezuela's Bolivarian Revolution in the Electoral Year 2015. Invited open lecture at the Workers' Educational Association, Stockholm, in collaboration with the University of Stockholm. October 12, 2015


Since 2015- Entry editor for 48 entries in Store Norske Leksikon (the Great Norwegian Encyclopedia), including ‘Venezuela’,’ Venezuela’s history’, ‘Venezuela’s contemporary history’, ‘Hugo Chavez’, ‘Venezuela’s economy and business sector’, ‘Venezuela’s population’ etc.


Promotional videos for the UiB continuation course SANT660: Intercultural communication and Understanding. Produced by Sven Nydal. Participated as script developer, on-camera and editing advisor.

Promotional video for research on Latin America in Norway, produced by Norwegian Latin. American Research Network (Norlarnet). 2017

Promotional video for doctoral education at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Bergen (March 2015), can be watched at

The People and the President: A portrait of the Bolivarian revolution (86min, 2007). A documentary by Iselin Strønen and Hildegunn Wærness. Based on my master’s thesis in Anthropology of Development, the film portrays the presidential elections in Venezuela in December 2006. Original language: Spanish, subtitled in English and Norwegian. Participated as researcher, producer, script developer, camera crew, editor, and translator.


Hva volden forteller og ikke forteller [What the violence conveys and does not convey]. Vagant. No. 4/2017

After the Bolivarian Revolution: What’s in store for Margarita? FOCAAL blog, April 1, 2016. Available at:

Civil-military relations in the pool. Blog post for CMI website, January 2015

Simón Bolívar- a man of war and a symbol of freedom. - with Nefissa Naguib. Blog post for CMI website, April 2014



Teaching experiences (since 2015)

August 2020- August 2021 and January-August 2023: Head of Teaching and leader of the teaching council (undervisningsutvalget), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen

Courses taught:

  • Spring 2023: Multicultural understanding and communication (SANT660-continuation course), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Spring 2021: Multicultural understanding and communication (SANT660-continuation course), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Fall 2020: Academic writing, methods and theory: Anthropological approaches (SANT150), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Spring 2020: SANT260 Bacheloressay (course coordinator, supervisor), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Spring 2020: Multicultural understanding and communication (SANT660-continuation course), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Fall 2019: Academic writing, methods and theory: Anthropological approaches (SANT150), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Spring 2019: Multicultural understanding and communication (SANT660-continuation course), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Spring 2019: SANT260 Bacheloressay (course co-coordinator, supervisor), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Fall 2018: Invitation to Social Anthropology (SANT100), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Fall 2018: Academic writing, methods and theory: Anthropological approaches (SANT150), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Spring 2018: Multicultural understanding and communication (SANT660-continuation course), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen 
  • Spring 2018: Poverty, Welfare and Marginalisation: An Ethnographic Approach to Modern Urban Life (SANT240), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Fall 2017:Academic writing, methods and theory: Anthropological approaches (SANT150), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Fall 2016: Academic writing, methods and theory: Anthropological approaches (SANT150), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Spring 2016: Anthropology, Intervention and Development (SANT220), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
  • Fall 2015: Invitation to Social Anthropology (SANT100), Department of Social Anthropology, University of Bergen
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
Masters thesis
Academic article
Book review
Encyclopedia article
Academic lecture
Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
Academic monograph
Website (informational material)
Other product
Popular scientific lecture
Feature article
Doctoral dissertation

See a complete overview of publications in Cristin.


  • Strønen, I. (2017) Grassroots Politics and Oil Culture in Venezuela: The Revolutionary Petro-State. Palgrave McMillan.Doi: (Available Open Access)

Edited Volumes

  • Strønen, I. and Margit Ystanes (eds) (2017) The Social Life of Economic Inequalities in Contemporary Latin America: Decades of Change. Palgrave McMillan. Doi: (Available Open Access)

Journal articles

  • Strønen, I. (2021) 'The community’ as a multivocal concept: everyday urban life and grassroots politics in Caracas’ informal neighbourhoods. Ethnos- Journal of Anthropology. Oneline-before-print: DOi: 10.1080/00141844.2021.1906294
  • Strønen, I. (2020) Between Social Footprint and Compliance, or "what IBAMA wants": Equinor Brazil's Social Sustainability policy. Focaal 88:40-57. DOI:
  • Strønen, I. (2020) Venezuela's Oil Specter: Contextualizing and Historicizing the Bolivarian attempt to sow the Oil. History and Anthropology. DOI:10.1080/02757206.2020.1762588
  • Strønen, I (2016) Everyday Crafting of the Bolivarian State: Lower-level public officials and grass root activism in Venezuela. Latin American Perspectives (LAP)-Special Issue on the Legacy of Hugo Chavez 44(1):159-179
  • Strønen, I (2013) En Feministisk Revolusjon? Kvinner, kvinnekamp og aktivisme i Chávez' Venezuela (A Feminist Revolution? Women, Women's Struggle and Activism in Chávez's Venezuela), i Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift (NAT) 1/2013

Book chapters

  • Strønen, I. (2023) Between Social Footprint and Compliance, or "what IBAMA wants": Equinor Brazil's Social Sustainability policy, in Knudsen, Ståle (ed.) Corporate social responsibility and the paradoxes of state capitalism. Ethnographies of Norwegian energy and extraction businesses abroad. Oxford: Berghahn Books.
  • Strønen I, and Ystanes M. (2017) Introduction, in Ystanes, M. and Strønen, I (eds.) The Social Life of Economic Inequalities in Contemporary Latin America. Decades of Change. Palgrave McMillan 
  • Strønen, I. (2017) Political Polarization, Colonial Inequalities and the Crisis of Modernity in Venezuela, in Ystanes, M. and Strønen, I (eds.) The Social Life of Economic Inequalities in Contemporary Latin America: Decades of Change. Palgrave McMillan.  
  • Gutierrez, Lirio, R. Iselin Strønen, and Margit Ystanes (2017) Coming of Age in the Penal System: Neoliberalism, ‘mano dura’ and the reproduction of ‘racialized’ inequalities in Honduras. In Ystanes, M. and Strønen, I (eds.) The Social Life of Economic Inequalities in Contemporary Latin America: Decades of Change. Palgrave McMillan 
  • Strønen, I, and Canino, M.V (2015). Oil and Environmental Injustice in Venezuela: An Ethnograpic Study of Punta Cardón, in McNeish, J.A, Borchgrevnik, A, and Logan, O, (eds.) Contested Powers:the politics of energy and development in Latin America, Zed Books
  • Strønen, I. (2011). Development from Below and Oil Money from Above. Popular Organization in Contemporary Venezuela, in McNeish, J.A & Logan, O (eds.) Flammable Societies: Studies on the Socio Economics of Oil and Gas, Pluto Press, London

Book review

  • Strønen, Iselin (2021) Deadline: Populism and the Press in Venezuela, by Robert Samet (book review). Anthropological Quarterly 93 (4)

CMI publication series

  • Nangacovie, M. and I. Strønen (2019). Género e pobreza no periurbano Luandense. CMI Working Paper 10/19. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Strønen, I. and Nagacovie, M. (2018) The Gendering of Poverty and Inequality in Rural Malanje, Angola. CMI Report no. 10/2018. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Strønen, I. et al. (2017) Perpetual Hardships: Female Poverty in Rural Malanje, Angola. CMI Brief. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Strønen, I. et al (2017) Dificuldades Permanentes: Pobreza Feminina em Malanje Rural, Angola. CMI Brief. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Strønen, I. and Margaret Nangacovie (2016) Violence against women in the context of urban poverty in Angola. CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 16. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute 
  • Strønen, I. et al (2016) Violência contra a mulher no contexto da pobreza urbana em Angola. CMI Brief vol. 15 no. 16. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Strønen, I (2016) «Nowadays there are shoot-outs all the time». Women, children, and Police Pacification Units (UPPs) in Rocinha, Rio de Janeiro. CMI Working Paper 2016:7. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Strønen, I (2016) "A Civil-Military Alliance": The Venezuelan Armed Forces before and during the Chavez-era. CMI Working Paper 2016:4. Bergen. Chr. Michelsen Institute
  • Strønen, I (2015) Servants of the nation, defenders of la patria: The Bolivarian Militia in Venezuela. CMI Working Paper 2015:13. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute

PhD dissertation

  • Strønen, I (2014) A Revolutionary Petro-State. Change, Continuity and Popular Power in Venezuela. PhD-dissertation, University of Bergen


  • Real-time evaluation of Norway's international climate and forest initiative. Contributions to a global REDD+ regime 2007-2010. Richard Tipper, Johan Helland, Iselin Åsedotter Strønen et al (2011) Oslo: Norad (Evaluation report no. 12/2010) 82 p.

Current projects:

2020-2026. Environmental sustainability, marine economies and gendered socio-economic inequalities (ENMARINE) | Universitetet i Bergen ( Financed by the Norwegian Reseach Council (NRC) and Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (DIKU). 
Project role: project leader, project member. 

Completed projects:

2015-2019. ENERGETICS. Norwegian energy companies abroad. Expanding the anthropological understanding of corporate social responsibility. 
Financed by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR). 
Project role: project member, responsible for case study of Equinor Brazil's Social Sustainability-policy. 

2015-2018. Angola CEIC/CMI: Gender Relations and Human Rights in Angola. 
Funder: The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Angola
Project role: project member, Angola case studies; sub-project coordinator, Gender and Human Rights.

2013-2016: Everyday Manouvers: Military - Civilian Relations in Latin-America and the Middle East.
Funder: Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (UD).
Project role: project member, Venezuela and Brazil case studies; project editor; project coordinator. 

2008-2010: The Role of the Oil and Gas Industry in the Promotion of Poverty Reduction and Social Volatility
Funder: Norwegian Research Council (NFR)
Project role: PhD candidate

2010-2013: Contested Powers: Towards a Political Anthropology of Energy in Latin-America
Funder: Norwegian Research Council
Project role: project member, Venezuela case study. 

2010: REDD - Norad job no 2-2010 Project member (CMI)



Language skills

Fluent: Norwegian (mother tongue), English and Spanish

Intermediary: Portugese